
Cessna nostalgia.....

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I drove out to Skydive Smoky Mountains on Sunday. C-182, C-206, and one helluva tight landing area.

It 's so easy to become a turbine snob in this sport and forget the 'roots.' I hadn't jumped a cessna since April when I was out at Finger Lakes and I wasn't exactly looking forward to it. But I'll tell ya, when that door opened on my first load I was a static line student again- seeing the wheel and the clouds below, just stick your head out a bit and spot. Climb out on the wheel and feel the wind claw at you as you hold the strut. Jump.

Absolute magic. Loved avery second.

Of course, the barrel roll in the 206 was pretty nice, too.


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Assuming I can take the time off of work, I'll be jumping out of my first Cessna this Friday morning. But I'm a licensed pilot who's endorsed to fly C-172s & C-182s, so it'll be my first jump, not my first time in a Cessna. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I drove out to Skydive Smoky Mountains on Sunday. C-182, C-206, and one helluva tight landing area.

Of course, the barrel roll in the 206 was pretty nice, too.


Awesome place isn't it. I went out there for a day awhile back when I had to fly up to Knoxville for business. They have a pretty cool DZ with nice scenery, it seemed like their 206 was pretty fast to altitude too.
Good memories

Hook high, flare on time

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Of course, the barrel roll in the 206 was pretty nice, too.

LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa....Not listening....Not listening.


LMAO... ;) I owed beer for seeing the jump plane pass me inverted while I was under canopy

Hook high, flare on time

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Was just going through old videos of boogies over the years and 1993 was the last flying formations with C206/182/180 at my home d.z. Vancouver B.C. Canada. Whee hee, that was a riot!
The porter is getting it's 7 year check and was not flying for my 1,000 jump. Got to fly up in the C206 and was a beauty flight bringing back hords of special memories! Pics:
(nice to log it online!- resolution of pics is poor but talk about Cessna nostalgia..!!!!!!!!!!

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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never jumped anything but turbines. Twin otters, Casas, King Airs, porters, that's it. When I go to Chambersburg, I'm gonna owe beer for the new DZ AND the frickin Cessna!!
Now if I can only figure out hwo to do them both on the same jump, I'll only owe one case...

AndI'm bringing homebrew!B|
Speed Racer

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I got to jump from a cessna for the pre second time last week... I was really worried about it... until after I was out of the plane. I really liked it. Seemed like a much gentler exit than the King Air. I still like the bigger plane though.
"You don't quit playing because you get old, you get old because you quit playing"

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Every weekend I jump out of a great 182, I love 182s, I could drive the 30 minutes to jump a SuperOtter, but why? I love my DZ and I love jumping 182s, they're just so much damn fun. :)
(That and if you fart, the entire load AND pilot can rate, it takes extreme skill to do that on an Otter or a CASA or something like that...):D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've only jumped once and that was out of a Cessna 205 in June. It was a little tight getting out that door sideways with a TM strapped to my back. (Glad he was there!) This 205 was manufactured in 1962. I was 19 years old then. I've got to try S/L next. Maybe out the back of that 727 on the high speed run!WhooooooooB|

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This has nothing to do with the conversatioin, but....
I watched a video of one of our video guy 's swoooping our pond with a helicopter.
It was pretty awesome! The helicopter swoops right behind him. He is practicing for Rantoul when they will do it again. So if your going to be in Rantoul, check it out!B|

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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"the exit was scary man... your TM needs a case of beer after that one. Did he explain to you why you flipped? "

It didn't seem scary during the dive. I had a great time! He said that jumping backwards the wind causes the flips. The nice thing about the first time is I had no reference to what it should be like. Maybe I didn't Arch fast enough?
He thought it went fine. Probably just humoring me?

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We flipped over on my first AFF jump, too. I guess one jumpmaster overestimated my weight when he exited and ended up going underneath myself and the other jumpmaster. Next thing I know, I'm looking at the sky. It's really neat to watch on my video, as the other jumpmaster let go, we right ourselves, then he flies back and grabs on. Probably everyday relative work skills for some, pretty impressive as far as I'm concerned. B|
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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LMAO... I owed beer for seeing the jump plane pass me inverted while I was under canopy

[DiverDriver Safety Voice] Ok, Dude.....this is NOT a cool manuever. Your pilot can be seriously doing damage to the aircraft by doing those manuevers. The aircraft was not designed for, nor certified for acrobatic flight. With those types of manuevers he could be starving the engine of oil and causing damage that may not appear until down the road when the whole thing blows on takeoff. Then you'll be scratching your head why you have a smoking hole in the ground off the end of the runway with your buddies or you laying on the ground.

Don't believe me? I'm being too conservative? Your pilot is better than I'm giving credit for? Just go HERE to see what I'm talking about. Read the accident reports for this year.

[/DiverDriver Safety Voice]
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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I did about five jumps out of a Cessna 20something in Witbank in 1994 (ZS-DRP). The interesting thing about this particular Cessna was that it was not turbocharged as is common with Cessna's used in skydiving - meaning that it took about 50 minutes to get to 9500 feet AGL on a good day. It had no in-flight door fitted either. That experience taught me how to sleep under any circumstances, such as at my desk at work, in meetings, wherever. Handy life skills.
Most of my jumps were logged out of a Porter - the nicest small jump plane ever!


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We have a n/a 182 and we take about 30 mins to 10k. Maybe the extra time is all the extra drag by not having a door?

That would definitely contribute, also a factor is that this particular DZ is about 5000 ft AGL already, so the aircraft is labouring right from the beginning. What is your DZ's elevation?


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Absolute magic. Loved avery second.

Yep absolute magic, I usually jump in a seneca PA-34 but when we get a s/l student and get the oportunity to jump out the cessna I always take it. Hang from the strut, wave good bye to the pilot and letting go, its the best!


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