
From and about London...

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Heya all,
I've received quite a few emails in the past month asking about how I'm doing in London. Thanks to everyone who wrote me. I though I'd drop a few thoughts and, as always, a few pictures in here. :)It's interesting how you often don't know what you like about a place until you take off and go live somewhere else. London is theatre. London is pub life. London is museums. London is the Tube. London is old buildings. London is shopping. London is fashion. All beautiful things... but London is not a home for any soul who's life-blood comes from the outdoors.
Work is going very well. Settled in, working hard, nice house on the River Thames which I share with two blonde twins! (no skreamer, don't even think about it!)
I've traveled around the countryside a bit and there are some interesting villages, but after a while they all seem to look the same - almost like the green hills. It's time to travel wider. With a bit of luck the weather may improve in this lifetime still and I'll go explore a bit further up north around the Lake District (which I believe is beautiful)
I have taken hundreds of photos in and around London. I dropped just a small selection on the usual spot. I've also included a few from Cambridge.
Easter is coming up at the end of next month. I was thinking of going back to San Francisco, taking my Cruiser out of storage and riding it to nowhere for 8 days. But I also have my eye on Egypt... we'll see how it goes.
Still, I consider myself lucky to have the opportunity to live here for a while. Plan to make the most of London while I'm here. It's a nice central base for seeing Europe - and I guess that's the way to look at it. Trying my best to see all the tourist spots because when I leave here, I don't see a lot of reasons why I'll come back again soon. San Francisco on the other hand.... expect me back, not just to visit.... :)Safe swoops

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Some of the best pic's of London iv'e seen for a long while, can't remember it looking like that, very stylish, & I lived there for 20 odd years.
Now I've started to travel I can see no reason to return, there's far too many places to see.
PS. Superglue worked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
"Skydiving's a source, it'll change your life, swear to God"

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they're sisters right
That would be right....

both of 'em? :)i havent checked all the pic yet(slow computer) but im interested in vegas,i'll be moving there soon,
as well as the rest!
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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nice photo's sangiro,
glad to hear your having a good time! now i saw like 3 pictures of the same bridge..ya planing a base jump off it? ;) .... ya know, the 2nd annual dropzone.com euro boogie will be coming soon in the spring will the head honcho himself be attending??? and if ya get a chance catch a cheap flight on "Ryan Air" outa stansted into germany. should cost ya lest than 100 usd round trip and it's only an hour flight...lots of cool stuff in germany!!! and the beer isn't bad either!!!! lol take it easy...have fun.... say hi to the twin's twins for me......

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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