
Ok Texans Rally up!!

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Please don't take this the wrong way... I'm not trying to be an elitist snob, really I'm not. My whole goal is that any and all dz.com record attempts be done as safely as possible.

SCRs and SCSes certainly aren't "slot-perfect," as a general rule, but they're awesome because by their very nature they include low-timers with high-timers. I don't think they're unsafe.

And I agree with you - SCR dives with a couple of low timers on them are great fun and are not inherently unsafe. But from all the talk going around here, I can see the record easily getting into the high teens or bigger in the near future.
A dive with 15-20 people on it is a bit more complex than an 8 way SCR dive. As the record gets bigger, it is going to require a higher skill level from each of the participants if it is going to be broken and broken safely. Is this going to limit these dives to jumpers above a certain skill level? Yes, it is.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't feel that doing a double digit dive not slot perfect is safe. Personally, I'd be somewhat uncomfortable knowing that there was a possibility that one or more other jumpers might be headed for the same slot that I'm planning to dock on; in my experience those kind of dives can rapidly become "clusterfucks" - and clusterfucks are, imho, not safe places to be.
Should a majority of others here feel differently than I do, I'll gladly step back from my position. Again, my whole goal in this is making these jumps as safe as possible, and in view of that any record attempt over 10 that I'm on will be flown slot perfect.
Flame on.
pull and flare,
What would Scooby Doo?

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Dear, you make perfect sense...I guess I just don't want it to reach a point where some of us can't participate...remember?? It was gonna' be fun bragging rights stuff...but I can't stop progress, can I??
BOOBIES, BOOBIES, BOOBIES, BOOBIES...(Whoops, I said it again...Tee-hee...)

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Thats why instead of just an RW record their can be other records like Freefly, most number of funnels on the same dive, most CReW rotations, most number of jumps to clear student status, ect...... :)But if I'm jumping with 10+ people at the same time I want a stable base and slots to fly to. If its just going to be a round, thats fine, but I want to at least know entrance order and who is coming in from the far side and such. I've been on an 17 way with way, way too little experience and although it helped by putting most the low timers in the base, I would never want to repeat the dive. We started peeling off at 6500 because it was such a mess.
The last thing that I ever want to happen is someone get injured or worse in pursuit of some bragging rights.....
Political Correctness-At least one person at any one time will be offended by something

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Phree--I like your idea about all the different records. See my other post in the record rules thread to see my disdain of RW, but the other fun records could be great. :)We could have a fall rate dive record ;) (made from a picture taken of a pro-track and confirmed by another dz.commer present at the time), freefly record, CReW records, etc. That would be great.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Thats why instead of just an RW record their can be other records like Freefly, most number of funnels on the same dive, most CReW rotations, most number of jumps to clear student status, ect......

That sounds good...I only have 421 jumps now, so I'm still a beginner...and I can funnel a jump with the best of them...lol.
BOOBIES, BOOBIES, BOOBIES, BOOBIES...(Whoops, I said it again...Tee-hee...)

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I think that slot perfect and everyone in are important.

Absolutely agree! Slot Perfect and everyone is are important for all the reasons already mentioned..plus some.
Rounds can be slot perfect - and lowtimers and RW and even FREEFLYERS...yes freeflyers, can all fall together and make a round, with slot perfect positions and everyone skydiving the plan, and everyone can get in.
I would prefer that it wouldn't be required to be announced in advance (like a list) . ... but feel free to let everyone know if your planning one! ..so they can show up if possible.
Things like Boogies and visitors and organizing can be crazy enough on any regular Saturday. I think , if the people are there and want to.. we should be able to just "go for it".
I love the idea of multiple records for different aspects of the sport too.
Maybe even DZ.com Falcon Numbers...(4 dotcommers doing a four point four way.number one....)
Great Idea's and I'm enjoying the discussion. The honor will come from completing the task as a record using predefined criteria.
Fly Your Slot !

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Slot perfect or it does not count. Anything else is trash. No pride in that. (unless you are a Texican)

This kind of attitude is exactly what I'd like to avoid.
BUT, having slept on it, I agree that slot-perfect is the way to keep these things safe, and I'm all about safety. I never thought you were being elitist, Lisa -- I'm just a little melancholy that I won't be able to join in for a few years or couple hundred jumps or whatever.
So I guess I'll just have to go for one of the other records -- most points turned on a naked jump or something. ;)

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