
How many jumps can you pay for?

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>Phree - you only had 35 jumps at the beginning of this season? Nah.

Yeah... I had 236 (First jump of the year ended with me in the ER. Being in the ER tends to make jumps stick out :)
The one note that I will say is student loan repayment sucks. Whats let me jump my rear off is I got used gear at good bargins and I saved every penny I could get to keep jumping. And next year if things go the way I'm hoping... there will be no more plane tickets to or from Ohio being bought...

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Right now I set aside $120 per week for jumping.
Rantoul wa$ great but, right now I'm busting ass for a new custom Cobalt and a 2nd rig for it.
I plan to cover my big bills now and use my special bank acct.(like a xmas fund) for jumping shamlessly in 2003!
Learning what doesn't work from this season helped me plan next season.
I plan on doing lots of SNOW:)Big time) and a hot tub for sore jumpin' musclesB| >>>I finally found my priorities and put them in order.

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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how many can i afford or how many jumps have i made? hehe.. Sacrafices are well worth the jumping.. no more shopping.. no more wasted money, apartment and truck payments only.. the rest is JUMP MONEY! I have made about 380 jumps so far this year. September was my best month with 65 jumps. If a load is flying.. I BETTER BE ON IT.. :P.. a good weekend averages about 14, but now the damn weather is slowing me down.. did i mention I hate winter? :S

good skydives, good friends and good beer.. thats what its all about.

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Sacrafices are well worth the jumping.. no more shopping.. no more wasted money, apartment and truck payments only.. the rest is JUMP MONEY!

too true, I had to buy a reliable truck to get to the dz, but had to sacrifice the jump money. luckily, most of the jumps pay for themselves, doing vid, tossing students out etc. hope the hard work built up in my little account last thru winter..[:/]

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My first year after my student jumps I made 360. I've beat that number each year sense 1995. They were all out of pocket until I got my tandem rating in 98. I make a point to never take any money home so I do get to fun jump a lot. Working jumps also paid for my AFF rating, and extra rigs. So you could say the I jump more because I have to jump more. I'm part owner of the skydiving center now too.

jumpervali sl/aff/tandem-i s&ta eieio

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I'm happy if I can get 3-6 jumps in per day that I jump (I've yet to have more than six in one day) and if all goes well (ie: the weather and work lets me jump), I hope to jump two or more days a week.

But look for me to be a jumping maniac at Eloy come Christmas time. I figure to be there for ten days and should average five jumps per day. Of course this will cost me a cool 1k, but the experience will be worth it. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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