
How many beers does it take...

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Beer...I can guzzle two or three then nurse one every hour for the rest of the night.

Screwdrivers...I never want to see again after this past weekend

Scotch...keep my glass full

Wine...give me the bottle and I'm happy all night

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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To get a buzz off of beer it takes me probably around 6 to 8 beers. But to get really drunk off of beer it would take more than a twelve pack that's for sure, maybe 15 to 18 beers... To get really hammered it takes something else besides beer... Tequila, Whiskey, you name it...:ph34r:

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Site naming. hmmm, always a touchy subject. Let's just put it this way Jim. I drive down an interstate until I see an advertisement for a BASE jumping site. Usually, in WI, the advertisements are in the form of red lights, with the top light blinking.
Hope that helps.
oh, it depends on.

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I start bartending school today and I still have NO TOLERANCE.

You're going to Eloy right? You'll have to test out some of your drinks on us. B| Just as long as you know how to make a good Flaming Dr. Pepper, a NewYork Muthafucker, a good Margarita, a Watermocasin...well the list could go on, but you know...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You'll have to test out some of your drinks on us. B| Just as long as you know how to make a good Flaming Dr. Pepper, a NewYork Muthafucker, a good Margarita, a Watermocasin...well the list could go on, but you know...

The real test of a bartender is when you order by color and see what they come up with. Example:
Bartender: "What would you like?"
Drinker: "Blue!"
Go through the rainbow! See what you like!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I like to try the "make something tastey" and see what they make. Usually pretty good, sometimes pretty bad, eitherway I usually enjoy it.

I'll have to try the rainbow thing sometime, though, that sounds fun.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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um...it's not that embarrassing!

I don't drink much beer anymore, but a bunch of us got into the bad habit early last summer of going out after work...1 was fine, I'd go home after 2 and 3 I would be pretty buzzed. Anything over that was just bad news, or a really bad day!

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