
Pond Swooping at the X-Games?

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I don't know about you, but I think pond swooping at the X-Games would be an awesome event. They pulled the plug on SkySurfing because it was difficult to get a lot of spectators to watch a giant screen and it wasn't exciting to watch. With pond-swooping it would draw huge crowds and they could be in front of all of the action. If anyone who reads this post has connections with people who organize the X-Games drop the word. Have them go to one pond swooping event and I guarantee that next year it would be in the X-Games. What does everyone else think?

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I agree. Pond swooping, if marketed right could be the next big thing. Someone has to see it and do something with it. And the X-games would be a great vehicle for exposure. More exposure=more spectators, more spectators=more prize money, more prize money=more spectators. Ect. ect.

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Its all great up untill the point where a person hooks in right infront of the crowd. In BMX its hard to kill your self, in swooping its damn easy to kill your self. And do we really want to encourage new jumpers to be doing "what the pros are doing on tv" and hooking hard on every jump.

Why do you want it in the X-games? If its so you can compete, get on the problade tour and win prize money that way but please don't encourage whuffos via tv to jump. You think reading the fatilities page is bad now... wait untill every FJC student tries to be like the pros and swoops on jump 1.

At WFFC there were 1500 jumpers on the DZ and only 150 or less went to watch the swoop meet. Whats that saw if the target market does'nt even attend the meets?
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Hmmm... Done right, pond-swooping is cool to watch for skydivers. However, I don't know if the general public looks at it the same. During a pond swoop event, you are almost guaranteed a few bumps and bruises. As skydivers, we say "ok, bruises". The general tv view may be taken back a little. Remember, this is the sport that made 'femur' a verb. The defining question is this - How will the public react to watching a competitor taken away in a helicopter because of a compound break ? (or worse) In a NASCAR wreck, everything looks a lot cleaner.

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X-Games would be sweet...and would lead to a ton of great exposure for the sport, and them maybe the question of "do you use that snowboard up in the air?" would change to "So do you swoop the pond?".....Um yes, yes I do!!!

Also, would be great to get it into the Sports and Music Festival with the skateboarders and bmxers...thats actually on PAY PER View this month I believe..Swooping a pond or the OCEAN with a live band playin..SWEEET

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Have a look around, there have been numerous threads about skydiving/swooping in the x-games/olympics. The bigest problem is that all of the x games are sports that a kid can start doing today i.e. Mom buys you a skateboard and you start trying to grind the curb outside your home or even the dirt-bikes are easily accessable. Though a dirt-bike and a rig could compare in costs, you can take the dirt-bike out same day... how long does it take to get to free fall...

That being said, it sure would be cool to see pond-swooping on a regular basis on TV

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I don't think the main problem is lack of interest, but rather lack of sponsorship and all that. I don't think Icarus is going to get a whole bunch more sales suddenly the way a skateboard company might. Thats why I'm sure skateboard companies probably spend a bunch of money to advertise at the X-games. It's all about money, just like everything else in life. But also, I think most people would get pretty bored of pond swooping after a few minutes. I think blade running (down a ski slope) would be far more entertaining.


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I don't know about you guys but I personally do not want any part of skydiving to ever become mainstreem! If it did, there would be all sorts of new and crazy regulations set in place because people are stupid. I used to say I'd recommend skydiving to anyone, 'cause I realized that rigged up to the static line machine, anybody can do it.... Dudes and Dudettes, skydiving is NOT for everyone, let's keep it to ourselves.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I don't know about you guys but I personally do not want any part of skydiving to ever become mainstreem! If it did, there would be all sorts of new and crazy regulations set in place because people are stupid. Dudes and Dudettes, skydiving is NOT for everyone, let's keep it to ourselves.

Hey man..how did you start skydiving? How would you have felt hearing that said before you started? Skydiving is a kick ass sport..hobby..pastime.whatever you want to call it.

We always need fresh, new, up and coming skydivers to keep things new and on the edge..The X-games and other Extreme sport festivals could help give the sport some positive exposure, unlike what we get now from the news when accidents happen.

At least let people, give it a try, and experience the thrill that we all get "from jumping out of those perfectly good airplanes!" We need positive exposure..not negative all the time..

And I want to swoop the pond on ESPN..HI MOM!!

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I don't think putting skydiving on TV makes it mainstream. I don't think you need to worry about too many new jumpers starting because it's on TV. In my opinion, the more jumpers there are in the world, the better off we are (to an extent anyway). I don't skydive because its something not too many people do. I skydive because it's fun, and it would be just as much fun, if not more so, if it was mainstream, like skiing. To me, more skydivers means more dropzones, more planes, more people, lower prices (hehehe, i can dream, cant i?), and best of all, safer equipment. New rules? Sure. But would you say skiing is too regulated for it to be fun?


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Just remember with more rules you will probally be seeing rules like no wing loadings above 1:1 for your first 100 jumps, 300 jumps for elliptical, 500 for 1.5 loadings, could'nt freefly till 250 jumps and other stupid things. The Rules have taken some of the freedom out of skiing. Back county skiing is the shit.. but under penilty of jailtime, huge fines and other things its not able to be done except on the more dangerous areas where the rangers are'nt looking.

The increase in the number of base jumpers recently has resulted in an increase in the number of deaths on an annual basis. How would you feel if 50-60 people started dieing each year just because skydiving became more popular (Thats only a 10-20% growth rate). Then think at a 50% growth rate that 75 people a year go in... Now try answering to your family when they ask why do you jump if some one is killed every weekend all year round in the States alone...

Putting the X games on TV resulted in the explosion of skate parks, gear, and numbers of skaters around the States. Skydiving would go the same way... More people means the greater the injury count and greater the body count every year...

Skydiving is'nt for every one and we should'nt try to force it on others the same way flying is'nt ment for everyone. (Walking statistics comes to mind here....)
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Putting the X games on TV resulted in the explosion of skate parks, gear, and numbers of skaters around the States. Skydiving would go the same way... More people means the greater the injury count and greater the body count every year...

Skydiving is'nt for every one and we should'nt try to force it on others the same way flying is'nt ment for everyone. (Walking statistics comes to mind here....)

Compared to skateboarding, snowboarding, rollerblading..Skydiving is much more expensive to start out (Skateboard - $75 - $150, Basic Rig ($2500 to $4500) Also, we require age limits..so the barrage of teenagers would not happen. The financial limitations hinder alot of people from continuing, but if you truly love the sport and the rush you get from making a skydive, then you will do whatever it takes to continue learning.

Good exposure would be Team Icarus, in a formation, trailing smoke over the ocean onto a beach..televised nationally..That sight would spark the interest of a certain type of person..that same person is the one I want sitting next to me on the plane, or even so, flying MY airplane. Live it up man, this is a kick ass ride

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>Dudes and Dudettes, skydiving is NOT for everyone, let's keep it to
> ourselves.

>Hey man..how did you start skydiving? How would you have felt
>hearing that said before you started?

I did hear that before I started, and I tell my students that - skydiving is not for everyone. And while I don't especially care for 'keeping it to ourselves', I care even less about promoting it to every whuffo who reads the Sunday paper.

>We always need fresh, new, up and coming skydivers to keep things
> new and on the edge..

I agree, and we've been getting them for 50 years now. What we _don't_ need are weekend warriors who jump once a year, spend a lot of money, and demand perfect safety. We don't need to drag the mainstream into the sport - these are the same people who sue over hot coffee.

>At least let people, give it a try, and experience the thrill that we all
> get "from jumping out of those perfectly good airplanes!" We need
> positive exposure..not negative all the time..

People die doing this, dozens every year. If you double the number of jumpers you double (or triple!) the fatality rate. That's negative exposure. People who do not want to die (or even take that risk) should _not_ jump.

>And I want to swoop the pond on ESPN..HI MOM!!

Then get your mom to the DZ and let her watch you swoop the pond. Desire for 'being on TV' is a poor reason to change the nature of the sport.

Want to be able to say "Hey, that's me on TV?" Join a demo team and do demos. Want to make money and get in the movies? Become a stunt man. Don't ask everyone else to want the same thing that you do, though.

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Skydiving is'nt for every one and we should'nt try to force it on others the same way flying is'nt ment for everyone.

I agree with that, but I don't agree that skydiving is "ours" or that we should keep it hidden. What stops most people from skydiving is the cost. That's what prevents those huge growth rates. Lets just say in 100 years skydiving has become completely mainstream. The FAA has set all those rules, like you said. Do you still think we'd have the same accident rate we have now? You're talking about 10-50% growth as if it would happen suddenly. That's just not going to happen. Anyway, with more people jumping, more accidents dont make the sport less safe.

By the way, ever seen the Be A Pilot commercials? They're all about advertising flying to just about everyone. That's not to say anyone believes everyone should be flying. I know pilots that I don't think should be flying, but just for general stupidity and not for anything specific.

Just another comment. I think its ridiculously easy to get a skydiving license. In my opinion the A license should be treated more like a learner's permit. Just a little more supervision is all.


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>I did hear that before I started, and I tell my students that - skydiving is not for everyone. And while I don't especially care for 'keeping it to ourselves', I care even less about promoting it to every whuffo who reads the Sunday paper.

I agree..Most whuffos are scared of skydiving, so that point in general will weed out most

>We always need fresh, new, up and coming skydivers to keep things
> new and on the edge..

I> agree, and we've been getting them for 50 years now. What we _don't_ need are weekend warriors who jump once a year, spend a lot of money, and demand perfect safety. We don't need to drag the mainstream into the sport - these are the same people who sue over hot coffee.

But we do need fresh faces in the sport, and you cant tell a person will be a weekend warrior the first couple times you meet them. We stress safety and currency to all of our students, and I personally have had the conversation with someone who was told, this may not be for you, but at least he was given the chance. Just like the rest of us where at one point

>At least let people, give it a try, and experience the thrill that we all
> get "from jumping out of those perfectly good airplanes!" We need
> positive exposure..not negative all the time..

>People die doing this, dozens every year. If you double the number of jumpers you double (or triple!) the fatality rate. That's negative exposure. People who do not want to die (or even take that risk) should _not_ jump.

I agree. Mainstream does not necessarily mean an amusement park ride in every city type skydiving atomsphere. Just think of the type of people who will watch the X-Games? There is a good chance they are already into an extreme sport, and it is clear to them in some sense that stuff can happen if you dont respect it, cause any extreme sport deals with this all the time.

>And I want to swoop the pond on ESPN..HI MOM!!
This was sarcasm...as I do not want my posts to be taken out of context, as I pass along my opionions.

I have been around this sport for 20 of 22 years of my life. I have seen the good and the bad. And met many lifetime long friends along the way. Im glad we gave them the chance to skydive, and did not restrict the sport of going slightly mainstream, if not they would have never started jumping, they did not start jumping due in fact that "everyone else is doing it". but they wanted to experience the thrill...

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Ive never seen rules on how big a motorcycle you can drive or how steep a hill you can skate. Just because skydiving might become more mainstream shouldnt make us limit its exposure. It doesnt necessarily mean there is going to be rules made for us. And putting it on tv isnt forcing anything its allowing people to see what its all about. Did anyone decide not to drive a car after Earnheart died.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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>Ive never seen rules on how big a motorcycle you can drive or how
> steep a hill you can skate.

How about:

-'No skateboarding' rules in malls
-Helmet laws on motorcycles
-Roads labeled with exactly what type of vehicle you're allowed to drive on them

Now apply this to skydiving.

-No skydiving rules near cities with class-B airspace
-Helmet laws (i.e. DOT-approved and tested helmets, no more unpadded surfer helmets or funky camera helmets)
-DZ's with canopy restrictions (i.e. squares only)

>Just because skydiving might become more mainstream shouldnt
> make us limit its exposure.

No one is talking about artificially limiting its exposure. We're talking about intentionally giving it more exposure, partly in an effort to make it more mainstream. We could spend our time more effectivelty, like say putting that effort into teaching people how to fly HP canopies in an attempt to cut down on fatalities.

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OOPS! Look what I've started :$


Hey man..how did you start skydiving? How would you have felt hearing that said before you started

I was told this before I started and would have assumed you have been told this before too...


? Skydiving is a kick ass sport..hobby..pastime.whatever you want to call it.

All too true my friend but this still does not mean that everyone was made to do it/excell in it! I would recommend a tandem "ride" for just about anyone but even there, I'm not a TM and I'm sure you'll find some that would disagree and not want to take up just "anyone" ;)

Also, yes, television does make a sport mainstreem... Just look at the dramatic increase in first jump students after such movie releases as DropZone, Cutaway or (hopefully) XXX!!! Maybe "Let's keep it to ourselves" was a poor choice of words but I am not using them to stop whuffos from skydiving. I agree that the more skydivers there are in the world the better but you cannot deny that they are a special breed and not to be found just anywhere. By keep it to ourselves I mean let's try to avoid crazy regulations by keeping the sport safe... Also, not showing people Screaming into the ground/pond on a regular basis for competition on TV would be good.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Ive never seen rules on how big a motorcycle you can drive or how steep a hill you can skate.

Sure you have. How about "no skate boarding" signs! and I don't know about where you come from but here, when you get your motorcycle licence, it's graduated and you can't start on a bike bigger than 300cc!!! Apply that to skydiving and you will need X number of jumps before you are able to legally fly an X sized canopy!!! That's just crazy 'cause not only does it say that the 'faster progressing' students have to wait longer to downsize but also tht the 'slower progressing' students will be able to say "screw your advice" I have X number of jumps and so I WILL downsize! There are also rules on the roads of Canada about how many bikes can ride together at one time. There are specific regulations on the type of helmets you have to wear! and blah blah blah!!!


Just because skydiving might become more mainstream shouldnt make us limit its exposure.... ... And putting it on tv isnt forcing anything its allowing people to see what its all about.

We are talking about swooping right! That's not what skydiving is all about. And while I maintain that skydiving is not a sport for everyone, I further state that swooping is not a landing for all skydiver. People Die under functional canopies more than anything else in this sport... Dude we don't want to broadcast these accidents as "what skydiving is all about"


Did anyone decide not to drive a car after Earnheart died.


Nope but then again, race-car driving is not for everyone either:P I bet some people stopped racing cars... And I bet a bunch 'o regular day-to-day drivers thought twice about some of the risks they took behind the wheel:)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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We're talking about swooping, a discipline of skydiving. Just because a pond swooping event was mainstreamed doesn't mean it's bad for skydiving. I know skydivers don't want regulations. We have regualtions in place and many of us don't follow them anyway. How many times have you got out over a cloud, even though the gps says you can get out? I think the exposure from the X-Games has done much more good things for sports that bad and for pond-swooping it would be the same.

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I agree that if you want the hero worship, do some demos. I did the spectator area at Quincy a few times and handed out pullup cords to the kids and signed their t-shirts. The kids were great.
I used to worry about the mainstream thing, but it seems like when skydiving is brought up, everyone is interested in listening, but not doing. I've had friends do a tandem for the amusement park thrill who will never have an interest in learning to skydive. It seems that no matter how many are exposed to skydiving, very few really try get into it, so mainstreaming doesn't bother me that much.
I don't really worry about lawsuits from people in the sport as much as their parents. When Little Johnny goes in and they think someone should be sued.
The only real problem I see is people who are in the sport and don't realize that the sport is dangerous. Sounds silly, but I see it a lot.

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It seems that no matter how many are exposed to skydiving, very few really try get into it,

This is true, I've heard that around here, for every 100 first-time jumpers, only 1 stays on to become an experienced skydiver...


so mainstreaming doesn't bother me that much...

...The only real problem I see is people who are in the sport and don't realize that the sport is dangerous.

Put competition pond swooping regularly on TV and you will see poeple going in on TV... lot's of them... This is not good for any skydiving discipline

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Just remember with more rules you will probally be seeing rules like no wing loadings above 1:1 for your first 100 jumps, 300 jumps for elliptical, 500 for 1.5 loadingsreply]

In Norway rules like this have been established this summer. The last year we have had a quite large number of accidents where wingload, lack of experience and so on have been factors. Therefor our safetyboard came up with some new rules: 0-200 jumps: max wingload is 1:1.1, stilettos, crossfires etc. are not allowed. 200-350 jumps: max wingload is 1:1.3, vx etc. not allowed. 350 -500 jumps: max wingload: 1:1.6. More than 500 Jumps: Individual evaluation of each skydivers skills/capabilities.
These are ABSOLUTE wingload/experience "guidelines" .



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