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hottamaly wrote:
Sounds good, but I won't be seen with anyone (male that is) with boobies bigger than mine

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I was wondering what atrracted you to skydiving?

I was one of those kids that you see at the airport that hangs around the fence and watches airplanes takeoff and land.
When I was a kid we lived about a mile and a half west of the Long Beach airport and inline with one of the runways used by small airplanes. I remember watching Sky King and Ripcord on TV. I can't remember a time when I didn't want to fly. Like most kids, I built kites and model airplanes and dreamed of the day when I would.
I wasted a good portion of my life before I actually had the resources to climb into the left seat of a mighty Cessna 172. One thing lead to another and I ended up with an instrument rating, commercial certificate, ground and flight instructor ratings. Had a pretty good time learning aerobatics in a Decathalon. I could do all of the basic maneuvers that the airplane was capable of and I knew every nut and bolt on that airplane, but there was one piece of equipment I was required to have, but didn't know diddly about -- the parachute.
One day I was talking about this with my wife and I guess she was listening because on my 40th birthday she sent me out to Perris for an AFF Level 1.
I've pretty much given up flying airplanes.
Skydiving is pretty powerful stuff.

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Uh... then why are there no stories or pictures of you with another girl or her boobies out there?

I do have pictures and someone else has video. You just haven't seen 'em. Once i get a scanner i'll email you the pictures though.
Cowboy take me away, fly this girl as high as you can into the wildblue ~ Dixie Chicks

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I was an airport bum as a kid too... I'd logged 20 hours of dual with my dad before I was 10. Then I remember seeing the Golden Knights demo jump into the Springfield Air Rendezvous when I was 13 or 14, and I thought, hey, that looks like fun. Never thought I could actually do it though. Fast forward to freshman year of college: the infamous "Falling Illini" are in the back of my head, and after I turned 18, I researched the hell out of it, and decided, hey, I want to, and it'd be cool to say "yeah, I've done that."
Damn if I didn't get hooked immediately... now I run the school club... and I've never looked back!

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Skydiving had just never occurred to me. Then one day in 1999 (I was 34) a friend emailed me & said she was trying to get a group together to try skydiving (AFF-1). Suddenly a little cartoon lightbulb appeared over my head & so I tried it & I was scared shitless but I loved it!:)Speed Racer
"My God! It's full of stars!"

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Always dreamed I could fly with my body, ever since I can remember- would dream I invented a pill you could take, wait 15 seconds, flap yer arms and take off... or that I was flying underwater in slo-motion with winged feet, without needing oxygen, or a magical clear pillow that floated on air would appear in front of me and I would run away from my playmates and jump to catch it, then go floating away over the treetops....:D sometimes, you CAN have yer dreams!....
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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