
Natural Highs

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quick groupings of three, most effective in close combat

I prefer double taps, high center, with a quick follow up to the pelvic girdle as needed. Screw the Mozambique! :P

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Agreed, that will work fine too. I just anticipate shooting moving targets in bad lighting, where your own muzzle fire blinds you for a few seconds, but clearily marks your position to the opponent - it's better to eliminate him before he starts getting serious;). Also I like to anticipate multiple opponents, hence like to deal with them ASAP.B|
Got to take into consideration the environment you are in (what type of walls if in door) possible traps and ambush points. Are there friendlys in the building. How many opponents etc. etc. Anywau the point is: do it to them before they do it to youB|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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B| It a good thing to see we can look back on the good things in life. Not just the smoke and mirrors our great leaders want us to see.

B| a sunshine day with a breeze blowing
B| walking across the street to Lake M
B|thinking about all the great/awesome sky dives I have made
B| deploying to the country of Panama with the US Army Rangers and looking the enemy in the eye
my dog
my cat
my boys
my lost mind
gear up to jump again, been off the plane for 9 years, time to get back on D-12431, 950+ jumps
all is good and getting better

skydiving fool, or fool skydiving depends on what load I'm on.

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Aside from doing some RW and nailing all the points?

A beautiful late spring week day morning, right as the sun is coming up and the fog is beginning to lift, me, my boat and a glass smooth lake undisturbed by all tha weekend traffic. Add in a thermos of coffee and a cooler of beer for later and that is about as close to perfect that a none skydiveing related event can be.:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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without going off on my list, i'll just add this:
helping a kid get it... (and there are all kinds of its)

Yeah, well, that really is why I do most of what I do - why I have my coach's rating, why I'm studying to be a teacher - that helping people reach their its. I can't think of anything better than to help someone do and be better than I...
- patkat
gotta exercise my demons!

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