
They won't make fun of Fat Steve anymore!

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I'm on day 3 of a new diet. I've always been real skinny until the last several years I've been putting on too many lbs. My daughters are actually making fun of me. I like to walk around the house with my shirt off just to gross them out. At any rate I want to be lean and mean for the summer months. Any suggestions? I'm eating lots of rabbit food, staying away from fat, little or no junk food, counting calories, lean meat, chicken, cooking without grease, no beer or wine for 3 days, etc. I'd like to lose a pound or two every week. I've been running some, lifting weights, and jumping rope a little. I told my youngest daughter that I'd lose two pounds for every pound she lost, so we have some money bet on this. I am a little worried that If I lose too much weight though, my new canopy won't be any fun when I finally get to jump it. So maybe I'll go off my diet and stay fat. I can't afford to downsize again. Any suggestions?

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Don't go straight to "rabbit food" you need to eat clean, but if you're going to be running and lifting weights, you don't want to consume so few calories that you burn off a lot of muslce. That and if you jump directly into a very low calorie diet, you won't complete it, they suck, you'll be tired and hungry constantly.
You need to eat 5-6 meals a day, that will keep your metabilism chugging along very well. There is a really good book you should read about this sort of thing. It's called "Body For Life." You'll learn a lot of very good things, staying away from most of the myths you hear on TV/the Gym/friends, etc.
The one thing to remember is there is NO magic pill. To loose weight you have to work hard and be dedicated to your goal. If something sounds too good to be true, then by god it probably is. :)Good Luck!
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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Take it slow! Don't try to lose it all at once. I have been doing the Yo-Yo thing with my weight ever since I was 12 or so. I got divorced and got really fat. Then I hit the gym like a crazy man and weighed the same yet lost about 8% body fat. Then I quit lifting cause I couldn't run any faster than 16:10 2 mile even though I ran 4 miles every day. Then I got out of the military and don't get near as much exercise any more. Now......I'm working on making myself a schedule I can live with. Basically.....I know that on the weekends I'll be at the DZ which means I will eat crap all weekend. McDonald's, Mexican restaurant, Chinese food, Pizza, etc. So, during the week I have an English muffin for breakfast or some kind of sandwich. Then for lunch I have a yogurt. I usually don't eat dinner but when I do it's usually something small. So...basically I eat pretty well during the week and then let myself go on the weekend. So far it's working. I have lost about 3 lbs without even really trying. It doesn't feel like I'm trying to lose weight anyway and I think this is a routine that I can stick with forever. Thats the real secret. Changing your daily habits. Eating rabbit food is fine but are you going to do it forever? As soon as you lose the weight you want and go back to your old habits it will come right back. Everything in moderation.....my suggestion.
"I'm a danger to myself and everyone around me!"-Clay

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IMHO There are NO diets that will work.....I've seen poeple on everytype of diet and they all fall of the wagon eventualy...however there is one guy at our work that has lost 50lbs,(hes a big guy) and all hes done is EAT RIGHT!!! he just cut back on the fatty foods and eats smart and heathly.......No specail foods to eat...No cutting out any food group....just eating smart......... ANd the way I see it (and yes this is just my opinion) thats the ONLY way to lose weight ....eat right and excersise!!!! But good on ya for wanting to shape up!!!!!

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Steve, that's exactly how I lost 80 pounds. It sounds like you've got a great technique and the right mindset. If you keep to it, I have no doubt you'll lose the weight you're looking for. You'll easily lose 1 or 2 pounds per week. My only advice is to add DRINKING LOTS OF WATER. Your body needs water to metabolise fat. Drink so much water that you're pissing every half hour. After a week you you'll be pissing normally again.
Remember: opinions are like assholes, Everyone's got one.
Keep yourself motivated, and remember WHY you're doing it
Also, if you do lose a ton of weigh, just think of the new canopy you could buy. I lost my weight before I started skydiving, but celebrated by buying an Armani suit. These are GOOD things. If ya can't afford the new canopy, a few weights will help, too.
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I am a little worried that If I lose too much weight though, my new canopy won't be any fun when I finally get to jump it

Hey steve look at it this way.......you lose a few pounds and jump your canopy...THEN ......when your ready to downsize just gain back a lot of weight and load it heavier!!! Then you'll save all kinds of $$$ by not having to buy a smaller chute;)

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Maaaan, when I read the headlines I got real excited.....thought someone had gone and got LIPOSUCTION or something....now THAT's a thought......
Really...I sympathize with ya'. Started back to school this year, and after just a few months, I blew up like a balloon....so....changed the eating habits, as the exercize habits (taekwondo twice a week) aren't gonna change....can't manage more than that with the current curriculum.....
Fish or chicken instead of pizza and burgers. Still eat 3-5 times a day, but substitute low-fat jello pudding or no guilt fudgesicles for chocolate ice cream. Fruit, fruit, fruit.....no fries.
I can fit back into my britches and my jumpsuit, thank GAWD! Though the extra weight made my canopy SCREAM.....won't complain about that though.....
Eve was framed!

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taekwondo twice a week

Rock on! How long have you been doing this, where are you at in the progression? I took for about 4 years (only about 3 years of straight training, though) and eventually had to stop because of the work/school schedule I was keeping in highschool (read: full time job of 30-40 hrs a week, highschool, band, marching band and jazz band), but I love it and want to get back into it. Only made it to 1st Gup Brown, though, actually upsetting me since I was so close to my goal. *shrug* oh-well. :)"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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Just been doing taekwondo a little over a year.....my kid wanted to be like Jackie Chan, and when I took him to the dojang, I got ROPED! Anyway, I really like it now, and I've been kickin' those ladies' butts at tournaments.....I'm a purple belt, and testing in a couple weeks for blue. It's cool. The other night, Sr. Master Anderson had me doing a jump spin crescent kick.....now I'm gettin' on up there in years, and doing such a maneuver tickled me pink! He held his hand out there, and I had to jump in the air, turn 360 degrees, and kick his hand with my foot at his face level before I landed. I still can't believe I actually did it.... confidence booster for sure....
Man....and I'm with you in terms of taking too much on sometimes.....it's really hard, but sometimes you really do have to give up something.....unfortunately, for me, I haven't been able to jump enough.....can't WAIT until summer.....and (shall I say it again?)...3.....MONTHS.....OFF!!!! YIPPEE
Eve was framed!

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I started running again january, and the first 2 months or so I didn't notice any real difference (except for a better condition)
But when you reach a point where you're excercising 30 minutues or longer, your body starts buring fat like a madman..
The past month I've lost about 3 kilo's (while I'm eating just as unhealthy as ever) and I'm getting fitter and fitter every day.
I think if you where to combine a sport like running with a healthy diet, you could probably lose even more pounds..
I have severe Astma, and last december I went to 9.000 ft while skydiving and was severly out of breath.
Running has finaly enabled me to go to 12.000 ft without gasping for breath (just last week, 12.000 ft for the first time yea:)
so if you ask me....running is the answer...
But again...a thousand assh*les, a thousand opinions..:)

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I jsut started to run a couple weeks ago too....I ran all through HS on the track and CC team......... I'm 5'10" adn 150 pounds so I really dont have too much of a weight problem (yet...Aint getting any younger) But I figured I come home from work at 2:30 in the morning and just sit and watch the boob tube until 4:00 so I might as well do something good and sart runing again......Hell at 2:30am theres NO traffic, its nice and cool out,,,, the only shitty thing is that all the dogs can here ya and come runnign out of the dark barking at ya......about shit my pants a couple times!!!!

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I always wanted to look like Arnold Swartzenegger. The only trouble is I don't have the genetics to ever look like that. I've got narrow shoulders, small bones, and wasn't born with enough muscles cells. Genetics does play a big role in bodybuilding. At any rate I lifted weights for years and finally reached the point where I thought I'd try competing. Talk about dieting. It was awful. You had to get down to an unhealthy body fat level while trying to maintain your muscle mass. Then you had to dehydrate for days before the contest while avoiding sodium. What kept me on my diet was the thought of looking fat in front of hundreds of people. I mean it's not easy getting up in front of a crowd in a pair of skimpy skivies. I didn't do too great, but it was a great experience. I even won a couple trophies in the over 35 men's division. The only trouble was I would always gain all the fat back that I had lost plus a little extra. Steve

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Pick up the book 'Body for Life'. My wife and I have followed it strictly for over a year now. I lost 20lbs and went from 18% body fat to 10% body fat in about 4 months. The best thing, it is actually healthy for unlike most of these fad diets. You even get one free day a week to eat whatever you want. Sounds like you are on the right track though. Stay with it! You'll be surprised how much extra energy you'll have after about 2-3 weeks eating well. Good Luck!

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Hi Steve,
You are living my life right now. As you can see you are getting all different opinions and that's because we are all different and we care. The bottom line is it begins in your brain, nowhere else. You have to make the decision to take control. Once you do, there will be no stopping you.
My story: I was always a thin guy, 5'7", 145lbs. I could eat anything I wanted and never gained a pound. If I wanted to tone up, I did a few pushups and crunches and bam I would see results immediately. Well, to make a long story short, my metabolism and lifestyle changed and as of last August I ballooned up to 192lbs. I literally hated myself and felt like complete shit. I would never take my shirt off in front of anyone. I had Clay's tits!!! I had enough. I learned about weight watchers from my Dad and began the program. The first 2 days were tough but I was determined. I felt so hungry and dizzy. By day 3, my body adjusted and the first week I lost 6lbs. Those 6lbs made me feel so psyched. Weight Watchers is not a diet but rather a way of eating. I learned what to eat when I was hungry.
Well now I am 155lbs and am receiving compliments all the time. I have so much energy and have joined a gym. I am working out for 2 hours every other day and I am seeing real results. I really feel great.
Steve, it can be done and YOU can do it. It is the best gift you can give yourself and your daughters.
Good luck dude. I'll be praying for you.
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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The Body for Life workout is great. Also, you should find out what the minimum number of calories you should have daily to lose to 1.5-2 pounds a week. Don't let you body go into to starvation mode by getting too few calories. Then it will hold onto all the fat it can.
There is a calculator on line at
http://caloriecontrol.org/calcalcs.html that can tell you what your minimum is.

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I lost 65 lbs in 3 months using BFL. I cannot recommend it enough. It was very intrusive in terms of what I had to do to stick with the program, but if you do what the book says, you will be amazed at the change. I did not build as much muscle mass as I had hoped during my 12 weeks, but the 65 lbs I lost was all fat.
A little aside - when I was in college, I wanted to try skydiving, so I went with some friends to do a tandem. When we got there, I did not get to go because I was too heavy. I never really worried about my weight, but when I decided to lose it, my tandem was my reward for dropping the weight. Now, I absolutely love skydiving.
Anyway, BFL worked for me.

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