
Who loves you???

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Then PM him and express your disdaine at the use of *that* word. He was trying to be humorous and same with his reply, since you weren't very clear in your initial reply. Give him the benifit of the doubt, drop him a PM expressing your opinion. We have people here from all walks of life, from all over the globe, different words mean different things to everyone, same with the severity of the offense between the different words. :)Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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I don't get it. You can say titts, you can f#@k but you can't say penis?
Which point am I missing here? There is worse to call it like d... and c... well what ever, you get the point (not?).
Let's not have the PM come down with a list of words that are off limits. And then again - if he/she can make a list that you just have to click on to but them into text, that would ok. ;)
blue ones

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