
drugs and Pilots/Instructors

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anybody else concerned about our Pilots/Instructors doing Ecstacy all night then flying/teaching us the next day? Is everybody completely retarded or do people know what effects that shit has to the mind afterwards? I presume none of these people have ever had a friend die because of it.

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I presume none of these people have ever had a friend die because of it.

Right . . .
(I guess we shouldn't mention how many people they -also- knew that died from just skydiving.)
Any DZO worth his salt is going to take care of the pilots and instructors and see to it they aren't under the influence. Some DZs have drug testing programs. Some DZs have taken quite a bit of heat because of it. So what? It would only take one incident to lose the entire business.
Hey, I'm NOT into drugs and I don't really want to fly or skydive with people under the influence, but the fact is that if you hang out in this sport long enough and visit enough DZs -- eventually you will. Fact of life.
Avoid the folks that are a little -too- happy.
If there is an OBVIOUS problem . . . do something so the person doesn't hurt you or your friends or himself. However, what other people do on their own time is really no business of yours. Leave your judgements at home.

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I know that there is nothing I can do about it and don't have the balls to name names or places but when I hear stories about the old days it was all pot and alcohol that wore off pretty quick and yes there were some stupid things done whilst under the influence but nowadays drugs seem so much worse. Isn't this such a dangerous drug that affects the mind after the fact? Side effects the person will continue to have, As in:
The use of Ecstasy (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA) has been linked with a wide range of psychiatric sequelae such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, depersonalisation, derealisation, cognitive deficits, flashbacks, hallucinations and other perceptual disorders, and paranoid delusions and other forms of psychotic phenomena.
I guess I'll just leave it at that and hope to god I'm never on the plane when the pilot has been rollin the night/days before. It's just such a shame that such a wonderful sport could be ruined by the stupidty of certain people.
Thanks for the reply - I appreciate you words.

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However if getting lit up on their own time and then falling at 120mph with me and hour later is the case it then becomes my buisiness!!

That's why you avoid the ones that are -too- happy.
(I'll agree that this would all be different for a pilot or instructor.)
During jumpable hours you -may- consider what somebody is doing out in the parking lot and you -may- consider reporting it to the DZO or S&TA, but after sunset . . . let people go their own way.
Again, any DZO worth his salt is NOT going to let his pilots and instructors work while stoned. It's just bad business. You may report a pilot and instructor that you seriously believe is impared, but you better be DAMN certain in your beliefs.
Exactly which "big time" DZ was this anyway?

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my god NO - I have heard nothing but good things about Toogoolawah. I just like the name so use it as my username. I am from the States and jump here but wanted a different name. If you think this may cause problems with what I have posted please tell me and I'll change the name. Sorry I never thought that would imply that I was talking about Toogoolawah.
On another note, did you meet Jimbo when he was working out there as a tandem/aff jumpmaster?

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cool just wanted to get it clear especially if my pilots are dopen up i wanna know bout it :)
Jimbo from perth yer he bout his girl over too, great guy i think he is working on the sunshine cost now good jumper to :)
oh and keep the name its an awsome place :) and its clear to everyone now that it wasnt t-wah so its cool

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I'm sorry you don't have the balls to frame those Idiots that do that. If I would have the knowledge about a Pilot being under the influence of drugs and flying a plane I would get that bastard busted asap.
Because it's my arse that's on the line and don't anybody give me this "that's his business bullshit". Also the line with ...the guy is a skydiver too... well fine but I don’t give a fuck.
Look toogoolawah, you don't do anybody a favour by keeping it quiet. Either you have the proof that it happen because you were there and you have seen it and you're going to stand tall for that or you just bring a ...I heard it through my sisters friends, who's mother neighbour’s carwash Joe told her about some wild party at the DZ.
Well we all know that drugs is a part of our sport (beer – sorry I had to say that) and other fine specimen of substances that will help to keep our memory of the day as present as possible – or make that wuffo look real good after the 10th beer – what ever.
There is NO solidarity with this and I could never jump again if I would know, that a plane went down because the pilot was stoned and I knew about it and my friends just got carried away in a body bag. Fuck what a nightmare.
This is nothing personal – but if I get hurt or a friend of mine then it gets really personal and (most) skydivers are my friends…
Blue ones

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the old days it was all pot and alcohol that wore off pretty quick and yes there were some stupid things done whilst under the influence but nowadays drugs seem so much worse. ...The use of Ecstasy (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA) has been linked with a wide range of psychiatric sequelae such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, ...and other forms of psychotic phenomena.

I agree with you that it would be disgusting to have pilots/ instructors, or even just your skydiving mates that you jump with, doing so whilst 'under the effects' of E or coke or whatever.
However, I do kind of object to your making this huge distinction between drugs of 'the old days' and today's scene. I just think it's a bit innaccurate. Pot has pretty much all the same effects you list above for e...so I think being all high (excuse the pun) and mighty about these 'modern' fuckups who do class A's is a bit hypocritical. For that matter, booze has killed a fuck load more people than E, coke or heroin, and I'm not too keen on skydiving with, or being flown by, someone under the influence (or hungover from) that, either.
It's all poison, it's just which one you choose, IMHO.
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

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Oh man, I really wish you hadn't written that - against that handle!
Toogoolawah DZ is a commercial venture, it's how a family puts a roof over it's head and food on the table. It's many people's living. The DZO right now will be shaking his head thinking "I don't really want CASA nor customers to think my staff & pilots are on drugs!" Toogoolawah staff do not fly nor skydive pissed, stoned or twisted.
Let the record show; I was at Toogoolawah for the Aussie Nationals - in late December 2001 through to New Year. I saw no evidence, nor heard of any rumors of pilots, JMs, TMs or jumpers taking to the sky pissed or twisted. NB: Zero loads done on new years day.
Drug use among skydivers in Australia is a something that makes abit of noise from time to time. Basically, alot of skydivers use drugs recreationally. In my experience it's relatively rare that someone is stupid enough to endanger themselves and others by skydiving after a "huge" night out - whatever the source of their "nectar of the gods."
I've never ever seen a pilot drunk or doped up on the job god almighty help them if I do [ and have evidence ].

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i won't while jumping, but after that its my time, beer light on, ill do what the fuck i want to. And if thats lighting a fatty then got nowt to do wih you- if you don't like it don't stand next to me while lit. Weed has no real after/comedown problem, X on the other hand ive seen people well down next day so maybe there should be a time period for that.

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For that matter, booze has killed a fuck load more people than E, coke or heroin,

Yes booze may have killed more people but more peoplt have died from one hit of crack, coke, herion, than from one bottle of beer!!!
Shit I take a pilot with one can of beer in his system anyday over a pilto that just shot up!!!

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You guys are kinda slow at picking this up. He WASN'T TALKING ABOUT TOOGOOLAWAH!!
What's that, the third time now?
O bythw way, how many fucks are in a fuckload?:D is that a Carl Sagan expression: "billions and billions, one might say, a veritable FUCKLOAD of stars!!"
sorry, I'm working late & my brain is crawling out of my ears again.
Speed Racer
"My God! It's full of stars!"

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See if you got off your high horse (no pun intendid and no offence intendid) then there wouldn't be those deaths. Prohibition leads to alternative sources these are the people who put shit into our drugs, these are the people that are killing. On the issue that herion and E are dangerous even in pure, unadulterated form true there will be deaths (but are you or are you not involved in a sport for the buzz that could ultimatley lead to death). The idea that herion is a one shot killa is bull, watching despatches or pannorama it revealed that (this was scientsts by he way) that H wasn't as near as dangerous as they had previusly admitted, nor was the addict likley to lead a dysfunctional life but quite simply the effects of the prohibition did (the impurities, societies scorn of addicts). Just my 0.02£
Please don't take my word for it but atleast research it with open eyes.
News archives (i know pannarama, despatches etc have very good programs about it)
See the government makes its recomendation on scientist reports plus how its percieved generally by people. They make laws and recomendations on how we should live but the problem is they use old research, outdated and ilthought. New research is never used when it should be, now (even when its totally shown old stuff to be bollocks). I did psychology at A-level and the most recent research given in the books was from 1970's we had to find the new stuff. The government is peddling old, illinformed, prejuidiced research and it effects laws, it effects us and its killing people.

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chickenhawk. not that I care but if you are trying to prove a point that drugs are not bad or additcive you may whant to qoute another source than hightimes. The credibility just is not there when the source is biased. and I know it works both ways.

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Yeah I gotta agree with DON here....I dont care whhat any of you say it is a fact that DRUGS are not good for you. Maybe in specail medical casese under a controlled enviremnet but other than tht there is no debate. you may have an opionion that coke and herion , what ever can be good in its what ever form but come on people your not that dumb are you. Dont try to tell me that doing any kind of drug is benifcail to your boidy Unless it is a very specail case like I mentioned before!!! Am I saying dont do drugs.....no ....do what you want ...And when it comes to alcohol...studies have show that a glass of wine or an 8 oz beer is actually good for the body!!!!! So put your drugs away and lets just have a beer!!

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Just tell your pilots/instructors to take some 5-HTP (available at your local GNC store) to replenish their brain's supply of seratonin within minutes instead of days. And if possible to take an SSRI (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.) as well. Here's how it works: MDMA (ecstasy) enters the seratonin neuron and causes a massive release of seratonin. One of the ways (if not THE way) MDMA enters the 5-HT (seratonin) neuron is through the seratonin reuptake transporter. By blocking 5-HT reuptake, you also seem to significantly block MDMA's entry into the cell, thus reducing its effects. I have seen microdilysis data wherein an SSRI stopped the fenfluramine-caused increase in extracellular 5-HT. Some people take SSRIs and 5-HTP several hours after taking MDMA. This is not to prolong or potentiate the MDMA trip but to prevent the possibility of a neurotoxin entering the 5-HT cell and damaging the cell's axons. Trust me on this one.

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