
Fat People on Airliners

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I agree and am the same way. There's nothing wrong with a burger every now and then, But I had a roomate (tons o' fun) who would eat mcdonalds everday and not even think about trying to lose his excess weight. it made me sick.

in vino veritas-
(there is truth in wine)

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what if i tell the stewardess that this woman is creating an unsafe condition. that’s ridiculous. They are creating a safety hazard simply by her presence on the aircraft, rendering the exit unusable by anyone in a timely manner.

if this fat bitch is sitting next an exit I sure as hell better be next to another one. I mean just think how hard it will be to get by her with your rig on. :)

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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You know, I have to agree with some of what has been said here, and disagree too, somewhat. Yes, some people don't eat healthy and some people are lazy. Some, however have a metabolism that just doesn't allow them to be thin. I struggle to stay thin and healthy, I work hard at being fit. But, some people don't seem to want to bother doing that. To those people, I guess I judge harshly. If someone is fat and not happy with themselves, then change it! I don't want to hear any sob stories on why you are overweight. Especially as people grow older, our metabolism slows down, we just have to eat less and move more! Some people aren't willing to do that. If a person is overweight and happy with themselves, fine. This airline seating problem makes a lot of sense, if you take up two seats, pay for two. My .02 worth, anyway.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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That whole "metabolism slows down" thing that people talk about is a bit of a red herring. People use it to excuse all sorts of bs. The reality is that people lose lean tissue (that burns lots of energy) and replace it with adipose tissue (that burns very little energy). This comes from not doing resistance exercise to maintain and build muscle tissue. Over time, they start gaining weight while eating the same amount. There is no good reason that the average person cannot maintain their muscle mass until well into their sixties.

For the record, I'm another one of the those inclined to be pudgy. I managed to get relatively thin and healthy, and have maintained it. Eating well is the most important factor, followed by strength training. Aerobic exercise is good too, but not as vital.

Anyway, I've noticed that the formerly fat seem to be the harshest on the currently fat. I guess it's motivation to keep it up, though.

Anyway, there is no right to air travel. If you take up two seats, you should pay for two seats. If you compromise the safety of other passengers, well, there's always the bus. Obesity is not the same as congenital disabilities. It is a reversible condition, and, as such, should not be afforded expensive accomodation.

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I have yet to hear an obese person who did not use the "metabolism" excuse. However, on the rare occasions that I go to the local all-you-can-eat buffet I can guarantee the people with the plates piled high are the fattest customers in the place, often there with their fat children.

The reason I don't go to such places very often is that I resent subsidising the gluttons.

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And don’t the FARs require you to be able to operate the exit if you sit there? Unlikely she could…


Nope. As it was explained to me, the person must volunteer that they can't operate the exit. The FAR doesn't require the airline to make that determination. In this case, it was quantifiably obvious...she needed both arm rests up, she couldn't seat herself without assistance, and she needed a seatbelt extension. Yet, unless she told the flight attendant she couldn't operate the exit she was fine to sit there.

What a great policy!

That's f$%#ed up! When I had a broken leg and had to travel all through March I was denied the exit row and forced to squeeze my leg into regular constricting coach seats. One bozo even put me in the bulkhead which has LESS space to put your leg forward! I was told I couldn't sit in the exit row due to my handicap. I KNEW I could get that door open in an emergency. My upper body was stronger than usual from all the crutching and I was still working out every part of my body but my left leg. Come to think of it, if I was in another row in an emergency the likelihood of others knocking me down and trampling me would be fairly high. At least in an exit row I could get the door open and get out before being trampled. I didn't volunteer not to sit there but I didn't argue when they said no. Bastards!>:(

Fall in dove.

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ahh i topic i feel stongly about........

i have flown many times and many trans atlantic flights.. i have to say the most enjoyable where in a military aircraft with the heat turned up to like 90 in my part of the plane.... i hate the heat...but i had all the arm room i wanted because i never had to sit nex to a person whose stomach just fit in the seat and thier arms overflowed into my seat.....now, my last flight from colorado springs into columbus oh i sat next to a "larger" guy and that very thing happened.. i ad to sit with my shoulders tucked into my chest the whole way just to avoid touching the guy..and i hate touching people on a plane i don't know......

maybe they could make thousse things that they have for your cary on baggage..... okay sir, will you please sit in this chair...ahhh.. your stomach is to far over the arm rest....you need two tickets... or a first class one....... (we al have sen the first class seat as we shuffle back to the "economy" class section.....(if you regularly fly first class, i hate you all!>:(:ph34r: )

"i have no reader's digest version"

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You are totally correct. I think as a person ages, they slow down their active lifestyle. Did you ever notice what food is in the shopping carts at the grocery store of overweight people? Yikes! Junk food and prepared foods!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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This thread has pissed me off a bit. This fat bitch this, this fat bitch that. This gross looking nasty ass blah blah blah.....

I am not an obese person, and I am not a skinny person. I fit in an airliner seat and have been comfortable doing so. My neighbor has not ever complained that I was crowding them out. But those of you who know me also know that I am not a skinny marink, and it is utterly ridiculous to expect everyone to be.

So before I take this thread really personally, define what you're discussing.

As to the metabolism thing, there is no doubt that I have a slow one. my treat is when I am at the DZ, I get a burger. As I make it to the dz once every 6 weeks or so, that's when I eat one. Last night, for example, I had a salad (not loaded with everything - just veggies with some kidney beans - thank you very much, vinegar as dressing), and a can of soup. All told, perhaps 600 calories. As for what else I ate yesterday, well, 2 glasses of 1% milk. What else can I do but eat far less than everyone I know, and still maintain a chubby appearance? Run...walk, weight lifts (no $$ for a gym membership) - yes, I have a mini stair master which I do 1/2 an hour on on 4 times a week...and just about maintain my body weight....last time I went to Mikkie D's? About 9 years ago. Last time I went to any fast food place? At the beginning of the summer. I would rather not eat if my only choice is fast food, which means 98% of my days I do not eat until I can come home and prepare something "lean" and easy. My office regularly brings in donuts and bagels...and I just as regularly pass them up, getting coffee instead.

I'm not lazy. I'm not fat, or slovenly, or uneducated. I am not unmotivated, nor am I any of the things y'all have stated. Yes, there are people who are morbidly obese...I am not one of them. Take a care how you describe us fatties...most of you show a disgusting arrogance and disinclination to actually look at the average "fatty" and see what's going on....and you have no idea who is reading this, and feeling horribly about themselves because of what you are saying. I know I did...

Hmm. I seem to have taken this a bit more personally than I thought.


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This thread has pissed me off a bit. This fat bitch this, this fat bitch that. This gross looking nasty ass blah blah blah.....

I am not an obese person, and I am not a skinny person. I fit in an airliner seat and have been comfortable doing so.

In that case, this thread is not about you. It is about someone who got injured on account of an obese person overlapping their airline seat.

There's no way around the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

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Hi, Proff....


In that case, this thread is not about you. It is about someone who got injured on account of an obese person overlapping their airline seat.

No? I am far larger than the charts suggest I should be. I could easily be charged a second airfare, because of that particular issue.

No? The thread crept around and walked off onto its' own thing, as most threads do. The base for the thread was an article, but the majority of the comments went somewhere else...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Yikes, I didn't want to offend anyone, and am sorry if the written words were offensive. I think most of the discussion was aimed at the original post and the unfairness of the situation. I think this discussion has gotten off the 'track'. We love you Michele.:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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My remarks pretained to lazy, inactive, overeaters with no regards to their health.

Ya know, if you just looked at me, and didn't know I play as hard as I do, you would have that opinion of me, as well. I realize that people don't realize how hurtful and difficult their words can be...which is why I made my post.

Just got this in a pm...and as the sender gave persmission for me to post it here, but anonymously, I have only edited it to reflect their wish...


I have often thought to myself I'm too fat to be a skydiver. Yeah, I shop in regular shops, yes, I fit in airline seats, I'm not morbidly obese, but I just thought I shouldn't be around all these other thin people. And reading what the people on here write I just figured everyone was thin and beautiful athletes. I've not said anything on this topic because I'm too embarassed. So I just wanted to say thank you for saying something I'm too scared to."

This isn't necessarily directed at J, either, but at those who can so easily demean and denegrate those who don't fit the societal precepts.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Michele... the only thing fat about you is you are a BIG, FAT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice try, but you are not fat. For crying out loud girl, we've all seen you on TV!!!!!!! Get off your fat soapbox, stop looking in the funhouse mirror and get real! I am no skinny little thing either. I have a large frame (stop rolling your eyes you freaks!) - I have had it measured more than once. I will never have a tiny waist - even if I starved myself! Doesn't run in the family. But I work my ass off (7 days a week in the gym - even if it means going at 3am after work) and eat wisely. STill no waif, but I don't need to turn sideways to walk down the aisle of an airplane. (Um - except for when I was on crutches.... shimmy, shimmy, shimmy!)

Seriously, have you watched your video? I know my self image is distorted, but for the love of God!!!!!;)

Fall in dove.

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My remarks pretained to lazy, inactive, overeaters with no regards to their health.

Ya know, if you just looked at me, and didn't know I play as hard as I do, you would have that opinion of me, as well. I realize that people don't realize how hurtful and difficult their words can be...which is why I made my post.

No, I wouldn't make that assumption. I don't make first image assumptions. I am not biased against overweight people (or anyone), geez, I've been there. Some of my remarks should not have been made but they certainly aren't personal attacks. Thanks for making your post and making us all aware. I'm sorry you were hurt and offended.:(

I just read Dove's post, and she is right on! We have seen you on TV, you are not fat! You are a beautiful person and good role model.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Hi, Proff....


In that case, this thread is not about you. It is about someone who got injured on account of an obese person overlapping their airline seat.

No? I am far larger than the charts suggest I should be. I could easily be charged a second airfare, because of that particular issue.

No? The thread crept around and walked off onto its' own thing, as most threads do. The base for the thread was an article, but the majority of the comments went somewhere else...


Well, you said previously that you fit comfortably in an airline seat. In that case, the thread is clearly not about you.

Perhaps you are what my GF calls "pleasingly plump". I don't know, I've never met you.

Regardless, the laws of thermodynamics are quite strictly enforced.

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Some of my remarks should not have been made but they certainly aren't personal attacks.

Jan, I didn't take them as such. If I had felt they were personal attacks, I would have responded far differently...believe me ;)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Buncha liars!

I get away with murder now compared to when I was obese. The only reason I'm not obese anymore is a chronic pain condition.

Hey fatty! Eat a doughnut!

People are casually mean to the obese and the ugly. And they are unapologetic about it. Sometimes it's not so much that people are mean, it's that people aren't as nice as they are to fit people. Hell, fat people are even rude to other fat people.

People do this all the time " I may be fat/bald/flat-chested/pockmarked/freckly, but THAT PERSON is WAY fatter/balder/flatter/pockeder/frecklier than ME"
Not everybody, but most folks.

I try to toss my first impression until I've talked with somebody. I was talking to Cornholio about this on Saturday. I'll type about stuff I would not talk about, so you folks probably will be surprised when you meet me.

If you were going off about whatever, I'd listen to you and learn about you, but I wouldn't argue with somebody and try to change their opinion if they had their minds made up.

I figure Clay won't be connected at the rectum with a goat when I meet him, so he probably won't surprise me too much.

My first impression of Michele?

Michele, you are the first DZ.commer that hugged me. :$:)

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Hey, Michele,

I'm with Dove on this one. Didn't see the espn thing, but your picture HAS been posted on this site more than once. You are NOT fat. Lots of us obsess about our weight and try and compare ourselves to models and movie stars. But, that's not who most of us are.

But, I'll also agree with you in that SOME of the posts on this thread have gone off topic and are kind of nasty. Is a fat person eating a cheeseburger somehow unworthy of basic human compassion?? The fat jokes and comments come pretty easily, and I know I've been guilty more than once.

Since I turned 40 last May, I am way more sensitve to being called "old" than "fat"!:D But that's just me........


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Since I turned 40 last May

FORTY! My gosh, I didn't know they let people that old skydive!

Oh - forgot - I'm over 50.:$

Yeah, well, I'm older than that:(, but I don't feel "old", I guess that's good, huh?:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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***Perhaps you are what my GF calls "pleasingly plump".

Geez, John! Good thing you already have a girlfriend. There aren't too many women out there who would respond favorably to that description! I may have to kick you for Michele next time I see you!;)


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I think you got yourself in trouble with the SDC girls.....Tigra...we will have to gang up on him..
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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