
Let's all bash on Hixxx

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Lets all just take a minute of our time to give Hixxx a proper verbal raping. Why you ask? Well just look at his picture (attached) and you can see what a devil worshiper he is. Not enough reason you say? Well how about one of the following:
1. He can't freefly to save his ass.
2. He wins swooping gold in Nebraska without swooping half as far as the real champion.
3. He polutes the airplane with his rank stench on almost every load. I've smelled a lot of farts but DAMN! Put a cork in it dude.
4. He just deserves it cause he's ugly.
Fire away!

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yes, its a very good joke, and we need so many more jokes like this. especially in a moderated forum that is for Swooping and canopy Control discussions. its great to dilute the information in this forum with awsome jokes like this.
Muff 914

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"Biggest pair you've ever seen... Dingleberry!"
Guess where the quote comes from and win a huge pile of nothing.

The rooftop hockey scene, from Kevin Smith's "Clerks"
Damn, I love that movie!
"That's nothing, one time I called this chick, 'mom.'"

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