
Nerdy thought of the day

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Taking the nerdy thought one step further...
Where did all of these elements that you speak of come from, obviously the big bang, but what about before that? Was there another so called "universe" that collapsed upon its own gravitational force and formed the single atom, which in turn exploded into what is our present universe? So, the universe is stuck in a never-ending cycle of exploding and expanding and then collapsing back into a single atom again. This theory has its holes; one being that the (so called) edge of the universe is speeding up as it expands not slowing down due to the gravitational force of the universe. Or maybe the big bang is what happens inside of a black hole (a pretty far fetched idea) and our universe originated from a huge star in another universe?
I've been chewing on this idea for about a year now, so I thought I'd through it out there for the rest of you to think about. :)
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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Bill --
Back in the '80s Carl Sagan on his PBS show "Cosmos" said it best, "We are all made of star stuff".
Of course, it depends on what mythology you want to believe.
I personally believe most of the Big Bang theory is correct and that we can look at the history of the Universe using nothing more than our current knowledge to just under a second of that moment.
To me (and possibly yourself) it all seems to make perfect sense.
However, there's also a wide world of people out there that do not share our view. Some have constructed wild and fantastical ways in which both science and creation some how fits within the confines of the book of Genesis. Others, take the book as historical fact and say that the Universe was created within the last 6,000 or so years.
Interestingly, there doesn't appear that there's anyway to actually prove any of these theories to the satisfaction of all parties.

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Where did all of these elements that you speak of come from, obviously the big bang, but what about before that?

Why do we always ask "OK, but what's beyond that?" People who lived along the coasts weren't satisfied with that. Thousands died trying to cross the sea and discover its limits. After that, people everywhere dreamed of flight, not content to merely breathe the air. Instead they strove to travel through it, to change it from an image beyond our grasp to a palpable expanse. But even after we conquered that, we've turned our attention to space.
Humankind has an insatiable urge to travel through hostile environments, tame them... and then take up the next challenge. Why? Will there ever be a point where we accept what we've accomplished and refrain from pushing our boundaries yet again?
The universe we live in may well be infinite. But we have finite minds, and so regardless of what technologies we've developed, no matter what limits we've conquered, the next generation will still strive to expand our reach further.
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

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mmm... guys with IQ's higher than mine who talk about obscure subjects other than those related to defense turn me on....

So what you're saying Lisa, is that guys with high IQ's and ARE NOT CLAY turn you on?
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
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Where did all of these elements that you speak of come from, obviously the big bang, but what about before that?

Nathan, scientists are pretty divided about what happened before the universe as we know it was formed.
Some suggest that our current universe always existed, that the patterns bill described do happen but happen in the form of continual expansion, then contraction, then expansion. It's like the universe is a beating heart, continually getting larger and smaller. In this case, there was no big bang.
Other theories suggest the Universe came into it's current form at the end of the life of the previous one. That some event resulted in a previous universe collapsing in on itself, everything starting over.
Lastly, there was a poof of black spoke, God said "let there be a universe", and it was thus.
There's a few more theories, but they're pretty technical.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
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Why do we always ask "OK, but what's beyond that?"

Why the hell not?? To stop exploring the boundaries would be to stop the quest for knowledge.
Just imagine what the world would be like if people just decided not to push the boundaries of knowledge. Hell, we could still be in the stone age if people stopped asking "What's beyond that?" or "What if?" or "Why?" I think that would be a boring and bleak existence.
I seriously doubt that we would be able to participate in this sport that we love so much if someone didn't push the limits.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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Some suggest that our current universe always existed, that the patterns bill described do happen but happen in the form of continual expansion, then contraction, then expansion. It's like the universe is a beating heart, continually getting larger and smaller.

Ummm.. Thats what I was saying, sorry if I didn't come across very clearly.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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I say....we figured out how to make airplanes, parachutes, beer, guns, and various forms of birth control. The rest really doesn't matter.....

Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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>Some suggest that our current universe always existed, that the patterns bill
> described do happen but happen in the form of continual expansion, then
> contraction, then expansion.
Unfortunately, we can only account for about 10-20% of the mass needed to make the contraction happen. The missing-mass problem, or dark matter problem, is one of the hottest topics in astrophysics today.
-bill von

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the latest theory of what caused the big bang and the creation of our universe is M theory (Membrane).
there are 11 dimemnsions and in this 11th dimemsion (one more then in the sting theroy explanation of the universe) "live" an infinity of universes, one of which is ours. these universes (or membranes) move around, and from time to time, 2 collide which would be our Big Bang.
Propeler heads (and I mean that with the upmost respect) found that by adding 1 dimension to the string theory, they could combine all the variant of that theory and unify the "adversary" Supergravity theory.
This M Theory also explains why Gravity is so weak. Think about it: the gravity of the earth on a paper clip (the whole earth) can be defeated with a fridge magnet. m Theroy explains this by saying that gravity in our universe is not coming from our universe, but rather is leaking out of another Membrane in the 11th dimension....
how cool is that....
Muff 914

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Any theories about anything before big bang (really 10^(-40) seconds after the big bang) is pure speculation. If the universe started as a singularity, then nothing in the new universe can be affected by what happened before. When someone asks an egghead "What happened before big bang?" the answer is often "What is north of the North Pole."
Looks like the M theory is a real breakthrough as it explains what gravity is ;-)
IMHO Explaining anything with the Super String theory useless since the Super String theory is impossible (yet) to confirm or deny. It is like using god to explain something, only woth cooler math.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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