
Daniel Pearl

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Jess, I was shocked and deeply saddened when I learned today that a fellow journalist had died at the hands of his captors. I can only hope that justice prevails, and the people who did this to him spend the rest of their lives confined to a prison cell.

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Are you kidding me?! How bout spending the rest of their lives awaiting execution

No, I don't believe in that .If you take a life, you are no different than the person you execute -- a murderer. Fortunately, my country was wise enough to do away with the death penalty decades ago.
Flame on, I don't give a shit.

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If you take a life, you are no different than the person you execute -- a murderer. Fortunately, my country was wise enough to do away with the death penalty decades ago.

Your opinion. Personally I think some people deserve to die.

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I think some people deserve to die.

not only that, but I don't want to have to pay to keep them in prison for the rest of their lives ... prisons are full enough as it is. I do have to admit tho ... juries DO make mistakes sometimes, and sometimes those mistakes don't get corrected in the appeals system. It's not perfect, but it's the best we have ...

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Yeah, it's much better to lock them up

Heh, funny thing is that while I believe in the death penalty. I think jail time for anything but violent offenders is pretty silly.
As if locking someone in a cage is really going to teach them anything. Any-hoo, this thread got waaaay off-topic. I hope they catch the bastards that did this.

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Ever read the Old Testiment?

Well -- NO! I haven't. But I don't believe in omnipotent beings, either... and like someone else said - it's my opinion ... and I'm entitled! The cool thing about living in where I do is that we (well, most of us, anyway) CAN have our own opinions. While I may not agree with your opinion, I will defend your right to it!

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While I may not agree with your opinion, I will defend your right to it!

Yeehaw!! :)And on a different note....
I've been editing stories about this poor guy all night. It's making me want to cry. I feel vaguely like I do when a cop is killed in the line of duty, but weirder, because he was a member of my profession. One of the ink-stained wretches. This guy was, in essence, trying to solve a crime -- he was tracking down the group behind that guy who tried to blow up that plane with his shoes. Kind of a hero, IMO. :(

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Kind of a hero, IMO

Agreed! Few people are aware how many journalists around the world die performing their duties... I feel for his friends and family. Anytime you go into a volatile country, and try to make your way to the trouble makers, you are taking huge risks. Daniel put it on the line to get the story, but paid the ultimate price. Go ahead and cry, Jessica... you will feel a bit better after. I've wept at work. In our business, we distance ourselves from the emotion of a story, but sometimes those protective walls we build are broken down, and our humanity surfaces. I edited an award winning series several years ago about the murder of a six year old girl - when my daughters were very young - Iand as I was receiving the award at the banquet, I reminded everyone in the audience that while the newsteam was very proud of our work, it was a very difficult project, and the elation I felt in winning the award paled in comparison to the grief I felt for little Dawn Shaw and her family... sometimes we have to step back and just admit to ourselves that the world is really a dangerous place, filled with violence, hatred, and ignorance..... I think I'm rambling now, so I'll just stop here...

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Few people are aware how many journalists around the world die performing their duties...

Yes. I feel very isolated sometimes. Journalists are viewed as predators by so many, when almost all of us have nothing but the noblest of intentions.
Facts from a story I worked tonight:
Pearl was the 9th journalist killed since the Afghan war began.
More than a dozen others have been robbed, arrested, kidnapped, or shot at.
The Taliban had offered a bounty of $50,000 to $100,000 to anyone who killed a journalist.
More than 1,400 journalists have been killed on the job since 1812, more than 700 of them covering wars.
118 journalists were imprisoned at the end of 2001.
Take a look at the coverage in your paper or on the local or national news, and think about the people who work constantly to keep us informed -- which translates, in many ways, to free.
Damn, that was preachy. :P

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Take a look at the coverage in your paper or on the local or national news, and think about the people who work constantly to keep us informed -- which translates, in many ways, to free

or misinformed.......happens alot ya know....
now on the death penalty thing.....I totaly disagree with the death penalty...all we are doing is sinking to there level....it doesn't mean I dont want certain people dead...its just I couldnt live with myself if I put an innocent man on death row due to sloppy police work or prosecution.....
"...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape"

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Take a look at the coverage in your paper or on the local or national news, and think about the people who work constantly to keep us informed -- which translates, in many ways, to free.

IMHO. I agree as long as their goal is to keep us informed. I have observed a bias or agenda behind way too many journalists to not be cynical about this. One trait of a true profession is that they police their own ranks. If journalists want to regain the respect they had before 'Watergate' they might want to look into this.

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Few people are aware how many journalists around the world die performing their duties

Not to sound insensitive.........BUT
Last I checked, we are at WAR, which rougly translated means if you can't hang with the big dogs, STAY ON THE PORCH!!
For every Daniel Pearl there is, there are hundreds of soldiers whose names we do not know in the same position. He was in a hostile area and not a trained person for that. Does anyone else see a recipe for disaster?? Leave the war games to the professionals (which even die with their years of training) and do not muck things up by gettin caught.
Yes the numbers of journalists who die is large, but so is that of our soldiers. Why do you think the enemies want the reporters so bad, they are easy targets! In my opinion, there are ways to keep the public informed other than being in that situation.
Again, sorry if this comes off as insensitive.

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we are at WAR

Ya, right ... the richest, most heavily armed country in the world at war with one of the poorest, most poverty ridden countries on the planet??? Many Afghan soldiers still do battle on horseback! Anyway, soldiers sign up knowing full well that they are expected to kill or be killed. Journalists sign up to tell their viewers/readers the truth.

In my opinion, there are ways to keep the public informed other than being in that situation.

So what is this method you profess to have ?

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pretty funny bbarnhouse:D

For every Daniel Pearl there is, there are hundreds of soldiers whose names we do not know

well put. and ifly has a piont about knowing what we sign up for. but does that mean our fallen heros dont deserve a little repsect? (not attacking you iflyme i know these arent YOUR words)
but what about the soldiers who die during routine travel?or during humanitarian operations?
daniel pearl's death is a disappiontment;(for lack of a better word) he was not over there forcing his mind on anyone he was simply taking pictures(i know reports do more then that,i'm down playing it here)
but i also believe the cowards who killed him should be crushed!(twice):)getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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Ya, right ... the richest, most heavily armed country in the world at war with one of the poorest, most poverty ridden countries on the planet???

So......what you are trying to say is that for it to be a 'war/ the two combatants must be evenly matched? Sorry but we're not going to sacrifice our soldiers just so your sense of 'right' and 'wrong' can be satisfied. This 'poor, poverty ridden' country contributed to the death of almost 3,000 Innocent civilians.
DO NOT try to compare the bravery of a war time journalist making $100,000 to $200,000 a year or more to a soldier making $20,000 to $30,000 a year.

Journalists sign up to tell their viewers/readers the truth.

Journalists sign up in hopes of making a big name for themselves. They do this not by reporting what is going on but by breaking some supposed 'scandal' or 'mistake' made by the people actually in the ring and doing the work. They have turned into a group of high paid critics. Here is a little quote from Theodore Roosevelt that sums it up quite well:

It is not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.

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