
Experienced Advice needed

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ok guys,gals and clay.
heres my situation at hand, im looking for some outside opinions cause im not sure what would be better...Were moving in two weeks and mom just doesnt like me so she says if i want to move with her ill have to pay rent, and pay for food, not including my truck,cell,and cable bill...My cousin Mike is looking for a roomate and says im welcome to move in, after figuring out all the bills and what not, factoring in food and most of my needs its going to be roughly 240 more per month to live with my cousin, granted it would also be somewhat my house..moving in with mom would be cheaper but still the same rules, and same arguements everyday...im at a loss of what i should do so please help the ol' bus out, remember guys im 17 so take it easy

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man

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Were moving in two weeks and mom just doesnt like me so she says if i want to move with her ill have to pay rent, and pay for food

If she didn't like you, she wouldn't have bothered to tell you she's moving in the first place! ;)

My advice? Move in with your cousin.

*looking around to find a cousin that my 18 year old son can move in with....*

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I moved out of my house when I was seventeen. My mom died and my dad got remarried to SATAN so I decided to bail. It was very hard at first. I partied a lot and wasn't very productive. Then I decided that I wanted to do something with my life. I went got a good job and now I make good money and I can post whore all day long and jump every weekend! Just be careful. If your cousin is a big partier, etc. it could get you into a bad situation. Take care of yourself and be responsible if you move out. If you can't do that then don't move out.

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Was I your age 22 years ago. WTF? I guess so.

My advice may be controversial, but I think you should only move out once, if you can do it. If you think of it as final, you might think twice.

If your cousin flakes, do you have to move back with mom? Big if. If mom won't have you back, you just screwed yourself.

Living at home is a great deal. Mom rent and mom food is always a better deal than cousin rent and cousin food.

17 was the hardest time of my life. I wouldn't do that again for nothing. If I could do it again, I'd have buckled down, finished my degree in 3 years, made some money and bought one of those fancy new three-ring skydiving rigs that youngster Bill Booth invented.

Good luck!

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I'd have to say GO WITH THE COUSIN if you are able to handle it. If it's going to be a constant party you might be better off with Mom for another couple of years. Just remember that if you move in with the cousin Mom won't be too sympathetic to your money problems if you have them. Hey...I live with my brother and sister in law because #1 It gives me a hell of a lot more play money every month. #2 They can use the $350 per month I pay them in rent.
It was a little strange to get used to at first. I hadn't even had a room mate in about 4 years but it's all good now. I'm only at home to sleep during the week anyway. Otherwise I'm at work, DZ, or out of town.

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I say stay w/ your mom and use the extra money to Travel. Think of all the things you'll have to give up by living on your own. You're only 17, you got the rest of your life to grow up. When you get older your mom will get cooler; so Save your Money and Travel for a while. just my $0.02

--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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heya packerdan... just move in the hanger at the dz..I know it gets a little cold in the winter, but your truck and tent should be enough shelter.. then you wouldnt have to pay rent at all and could spend that money on your tricks and hos .... you little playa' you:)
this space for rent.

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Sounds like a plan kevin, few things stopping me though, #1 senior year in h.s and im going to one of the top rated vocationals for welding in the country....#2 may 2nd local 169 comp, winner qualifys for appretiship program. so its school thats holding me back but my welding is real important to me, so i cant call it quits on that...i mean i cant be packer dan forever you know

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man

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My advice may be controversial, but I think you should only move out once, if you can do it. If you think of it as final, you might think twice.

If your cousin flakes, do you have to move back with mom? Big if. If mom won't have you back, you just screwed yourself.

That's right. Don't plan on ever going back. Are you sure you're ready for that? There may come a time where you are eating nothing but ramen noodles and stealing toilet paper (or so I've heard happens to some people). Will you be able to deal? If so, then go for it. If you can handle mom for a while longer, you might be better off in the long run.

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Wayne State and Eastern Michigan are right around the corner from you. Find a shop for welding a few times a week, pack on the weekends. Get yourself a little education, enjoy the college party life and when you graduate you'll probably be ready to run your own shop.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Heres my advice....I moved out when I was 17 and still in H.S.....cable bill??? DROP THE CABLE......cell bill??? what 17 year old really needs a cell phone.....if you drop the shit you really dont need its not a problem....I had 2 couches I found at garage sales and a talble...plus my end tables where hard boxes!!! but it was all mine!!! yes it was hard going to school , working ,and trying to maintain a girlfriend but it was worth it for me and taught me a lot about growing up!! If you want to do it its not hard ...just get rid of the things you dont need if you cant afford them.....you already said your jumping is covered and liek I said do you really need cable and a cell phone.....I'm 28 yrs old have a wife two kids a regular job and a business and I dont need a cell phone ...THEY ARE THE DEVIL!!;)B|

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It might be fun to live with your cousin and all, but I say move in with your mom (so that I'm not the only loser here still living with the parents.) An extra $240 a month can help you out so much down the road if you invest/save and all that good stuff. Yeah, you might think you're too young to start worrying about that junk now, but my roommate started investing and stuff when she was 16 and was able to buy a house right outta college without taking out a huge loan. And, she already has a 401K set up. She is much smarter than me!

I'm in a similar situation...either live downtown Chicago and have fun, or be annoyed for about 5 hours a day by my parents.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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