
(OT) I Saw A Semi-nude Babe Dance Last Night

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It's cold outside. I wrap up well and venture into the night. Hoping my neighbors don't decide to call the cops, I stretch out in the courtyard, place my pillow under my head, and begin to take my pants down. A crust has formed between the skin and the fabric, like icing that has set. I feel the cold, damp concrete under my butt; my hairy cheeks have gotten very cold. But a pile of porn mags cushion my head, and I settle in. I wonder if I will see anything, I am still in the city, and have a fine, new pair of binoculars as I had planned.
'Karen' comes stealing back into her bedroom. It is about 2 a.m., and there's a few local sluts making there way to bed now. Hmmm. I can see her shadow moving in the lamplight, not too far away, but I can hear the laboured panting of my own desire more clearly. God, I haven't had it for AGES! It is different, laying here in the dark, beyond what I usually know. Normally I have to pay for an experience like this. Illegal voyeurism brings a bulge to my pants that, upon observation, is not very big. Damn it! Well...it IS cold, I guess, and, being a kick-ass skygod, I have balls the size of Saturn, at least! I hear the hookers rambling around the alleyway, rustling through the bushes, hunting down a big black geezer with a wallet full of cash. Cash for love...Rented love. Poor bloke, I know how he feels. They corner him, making sure he can't roll away, although he is pretty fat, so it's possible, I guess. They pounce. Crashbangsplat there it goes. He's blown his load already! Not exactly value for money, but whatever. Well, I'll clean it in the morning, I think. I just hope that the whores stay occupied and not come see this lump in the courtyard, this lump that is me.
The sky is gray at the edges of my view, as the clouds come creeping in. Stalking the rooftops is my new past-time since evryone at the DZ found out what an arrogant, sick and twisted bag of shit I am. I have no girlfriends there. But I don't care - none of them wear enough makeup for my liking anyway, the lezzers, I muse, as my desire grows. The misty haze surrounds 'Karen's window, blurring my pervy view, making outlines indistinct and soft. I look into an open gap, a gap not yet occluded by the gauzy curtains, and see deep into her boudoir. JESUS! I look as far as my eyes can take me, deep into the room, the walls are studded by some kind of kinky leather bondage gear! Damnation - some which I can see but more which I cannot! I am in a curtain-polluted city, and cannot see the utter kinkiness which is only hinted at by the cluster of whips and chains. I identify a butt plug, though, and see a box with Ann Summers on the label. Hmmm. My eyes roam her room, and now, I see the faint red glimmer that is Karen's negligee, barely visible. FUCK! Amazing! But where is uranus? Ah...the same old problem, as usual. I reach with my mind, looking, feeling, seeing, the harsh blackness that I'd really love to see better, dancing the eternal dance, circling the black hole.... (Bloody binoculars..can't see much at ALL from here! Hang on a sec...ahhh... )It is not kind, this blackness, Karen's black hold. It is not gentle, nor velvety. It is stern, unforgiving. It is pretty rank, actually, but you've got to take what you can where you can. And let's face it, I'm desperate.
It has been years since I spent time at night outside, I was put off when I was arrested for indecent exposure back in '82.
I wait, patience running low, cold seeping through my skin and deep into my bones. I wait for 'Karen' to complete my fantasy and turn towards the window. Huddled under my coat and in my sweats, y-fronts slung low, I wait.
Until - oh shit!- Splashing across the sky, flies the blue light of the cops - AGAIN! NO!!!! The pigs are here, after me, the fascist bastards! They come from all directions, sailing through the darkness, slicing open the black like brightly colored knives. Like a fart errupting into thin air at 8,000 feet, I make myself scarce before they can get their filthy hands on me again.
But it has touched me, somehow, this half-glimpsed moment alone with 'Karen'. It reaches me, and shows me again the wonder I knew as a teenage wank addict. The wonder of the seedy underworld I live in, the vastness and the greatness that is my home. It reminds me that the world is not only what I see as I trudge through my daytime life, and hide indoors at night. It demands my attention, insists that I go back to the newsagents, and remember, as a man now, that 'Big 'n' Bouncy Babes' is still only $5. And legal.
Hope you all had glorious weekends!

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what exactly is it that you do for a living?

Like you would even know what that means...Go and get a job packing or something. Even if it DOES support the frivolous, extravagant lifestyles of the rich-wanker-non-packing c£$ts we all phukin hate! And while you're at it, ladyboy...get yerself a GUN...it might toughen' u up.

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