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Shit, sounds like the local dz bar to me...
Seen in last week's issue of "As the Prop Turns" :
2 men, ages 24 and 36, respectively, were seen at the dz prop bar Friday night consuming what was judged to be a normal amount of hard liquor and beer (12 shots apiece and about a case each)...usually the altitude freaks who frequent this establishment crawl home, but these two Bill and Ted (names have been changed to protect those involved) had to be taken to their trailers by WHEELBARROW. The wheelbarrow is in the shop until its tire can be replaced, due to holes from cigarette butts still lit - littering - the floor! (pun intended) The DZO took strong measures this week by having this brass sign (see attachment, post 1, page 1) custom made. "I had to take matters into my own hands," he said. "The guys aren't important - its the women I'm worried about, we can't have them getting scars on their knees."
This reporter will conduct more interviews during the week to see if we can get to the BUTT of the problem. Some witnesses suggest mandatory "Nicorette" gum for smokers who are imbibing in the bar. Poll to follow!
Your local correspondent,
Can you Trip like I do?

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If you can still crawl you need another beer or 6

hehe, more then once a buddy has found me passed out in the hallway or the head and even once in my own door way...sort of funny, actually. :D
"I don't want to destroy your sweater, lets be friends and just walk away..."

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Are you quoting me? Did I say this?
Sounds like something I would say.

I'm not sure, if you said it in the pub it is entirely possible, in which case I apologize for plagerizing. :)--
I think I'm an inch shorter from that opening

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I can never remember a thing I said in the Pub anyway.

I wish I had that problem. I remember all too well (sliding off chair). But will that stop me from downing three or four (or more...) beers and typing things I might regret again tomorrow night? Hell no.
See you all there! And some of you really need to hang out instead of sneaking away when it starts getting... umm.... y'know.... ;)
pull and flare,

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Oh no. And I remember offering to sit on you so you wouldn't have that problem.

I do seem to remember propping lisa up against a wall so she wouldn't fall over, and having you thrown over my shoulder at one point.... lol
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See, I tried to explain this to my man, that nobody remembers what they said in the Pub anyway. He thinks we're all TERRIBLE! I said well we're all drunk! He just laughed. I said REALLY - that's why its called HAPPY HOUR!! DOH!!!!
Anyway, I won't be there tonight, I'll miss you guys! I am going to visit my dad for two days. Chat with ya next time!
Can you Trip like I do?

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