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Today, on my local radio station, it was "meat-out day". I don't know if this was a local "thing" or not, but they were having a day without eating meat and given alternatives. So I was wondering how many of you are vegetarians? I don't know if I classify as a vegetarian, but I don't eat red meat.
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I'm vegan. Have been for almost 3 years now. For those that have no idea what veganism is, it's, absolutely NO animal products/byproducts. That goes from everything from fish, to animal derived folic acid, gelatin, etc. right down to the chemicals ingredients. very strict, but surprisingly easy to live. The food is great once you get used to it, and you feel great too.
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I've never really liked red meat, but after the 'scare' we had in our area a few years ago of E-Coli, I haven't eaten red meat. I guess I just don't like the idea of everything that is contained in red meat. I do miss Hamburgers, a lot, but there are good alternatives on the market.

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I like eggs. Omelletes especially. And chocolate milk. And cheese ('cause, I mean, what's an omellete without cheese?). So I can't be a hardcore vegetarian.
I also really like big juicy hamburgers. So I can't even be one of those borderline, too wussy to go all the way, doing it because my new girlfriend wants me to and I haven't gotten laid in a really long time, vegetarians.

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I don't eat mammals or birds or reptiles. I also don't wear leather or eat anything that has mammals or birds or reptiles in it.
I went vegetarian in high school, tried going vegan for a while, and lost too much weight, and started eating seafood again in college. I'm pretty happy with the way things are. Don't think I could go back to eating furry or feathered beasts.
No, it's not updated.

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god, I love eating meat. About the only thing I really don't eat is sea food, but a good large steak, marinated just so...hmmmm...:)hehe, my goal someday is to have a nice ranch somewhere in N. Texas with just enough cattle to keep my freezer and huge-ass grill stocked.
"I don't want to destroy your sweater, lets be friends and just walk away..."

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i dont like any pork products i dont classify my self a a veggie just a verry picky eater stay with beef
alerigic to srimp but love crawfish(crayfish to you yankees)
like my steaks dead!!!! welll done im just picky thats it!!!
if ya can't dodge it RAM IT !!!!!!

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I became a vegetarian when I was 12. I have low blood sugar though and a high metabolism so for some reason, my Dr. said I wasn't getting enough protein and energy from just the protein power, supplements and nuts. He told me to at least include salmon in my diet.
Since then, I've just stayed away from red meat but I eat chicken and seafood every once in a while.
I don't wear leather, fur, cashmiere, ect....although sometimes, it's impossible to buy tennis shoes or something that doesn't have some leather in it. I'm not opposed to that.
My thing is that 1. it's healthier and 2. people eat too much meat. You only need a little of it a day and most people have bacon for breakfast, hamburger for lunch and a steak dinner. Not only that but tons of meat goes to waste every day. I don't think they need to be slaughtering as many animals as they do, and I don't think people need to be consuming as much as they do.
It's natural for man to eat animal but in nature, animals don't just kill and leave the meat sitting there. They kill b/c they're hungry and eat what they kill and only kill what they'll eat. That's how I think it should be. Humans were granted the gift to be both meat AND plant eaters so I like to make the most of that.
As for you hunters on the boards......don't even get me started;).
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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For millions of years we have been scavenging omnivores, eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and yes meat, Those canine teeth we all have (unless lost) are there for a reason, That's why I try to eat a wide variety of foods, I do grow alot of organic fruits and veggies and also very picky about where I buy meat and also grind it into our own leaner and cleaner ground meat. I believe variety is healthy.

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Dr. said I wasn't getting enough protein and energy from just the protein power
agggrr.... trying...to...resist....urge...to...post...realy...bad...joke.... agggrrr

Aw, cum on, Remster... what was your joke? ;)

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