
AOT Boogie Rocked!

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I just wanted to post something about it and I can't write anything about it. It was great, everyone had fun.
The skydives were lots of fun and the party, the becon or however is spelled, specially the people.
Thanks for a great time!!!!
B| Thanks to the Skydive Aggieland Staff, To Mike for keeping his promise to keep this event and Hoping he recovers well.
Cheers. I'm happy and freaking tired after this weekend. I'm going to bed.
Cielos Azules

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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On behalf of the Skydive Aggieland staff, I would like to thank each and every one of you who attended the AOT Memorial Boogie this weekend. Beth just sent us a link to this thread so we could see what everyone was saying about the boogie, and I am overwhelmed by your positive comments.

We weren't sure what kind of turnout we might have, but you guys really came through and helped us have a fabulous weekend. I am already looking forward to planning next year's AOT Memorial Boogie, but I hope we won't have to wait that long to see each of you again.

Thank you again to our staff: DZO (and my better half) Todd, Pablo, Aggie Dave, my Worker Bees: Cindy, Ruth & Brenda, and Adam; all of our "special" boogie staff: Ramon, Levin, Catfish, Larry, Perry (who may be giving some canopy courses at Skydive Aggieland in the near future); Casa pilots Hugh and Jeb; all of our regular Skydive Aggieland family and AOTers who helped with so much; Skydive Houston, who let us "borrow" some staff and even sent their jumpers to us on Friday!, Austin Skydiving Center; everyone (you know who you are :)
Just in case I did not meet you, or by some weird stroke of *luck* you met me, but do not remember me, I am the Manifest Queen Bee/Bitch who was running around all weekend like a chicken with its head cut off. :P Now that you remember me, when you see "Queen Bee" online, drop me a line!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, and my card and plant, too!

Kathy Spillers, Queen Bee
Skydive Aggieland
[[email protected]]

I will be posting a new note regarding Mike's update soon.

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(you shit!!!!!)

Uh oh. Looks like somebody's in trouble...

Hey, just be happy I posted the good one! ;)

You're kind of like Jess in that you've got a great smile, but you never show it. Smile more often, dammit - then I'll have more good pics to post!


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Oh no! you did NOT just post that grungy lookin pic of me in the casa!!!:)


i know he just did, i copied it, it's going on my website as well, it'll be there in a couple of days! ;) thanks for being so sweet after i was all bummed out the other afternoon, that meant a lot, cause i was REALLY bummed! i had a great time at the boogie, can't wait for the next one. Good Job AOT!!
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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AggieDave looks like he could be from California

You didn't just say that! :P

At the DZ I'm in shorts, t-shirt, sun glasses and sandals (which are not on my feet most of the time). In real life I'm in jeans and boots usually. I found it was really hard to pack in jeans and boots...;)

So, I don't look like I'm from California, I look like a packer. :P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i know he just did, i copied it, it's going on my website as well, it'll be there in a couple of days!

NO!!!!! That is such a crappy pic! I cant believe you actually want it on your site! Are you serious?:P

But I am glad I got to meet you Richard.I wish you coulda stayed and hung out more...we would have made sure you had a blast.But if I cheered you up a bit,then thats good too.Besides,you left before the group pic and SCR ceremony.:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Levin jumps in jeans and boots unders his freefly suit.(got rid of his ropers for those frankenstein orthopedics):D:D

and he don't let no one pack for him..;)

"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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Well, Andy thanks for taking such a great picture of me! NOT! LOL

Just Kidding. I never like my own photos. I am the worst critic of them. I am on the right in the ORIGINAL dz.com tshirt that is white. I liked them better, mine lasted great. Dunno the prob.

Anyway, I got some good pics developed today, including a badass downplane. I will scan them in tonight.


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Heh. No problem on the name, Zennie. I get it all the time.;)

Ramon, you definitely have to rip that video of our coach dive. It was great, but funny as all hell. Some people call them near collisions, but at this stage in my freeflying skills, I call them DOCKS!B|

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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kbell (sorry, honey, i'm pointing at you...) has great resolution dig pics of many aspects of the boogie...perhaps he could be persuaded to give them up in a post? (don't hold your breath, though; we *are* tenacious lurkers.)

I was having too much fun jumping so I didn't take that many pictures, and the ones I took are only so-so. But here's some of them:

1) Parked CASA early Friday morning

2) "California" Dave and Levin packing in the Hangar

3) Group photo setup: I don't know everyone, but on the wing, there's "Texan" Dave, and Zennie peeking out from behind the prop. On the cockpit is Levin, Todd (DZO), and Pablito.

4) Todd again, with Skygeek on the wing.

It was great meeting all the DZ.commers in attendance, and look forward to meeting more of you next time. Also, thanks to Mike, Todd, Kathy, AggieDave, Pablo, and everyone else who worked their butts off to make this boogie a great success.






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whoop!!!! sure did zennie :) had a wonderful time even though i just hung out there saturday. martinez man it was awesome to see you again. i missed everyone so much. all my aggies... karin, carol, russell, jason, pabs... all ya'll are great. so happy to see everyone. good times at the dz, i'll be at sdh this weekend... C YA!!!


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whoop!!!! sure did zennie :) had a wonderful time even though i just hung out there saturday. martinez man it was awesome to see you again. i missed everyone so much. all my aggies... karin, carol, russell, jason, pabs... all ya'll are great. so happy to see everyone. good times at the dz, i'll be at sdh this weekend... C YA!!!

hey brit! i had a lot of fun too. too bad you didn't jump. fun dives. we'll make up for this weekend. in case anybody didn't know skydive houston is having it's fall mini-boogie this weekend. make 5 jumps get your 6th free in same day. ramon and i will be organzing hybrid, vSCR and tube dives. zennie will be making his first spaceball jump. should be alot of fun. nite jumps saturday night.


here's a couple of pics of the britster from labor day weekend at sdh.



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