Graduated AFF Yesterday Ye ha

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Oh yea, 9 jumps and away I go. Now I have some coaching jumps and then my A license hopefully by the end of June. Oh isn't it a wonderful day. Did my first hop-n-pop too yesterday 5500 that was fun. Twin otter is a beautiful thing. All I know is im finally starting to feel like a skydiver.
We were on Fox News on Wednesday night partying if anybody caught the report. It was about the guy "Bobo" that went in last month, he had been planning to beat the state record but didn't get the chance so everyone dedicated it to him when the set it. It was pretty cool.
Blue sky's to ya all..

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In Connecticut at CPI
It was such a funny jump to. I was doing front loops and back loops and was going to do 1 more but at 8k my JM signaled no more and looked concerned. I said ok and held my arch watching him. He came closer, docked then to my total disbelief gave me a big ol'e kiss totally took my by surprise and then broke off. I proceeded to flip (not totally controlled as you can imagine) as I was wiping my mouth at the same time then regained control a second later. Gave him the finger locked on at 4500 and waved off and pulled.
lol The ground JM then tells everyone that it was my graduation jump and wanted a round of cheers when someone said what if he didn't pass the jump. So he gets on the radio and says Hay Jay did you pass that jump or not. I answer back I'm not sure about passing but that freaking nut kissed me in freefall. Well I guess the whole DZ starts laughing including his girlfriend and I land with no trouble to allot of hooting and hollering and laughing. It was a very funny jump. I will probably never forget it lol my first Kiss Pass my wife thought it was funnier then I did...

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Jay, congrats. You do know that is two cases of beer. Graduation and first kiss pass. Hell maybe even beer for first time kissing a guy (maybe?)
Blue Skies
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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