
AntiTerrorist Day

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Because the Taliban cannot stand nudity and consider it a sin to see a naked woman who is not his wife, next Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.EST, all American women are asked to walk out of their houses, or their dropzone, completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this antiterrorist effort. All men should position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their homes to prove that they think it's OK to see other women nude. (Since the enemy does not approve of alcohol, a cold twelve-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Taliban sentiment.) Notify the FBI of any neighbors who do not participate. Your efforts to root out terrorists will be greatly appreciated and indicate your desire to demonstrate your patriotism.:ph34r:

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I would love to express my anti terrorist sentiment RIGHT NOW but there is a ton of construction going on at my condo, and there are like 55 18 year old workers outside my windows and doors. I like fresh meat every now and then but these guys are a little too fresh.
Woohoo! Female skydivers unite in the war against terrorism, I can see it on CNN now...

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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"This is the greatest idea EVER! " It is not a new idea, though. For quite some time, my associates and I have been attending meetings of a grass-roots organization that is doing this very thing. We meet at their clubhouse every two weeks to consume quantities of alchohol and fight the oppressive Taliban edicts. They are existing solely on our donations. ;) The Dollhouse is one of the great bastions of capitalism and freedom. :ph34r:

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It might just make his day, and then you could pat youself on the back for making someone's week a little brighter.
I would probably get sent to mental health, my boss is nice but doesn't have too much of a sense of humor, which you need if I get nekked cause I so funny looking. I would also probably get yelled at for my not-so-regulation adornments, hehe. They thought the TONGUE ring was in bad taste....

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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