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First, I have insurance, I pay for the extended policy to cover my death in a skydiving accident, and my Health insurance is up to date.
Now, if you don't have the strength to put a name behind your post - Go Away.
That is why you qualify as a Troll.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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Will this be the norm now? Anytime a troll comes along, it just gets locked? I definitely didn't agree with the things that happened in the near past and cheered loudly when the Greenies Put an end to it.
But that was one of the things that made DZ such a good place. We could speak our minds even if it were controversial with a few exceptions that obviously crossed the line. Other people's opinions while different were still respected. and the rule was "if you don't like the subject don't read it "
It's sad to see that some childish assholes have brought this site to a point where censorship is becoming the norm.
I'm not talking about your pig tails, I'm talking about your sex appeal.... hit the road and I'm gone....

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But Tom didn't you tell me if anything hapenned to you jumpin to take your rig off and drag you out on to the freeway??
Just kidding..............hehehehe........haha.......lol.......:)People should have insurance no matter what they do in life stranger.........
Silly rabbit tricks are for kids..............

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Taking the chance that this _isn't_ a troll, I'll try to answer it.
>And I'm supposed to feel sorry for these people ? I have insurance. All my
> skydiving friends have insurance. And I'm supposed to cough up money along
> with everyone else at the dropzone to pay this guy's bills and put food on his
> kid's plates ? When he was irresponsible ?
You don't have to. At our DZ, we collected a few thousand dollars for a friend of ours who was hurt and who _did_ have insurance - but insurance doesn't pay for everything. If she hadn't had insurance, we would have tried a lot harder to collect the money to pay for her care, although we would have almost certainly come up short (Keith was running out of hair, for one.) She would have been working the rest of her life to pay her bills, which is the risk one takes by not having insurance.
If you are the kind of person who can see a friend of yours get hurt and not care, then I don't think you need to contribute to such a fund. Is that the answer you were looking for?
-bill von

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First... all my insurance is payed, its maxed out in fact. I opted for the highest coverage I could get. I know all my friends have some type of coverage either because they are in school (required to be full time student) or they have it through work. The only ones I know are uninsured are a few of the JM's that have basic personal insurance and thats it....
The only reason I want this one locked is because its done Anon. HH turned the anon function off on the site a long time ago to prevent this exact behavior. Posting comments and not taking accountibility for them. I can log in under a new name and trash anything I want to if I don't have to take acountibility for it. But as soon as the accountibility is there, I'm more likly to think twice before shooting comments or remarks out that might offend others.
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend... ~3EB

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Hell, most of the "old timer" posters have said something that was off-color or had a rant of some sort, etc in the past and will in the future under their real names. Remember something, if they wanted to the Moderators could reviel your identity via your IP address, which is available to them, since it is recorded when you post.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with what you posted, it *could* have been a valid thread, but you killed with troll like activities.
Currently, I don't have my own insurance, I'm under my parent's plans until I get out of school, BUT once I am out, I'll eventually get some (once I'm out of the military, especially). Something to consider: you could die bowling, you never know. Hell, you could die taking a shower, typing out your next post or walking to your car, etc.
Chill Winston...
"I don't want to destroy your sweater, lets be friends and just walk away..."

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Yep, Bill's right. If it bugs you, look the other way when the collection happens. It's kind of apparent you don't care if people think you're a jerk.
A few words on health insurance: it's fucking expensive, and very difficult to get and keep if you don't have a job that provides it. Health insurance is one of the main reasons I'm afraid to leave the "normal job" world.
Also. Having health insurance does not necessarily guarantee that a skydiving injury will be covered. Why do you think there's a mad rush to get people out of their gear before the ambulance comes? Saving the gear is only part of it. Insurance companies have some bastard-like tendencies. I'm peripherally involved in the health-care industry, and I know that they will reject obviously necessary procedures just to see if they can get away with it. I've seen doctors jump through hoops just to get a woman a much-needed hyserectomy.
Obviously, it's better to have health insurance. But in this day and age, it's not laziness or irresponsibility that prevents one from having it, as you seem to be implying.
No, it's not updated.

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Easy solution, move somewhere civilised like the UK. We still have the heart and compassion to look after injured people for free whether or not they have private medical cover.....
Probably explains why we don't have the same litigation culture you guys seem to suffer from.
Counter troll?:D
It aint what you fly, its how you fly it!

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Don't get me wrong Phree.... I agree with you that people should take accountability for what they write. My point is that we are responsible for ourselves.
If a Troll comes along and it pisses us off, we need to take accountability for our actions. It's one thing for a Troll to pick a fight, it's OUR own fault for replying. IF we don't like the subject matter, ignore it. IF we have really strong opinions about it and want to go for a few rounds with an idiot looking for the fight,Then by all means, go for it. Just remember to play by the House rules.
House Rules equals Greenies and HH doing what they think is best including locking threads.
It is bothersome to me that we can not turn down any fight that comes along and let ourselves get out of hand. It's our own fault for putting the Greenies in a position where they have to lock things down.
After all, we are adults.... for the most part at least
I'm not talking about your pig tails, I'm talking about your sex appeal.... hit the road and I'm gone....

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