
Taking control of your life.

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Reading about freefallin14 quitting smoking made me think about what a great feeling it is when you take control of your own life.
Last summer I was 40lbs overweight and was on the verge of being put on high blood pressure medication at the ripe old age of 37. I was really depressed and felt very defeated. Finally, I hit my breaking point and decided no one is going to change this shit but me. I really put my mind to it and said I am going to change my life and pursue certain goals just for me. Well I am proud to say, I have now lost 37 lbs and don't need to lose anymore. I do not have to go on the blood pressure medication. I am starting with a personal trainer tonight. And I am pursuing skydiving as a sport. I believe I had the guts to try skydiving in December because my confidence was built by me taking control of my life. I have other faults and vices I still want to overcome, but one thing at a time.
Any other success stories out there? I am really interested in hearing them.
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Chris, You rock man! That is awsome. That is one of the things I love about our sport is that people's personal confidence goes up once they start in it. :)Good luck with the personal trainer, personally I love working out, lifting weights and stuff and I really dig it when someone else gets into it with seriousness.
Blue Skies
"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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speaking of bad habits & taking control of your life, how do I break the habit of pissing away my workday on the forum???
"Hello. My name is Speed Racer and I am a Post Whore!"
Everyone else at the PWA meeting: "Hello, Speed Racer."
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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Speedracer you are right. This forum is addictive. I am going to have to ask HH to give me the capability to come here from 5pm through 12pm only. Otherwise I will never get any work done.
But, I am almost at 300 posts so I will wait until I become an Old Hand. Although I will probably not be able to live through the withdrawl so maybe I won't ask him.

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Keep it up Muenkel! I quit smokin 2yrs ago best thing i ever did for myself. Personal trainers are a very good investment, they'll keep you motivated and maybe you'll turn out to really like going to the gym. For me it's the best part of the day beside being at the DZ!

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One thing I forgot to mention that you skydivers will appreciate. My personal
trainer is free!. He is a family friend who wants to become a personal trainer by
trade. He's only 21 and is totally ripped

Can I borrow him for...let's say..6 months. I need inspiration to get my lazy butt going and excersize the stuff off. :D

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So what's the secret for losing 40 lb and not smoking your ass off?

Well I'm not a smoker to begin with. What worked for me with the weight loss was weight watchers. I didn't actually join, my Dad did and he taught me how to do it. The first 2 days, I was starving! By day 3 I adjusted and within the first week I had lost 6lbs. I can't tell you how different I felt from just those 6 lbs. This is what kept me motivated.
Also, a line my sister said to me, really stuck with me. She said "If it takes you six months to lose the weight, who cares? Those six months are going to go by anyway."
Well those 6 months did go by and now I weigh 155lbs, down from 192! I am now the perfect weight for my height. I was always the type of person who considered myself defeated before I tried something. Well, no more! Now if I am going to be defeated it is going to be after I have tried and tried and tried.
And the best perk is I'm hot now!!!!:D
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Can I borrow him for...let's say..6 months. I need inspiration to get my lazy butt going and excersize the stuff off.

Yeah, I'll ship him out to you once I am completely ripped myself....you could be waiting a while.:S
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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A thread about taking control of your life and quitting smoking only gets a handful of responses, but a thread about BOOBIES is off the chart! Go figure.
I guess we have our priorities straight.:P
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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hey Muenkel,
That story is very similar to mine. I walked into a hospital on January 15th, 2001 smoking my last cigarette, eventhough I did not know that at the time. When the nurse told me that she could not hear my heart through her stethoscope, because my lungs were making too much noise.....I knew I had a problem. When the dr. discharged me, I told my gf to find all my cigarettes and through them in the trash....I haven't touched a cigarette since. I even gave my extensive and epensive cigar collection away........
I have always been overweight, I knew that stopping smoking would only make that worse. So I knew I had to turn my whole life around. For me, I made a lifestyle change. Started working out 6 days a week. More importantly I started a extremely low fat diet. Less than 10% calories from fat. Which basically means, no animal products, oils etc.
I feel great, I no am closer than ever to an "ideal" weight. Am not too heavy to skydive, something I have always wanted to do. Now that I have done a couple fo jumps, I feel even better, I now know that I truely can achieve anything I want too........
"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa

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You got it Skydekker! We really can accomplish amazing things if we would just get off our asses and stop feeling sorry for ourselves.
Good luck to you and keep up the great work. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments.:)Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Hmmmm...... I would guess that people who jump for self improvement are using it more as a hurdle to overcome (i.e. fear) and once they prove to themselves that they can do something then the urge to do it is gone.
I would guess that it would only backfire if you let yourself backslide, not because you quit jumping....
But then again, what do I know. I'm a compugeek with NO social skills to speak of......
I'm not talking about your pig tails, I'm talking about your sex appeal.... hit the road and I'm gone....

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I jump because if the enhoyment it gives me. It is the Perfect extension to my extroverted personality. But as for loosing weight and feeling good about it. I just started swimming and working out recently and have no scale to weigh in my improvements but I can say that the mentality is what is keeping me going everyday. I feel that I am becoming stronger and becoming leaner as everyday goes by. I have never had a problem with weight just strength and I now feel that I can kick some ass and jump from a plane with equal amounts of sucess
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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I started jumping for this reason... just after I lost 80 pounds I felt like I could do anything. Jumping was always one of those things I never imagined myself doing until I got that feeling that I could do anything. So I jumped.
I kept with it because it's just too damn fun.
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We really can accomplish amazing things if we would just get off our asses and stop feeling sorry for ourselves

Thats one of the best statements in this thread I've heard!!!!! If you have a problem with sometning get off your ass and get help......nobody else can help you but you!! If you dont want help then shut the hell up !!!!! Cuase we dont want to hear excuses ....we want to see results...............(this statement is in know way directed to anyone here...just a general observation of peoples attitudes in the world...tahnk you!!:)jason

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