
Just a thought but.......

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I've always kinda wondered this (and even tried it with NO success) but what if you could think, speak, or perform an action faster than your brain could aknowledge it?? What would be controlling that action or thought process? Would you even need your body at that point........any Ideas or theories......(I know Quade could come up with something good!!) ;)....:)jason

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I thought I heard that you actually do that from things like burns and sharp objects. Seems that the pain goes through your arm and then something tells it to get away from the pain/heat before your brain even tells it to do that.
Seems that I learned that back in HS health class. But hey, what can you believe in a class they showed you slides of every STD under the sun. :)JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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Well, actually you can perform an action faster than you can think it....if it's a learned behavior. Learned behaviors are nicely programmed into your cerebellum, and the pathway from your cerebellum to your frontal cortex (motor part of your brain) is faster than the pathways that modify those behaviors. That's why it's hard to unlearn bad habits.....like bad tennis strokes or something like that, or why we sign our names the same every time....or why you play licks unconsciously on the guitar and why you have to really slow down to get it right if you find out you've been playing it wrong....
some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps

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Those reflexes don't make it to the brain at all before you move.....and they're really cool reflex pathways too, that allow you to withdraw a, say foot from a nail, while extending the opposite foot.....all happens without any brain input....
some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps

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DAMN Lindsey!!!!! Thats some good stuff!!! Never "thought about it like that!!!! Ok so waht about a thought process? Do you think its possible to actually "think" or "speak" faster than your brain can proccess....or is that also a form of reflex from a dramatic stimulant!!???

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just weird alien sounds.

AH-HA!!! so what your implying is that the "alien sounds " you are talking about may be a form of communication that we could use if we all mastered this feat of speaking with out the use of our brain!!! I thinbk we may be on to something!!

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I was driving to work last winter when I went to pass somebody who was turning right (He had the right blinker on.)
I was halfway past him when these thoughts collided in my brain: "I just slammed on the brakes" and "Holy S$#@ This guy is turning in front of me!!!"
The first thing I realized was that I was decelerating rapidly and then I realized the guy was turning in front of me. I didn't hit him and have puzzled over the reaction before thought since then.

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Milo.....that's moved outside my fund of instant knowledge.....I'll think on it after I get through with this next biochem exam that I'm in the middle of preparing for right now.... And I'll let you know l what I come up with. That piques my interest too....
some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps

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but you can speak faster than your brain can process.....
Hmmm... I believe I've proven that one repeatedly in the past!

Unfortunately, i think i've proven that too. :)"Do whatever you like, just untie me when you're done"

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I didn't hit him and have puzzled over the reaction before thought since then...

commonly refered to at my drop zone by a load organizer as the "rubber stopper theory". It's that instant before a BAD THING happens, when your brain says, "hey, somethings not right about this" and hopefully reacts for you before a bad outcome. It happens to you in skydiving all the time.
Have you ever just had "That Feeling"...?
Fly Your Slot !

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you cant do anything without your brain making it happen for eg the car thing standing on a nail etc the brain is still recieving all the signals and proccesing them, it is extremely fast the thing that slows our actions down is thought i.e we decide to turn to go around a car we think about it is it safe, are there cars coming what is happening ahead behind etc, however if the car ahead slams on its breaks your body does what it was designed for and reactes instantanly for selfpreservation
point your brain controls everything :)
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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if you could think, speak, or perform an action faster than your brain could aknowledge it??

Ooooooooooh yes, that you can.

?? What would be controlling that action or thought process?

Personally I blame it on the devil.......or the demon rum;)
Every day above ground is a good day.

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I've always kinda wondered this (and even tried it with NO success) but what if you could think, speak, or perform an action faster than your brain could aknowledge it?? What would be controlling that action or thought process? Would you even need your body at that point........any Ideas or theories......(I know Quade could come up with something good!!) ....

I'm not sure, but I think a hardon would be a good example of this theory.:D
Such an interesting monster with such an interesting hairdo.

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Skyhawk: nope...the brain does not control everything. Most of our reflex actions never go to the brain....and our brains only process the sensory stuff after the acting has happened. This semester is neuroscience.....I promise you, this info is pretty durn fresh.... For instance in a shortened version, the nail thing....small pain afferent fibers make direct connection with motor efferents in the spinal cord, which cause the motor reactions...
some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps

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