
For those with USPA Calendar, READ THIS!

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Check out the April 2002 USPA Calendar photo: There are a bunch of people in a headdown formation and the guy closest to the camera on the left has his main closing flap OPEN! Plus he's jumping a Mirage! Boy I would not like it if I was Mirage and had this on all those walls! What do you all think?

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Oh yeah, you are most definately right. It could have come out under a number of circumstances, and also could be the first and only time this has ever happened to this guy. BUT, you would think the pictures would be screened and with todays computers, stuff like that can be taken out. If you look at last years calendar there are at least 5 open containers.

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Before we all get too excited. Please remember that the picture is NOT showing an open container. The pin is still in and the container is still closed. The Dress up flap is no longer tucked in, but that in no way makes it an open container. I agree that is not the best condition, but stuff happens.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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Depends on your definition of "open container", doesnt it?

An open container is an open container and a falp is either secured or not. It is the job of the flap to protect the pin and the bridle but the container is not open. Not life ending.:P Geez.........
I got your back Tom...........

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Telephone books do work better.
But it does raise some interesting questions. I'd always figured that main flap style was better then the flaps on javelins, etc. I wonder if that's going to become a common problem?
I also wonder what series of events led to the flap opening. Presumably it was stowed properly before exit. Surely it's not a major failure, but it is something we should think about.
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Just another opinion,
Even thou it may not be showing a container in the best possible light, I personally would rather see the REAL deal (pin flap open) instead of wondering if a photo has been retouched....
Smells smack dab like honesty to me
baby's hungry and the money's all gone. the folks back home don't want to talk on the phone.

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You would think that if the USPA was paying attention, they would have dropped that photo into photoshop and squared that away real quick just to keep discussions like this from happening...but then again, that's just me.
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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I found this info and figured I might as well post it before I forgot. From the SIM: PREMATURE MAIN CONTAINER OPENING; With a throw-out main pilot chute deployment system (pilot chute deployment prior to closing pin extraction), the container can open before the pilot chute is deployed, causing one type of horseshoe malfunction.
Too bad they do not have a specific definition for "open" container.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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i'm unclear on why USPA should have to watch for things like this period. Does USPA represent container manufacturers? In any case, wouldn't retouching a photo be the responsibility of the photographer who submitted it? Would you be pissed off if they retouched one of YOUR photos??
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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That is a little embarrassing:$ I have never seen a photo in print of a Mirage open. I know the guy in the photo and he takes care of his gear. I will exchange one bad photo on the USPA calendar for the hundreds of bad photos that the other manufacturers have had to endure. ;)
Maybe we should give him a new rig. ;);)

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If I was that jumper and didn't notice a flap open, but they did I would have been appreciative for them doing it, just to save me some embaressment.
No, they don't represent container manufactures, but something like that in a picture leaves only one side of the story. That a flap is open, which isn't an end all, but its not good. We don't know if there was a collision on exit that did it, or in the plane, or something odd and since they (the USPA) published it, it *can* make that manufactor look bad, since it is their rig and there is a flap open.
See what I'm saying? *shrug* :)"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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Maybe we should give him a new rig.

If you do I'm going to open my main pin flap myself and see if I can get a few pics published. I could always use a new rig. ;);)
If your not on the edge, you can't enjoy the view!

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