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  1. Just tell your pilots/instructors to take some 5-HTP (available at your local GNC store) to replenish their brain's supply of seratonin within minutes instead of days. And if possible to take an SSRI (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.) as well. Here's how it works: MDMA (ecstasy) enters the seratonin neuron and causes a massive release of seratonin. One of the ways (if not THE way) MDMA enters the 5-HT (seratonin) neuron is through the seratonin reuptake transporter. By blocking 5-HT reuptake, you also seem to significantly block MDMA's entry into the cell, thus reducing its effects. I have seen microdilysis data wherein an SSRI stopped the fenfluramine-caused increase in extracellular 5-HT. Some people take SSRIs and 5-HTP several hours after taking MDMA. This is not to prolong or potentiate the MDMA trip but to prevent the possibility of a neurotoxin entering the 5-HT cell and damaging the cell's axons. Trust me on this one.