
I Suck!!

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Well right as I logged in to the chat room last night I got a call from the DZO at SMB and he asked me to come help do 8 level 1 AFF's with the possibility of some of these folks doing two jumps. So I came back to work last night until 1:00 in the morning and busted out everything so I could leave at 11:30 today.
I just wnted to post this in case any Monterey AFF students have been frustrated with winds lately today is the day. Call in sick leave early but come crank out some jumpsB|
The skies are crystal clear, the flags are limp, SURFS UP BABY!!!B|

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Was wondering why you bailed out on us so early, Seb. Good to hear we didn't scare you off! :P
Have a great day! Hope the weather holds for ya. It looks like rain here today...
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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You do suck. I have a Sales Presentation at 1:00pm today and I am wishing I was airborne. Just found out I have to work on Saturday too. Supposed to rain all day Sunday. I am going to turn this into a country song if I keep it up so have fun and don't get anyone hurt.;)

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Just make sure you don't track away at 7 grand and leave your student and reserve jm wondering wtf!

That is too funny. Dude I am cool with three ways. it should be no prob.................:D:D.......I'll never live that down.
I will say Hi to Sunset who is btw the best packer in the whole wide world............

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I'll see you tomorrow. Gonna come out and maybe jump if I have time and then start learning how to be a rigger. :) Looks like I might bring two tandems for Sat. too.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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That is too funny. Dude I am cool with three ways. it should be no prob........................I'll never live that down.

What's worse is that I looked backed towards the center, then left when you went!! I passed SBS who had this "wtf" look on his face. The video will confirm.

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The video will confirm

That at 6,500' I got scared and tracked off into the sunset. I learned soemthing new that day. But to my defense doing tandems and AFF's a lot I get ground rush at like 4,000'. I was scared, people were low and my discipline was piss poor. Never again I promise. Next time Sharky you should throw some cuffs on me so i don't get away.
You know next time we have to bring the record back to sweet californiay!
I still have not seen the video of the unofficial record.

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Dude, you do suck. I'm stuck at work and have a planning commission meeting tonight. Let me know what the schedule is for Friday. If it is busy I might leave early. Otherwise, I'll be there on Saturday morning.
Dirty Bastaaad.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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Yep YOU SUCK!!!!
But Hell, they are giving me tomorrow off and the weather is here (wish you were beautiful) and...
*lummy takes inventory*
Gear ALMOST CHECK but I still have rental tix so CHECK
I'm outta here......
Grew up way to fast, now there's nothing to believe, and reruns all become a history....

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>Just make sure you don't track away at 7 grand and leave your student and reserve jm wondering wtf!
You may laugh, but I had my partner do that to someone during a Lvl 3 - she was main side. Fortunately it was during the AFF-JCC so it wasn't a "real" student. She had got it into her head that if you punch clouds you get a zero, so she told him to pull and tracked away at 7 grand before they went through the clouds. The evaluator looked at Stu, the reserve side, with a "well what the hell was that all about?" before going back into student mode.
Took her a while to live that one down, too.
-bill von

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**Smoke pouring out of my nose**>:(:(
They all came in two hours late and will not be trained in time. That fuckin blows hard core. So I did the right thing and I'm gonna stay at work. Fuck Fuck>:(>:(
Some side news that might make others happy. A six cylinder four person carrying heli came out to the DZ and showed interest in flying jumpers. So the word is staright from the DZO's mouth that three jumpers to 5 grand for $25 dollars at Monterey. That should make some smile.:D

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So the word is staright from the DZO's mouth that three jumpers to 5 grand for $25 dollars at Monterey. That should make some smile.

But that's lower than your break-off altitude to track...:)Anyway, that is a great deal!

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Dale doesn't know nothing about no chopper. :( But if you say its going to happen it probably will because you can pressure anyone into doing what you want them to. Sebazz = Mr. Peer Pressure ;)
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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