
Natural Highs

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Since I've had a bad week and been rather "moody" lately, I tried to start thinking about all the little things that make me happy.Those "natural highs" that give you a little pick-me-up when you're feeling down and think things are at their worst.So I was just wondering, what makes y'all smile? Here are some of my favorites:

fresh coffee
singing along with the radio
a hot shower
road trips
a good conversation
fresh fruit
scented candles
a look that shares an inside joke
spending time with friends old and new
great sex
a good book
warm sun on my face
someone saying "I love you"
(and of course)skydiving


"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I know as soon as I post some, I will think of more, because some of yours are actually mine too!

Walks on the beach
Good food
of course.....Skydiving
Good Wine
good friends
Snuggles on a cold winter day
Sunny days
Watching a storm
Good book
walking outside on a windy day(love the wind)
Like someone else said, "the world decorated for Christmas"


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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slow dancing in the middle of the kitchen, even when there is no music
a look that makes your heart jump

Geez, those are good ones, nothing better than a slow dance in the kitchen even without music, and the looks:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I like watching the people on the porch scatter as I swoop the barn house at Napolean.. That is a natural high.. LOL

Probably the best thing is hugging my son..

When a baby nuzzles in my neck.

Watching my woman have an orgasm time after time.

Thinking about being a Dad again..

Never quitting..


Flying through the clouds under canopy.


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Cool idea!! I need to be remembering these things myself right now while my life is totally upside down. I'm just going to add a few because you've both covered lots of mine already.
Cold days at the beach with a fire going
Soft rain (like what's outside my window right now)
My beautiful, adoring puppy
Bubble baths with candles all round
Good food, fine wine and great friends to share it with
Snuggling with somebody special in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace
Baking homemade cookies
The world decorated for Christmas
Finding the perfect card for someone
I'm sure there's more but I have to head into an online meeting right now:P

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DUH!!!! BEER!!!!!

yeah, that...and...

laying naked in the sun
the sound of canopies opening above your head
driving out of new york city on a friday afternoon
rigorous exercise (great sex falls in this category)
laughing with my friends
having my boyfriends arms around me
talking to my mama
singing high and loud - especially on a stage
booking airline tickets
buying new shoes
reading old journals
surprising someone with a gift
spiral out...keep going...

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Tuesday...being Head Down with Lyle in a stand....smokin it down at over 200MPH. Really wanted to dock but I think I would have corked going that fast. Watching Caryn try Head down and giving her pointers. It's so fun to watch people learn. Riding the tug down the taxi way with a beer in each hand when the moon is up and the stars are out. Hooking over the hangar and going by the flags at mach snot. The beautiful lighting and clouds in my videos in the late afternoon. Watching exit shots of tandems on my camera. The sky is so chrystal blue up there even when it doesn't look so nice from the ground.
Hmmm...what can I say. I'm a skydiver. The rest of life seems a bit boring and tedious at the moment. :S

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Skydiving (duh)
having a few drinks with friends
lifting so much weight the bar is bending and the gym stops to watch
ripping a screaming solo on my trumpet
playing music
listening to music
Aggie Traditions (Whoop!)
putting a smile on someone's face
wasting away an afternoon playing dominos with friends
2-stepping the night away

the list could go on and on, but that'll do for now. :)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well, most of mine are already covered.
But the daily affirmation I like the most is when I get home from work and my faithful dog is sitting at the window next to the front door waiting. As soon as I open the door he bursts out and bounces all around ecstatic to see me. Nothing like total unconditional love and devotion to pick you up after a crappy day at the office.


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Lying back down in the morning for a few minutes
Sitting with my back up against a tree where I can't hear anything besides forest and critters
Listening to my son figure life out
Wendy w.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That was me. I had gone around the end of the hangers by the other packing area and played facing down the runway, away from the crowd. That way it'd sound distant and soft, although I was playing really f'n loud. :)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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my kids hugging me first
reaching my goals
learning something new
big ol' belly laughs
making someone else smile
spontaneous adventures
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Those "natural highs" that give you a little pick-me-up when you're feeling down and think things are at their worst

fires in fireplaces
fresh baked bread
a rainbow peeking out of the clouds
watching birds fly
a long walk on the shore, waves tickling my bare feet
long, slow, gentle sex
a down comforter on a cold cold night
my kitties chasing each other around the house
giving a jump tix to someone who's done right by me
a smile from a stranger
a phone call from someone you want to hear from
assisting someone in reaching their goal

And a ton of others.

Thanks for starting this thread, Amber. Having had to bury a friend and co-worker this week, it's been sort of difficult to remember good things, simple things, within easy reach, that can brighten and lift the spirit.

Ciels and Pinks-

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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