
58 Days

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Jumpsuit log....Day number 58. Still held hostage. Somewhere out there I know my new owner is longing for me. Praying for my safe delivery. It keeps my spirits up. My captors torture me with endless episodes of Star Trek to keep my mind and body week. Somewhere in the living room I hear a constant gurggling sound. I'm not sure what causes it but I know it's a plot to disturb my sleep. Yet the haze in the air makes me sleepy. If I should not make it...please use my parts for some other fine jumpsuit. It is my wish to make some other jumper happy should I pass on.
"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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....hats off to Mike !

Yeah....I'm gonna knock his hat off with his head in it if he doesn't hurry up!!!! :D
PS...really I'm just kidding...it is going on 8 weeks though but it was a pretty complicated suit with lots....and lots....of stitching. $335 worth....
"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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Sitting here in mine right now.....this thing is very comfortable.
Even though I've been told I "track like a rocket", I usually do have some trouble with moving forward to a formation.....I'm sure having booties now will help.
Can't wait to try it out this weekend....I'm going to try to blow up some formations using the patented "AggieDave Powerdock" maneuver.... :)Don

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OK....65 fucking days later....still no jumpsuit. I'm at the "I'm pissed off stage..." I think in over two months time I could have made one myself. I don't even fucking know how to sew worth a shit but in two months I think I could have learned!!!
"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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I know how you feel Clay, only I'm waiting for my whole gear!!
I ordered it on the 20th of February, called them the other day and they told me it would be here about the end of May!!!!!!
Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back;)

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From Marie at Chute Shop, SA.
Must say they are really friendly and helpful. Between her and Lisa I learned a lot about canopy control...
A Vortex II container, 170 ZP EXE main and 150 Tempo Reserve. Neon green and Navy blue.
Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back;)

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Chute shop make the Decelerator.
Tempo comes from PISA
I jump a Vortex 2 as well.
ZP170, not the EXE and a 150 Decelerator.
I am very happy with it.
My 150 Hurricane from Chute Shop is in the very near future:)Every day above ground is a good day.

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Okay - try this for sucking!! I just spend all my savings on a my new rig (which ROCKS) and jumpsuit etc. and CAN"T USE IT!!!!! Why??? Firstly, because we don't have a freakin' plane at the moment. Secondly, my JM in Namibia just told me I obvioulsy lost my currency, and will have to jump with a student rig the fist few jumps I'm there! Then, and only if he agrees, can I use my own brand new, never been OPENED before rig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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Hey Mel
Where have you been hiding?
Pining away in a dark corner because you let you slack ass become uncurrent or what:D
If you do not intend using that new rig ( all I hear is talk, talk talk. Whine whine whine ) then send it to me. I will take the shine off it for you:P
Every day above ground is a good day.

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Actually, I've just been feeling sorry for myself...hehehe. Another weekend without jumping just started, but at least I'll get to "pet" my rig. I am soo pathetic right now!! I'm sure skydiving is a disease....how else do you explain it consuming my every thought and me going even crazier by not being able to jump? But exactly one month from Sunday my ass will be back where it belongs - in the sky!!! And even though I won't be able to jump my rig on that jump, one of my friends are gonna join me and the JM on that jump, wearing my rig, so I'll be kinda jumping "with" my rig.... Have I mentioned yet how pretty my new rig is...?? hehehe
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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