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I dont think 38 is old.Hell I tried to date one of my best friends and he was 37.(didnt work out though)

I'm not trying to be a wuss,I'm trying to protect myself from being hurt as badly as I have been in the past.Besides,its not as I have a crowd of guys trying to break down my door right now either.[:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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"Besides,its not as I have a crowd of guys trying to break down my door right now either"

Ummm...your electronic door maybe. Seems you've been the target of a few "positive" responses here on HH's dating service. Don't want to hear this from you. Sitting on the sidelines watching, I'm thinkin' you get more than a good share of attention around here. B| You should go with it. Mr. Perfect may not be jumping at your dz until you invite him for a visit.

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Typical of the way men and women meet. She was looking for the guys who were the best looking or best dressed. I was looking for cute buns and a mini-skirt... There are across the bar, our eyes locked. She turned away for a moment because she didn't want to appear too aggressive, but then she turned back to me... smiled sweetly, walked over to where I was standing and whispered "Hey GI... me love you long time". And as they say, the rest is history.

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But I also know alot of things that are said on the forums is just talk,people having some fun....ie not serious.I do appreciate the positive attention and have said so.

But ok what the hell....I'll be at Skydive Dallas tomorrow anyone care to join me?
If I could get a flight down there in time ,I would.
You could hold my hand at exit. It's pretty wide open there(I'm afraid of "widths" not heights:ph34r:)

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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But I also know alot of things that are said on the forums is just talk,people having some fun....ie not serious.I do appreciate the positive attention and have said so.

But ok what the hell....I'll be at Skydive Dallas tomorrow anyone care to join me?


Ok. Most of it is play. It is nice to have electronic friends. Some of the people that I have talked to here, I have met and they are cool skydivers.

There is also the second stage. Most people meet SOs through friends and co-workers. Some g/f of yours says "My b/f has the buddy who is so...". Heard that before? Well, maybe another of your dz.com buds would say, "Hey, I've got a g/f, but you are cool to chat with and funny, so I know a bud of mine...". See?

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>HH's dating service

HH's pimp service seems to be more used then ever....

I met Jessica via here. Go back and search some of our early posts and there was some flirting on here. IM was way worse, then I flew down to jump and get away from the snow in Ohio, and the rest they say is history...

8 months in and things are great.. and I love her more now then ever :)

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I understand what you're sayin,but stuff like that doesnt happen to me.*shrug*

I think we all respect how you fell about relationships.
I've had pain in my heart that I didn't think surgery could heal. After that it's been "one toe at a time into the hot tub"(& always keep an eye on the termometer when you are in).:$
I'd be happy just to see people for here at the 2003 WFFC (time can heal somethings friends can help a person through that time period;))
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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>HH's dating service

HH's pimp service seems to be more used then ever....

my theory is that HH created this site for his own personal dating service. being the intelligent person that he is, he knew that this site would grow and attract skydivers, more importantly, female skydivers. He started the mugshots section so he could choose which beautiful female skydivers he could hit on, and he created PM's so he could privately hit on the chics, so that the chics wouldn't know he was hitting on a couple dozen of them at the same time. ;)

but we all appreciate this sevice, be it in finding love for Phree or just for a good distraction on rainy days.

thanks HH, good luck in your search!:P

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We met in Quincy 2001. She came by to pick up a t-shirt. Eyes met and locked, just long enough to see through each other, but short enough to ask ourselves "What just happened?" I won't exaggerate. This happens to me with people, on occasion. It was just a sign that I needed to get to know this person. Over the next year, I casually look for other signs of this person in my world. Talk to people that know her, and just keep her on the shelf with other people I know I'll meet again, someday.
Rantoul 2001: I arrive a couple of days before the Convention to set up my gear, install a server at Illicom for the web stream, and plan with the other Martini vidiots for the Convention. She's there early, too. And looking great! I even remember her name. Her Rodriguez name, which she never could remember. I should - I gave it to her, but she's surprised, nonetheless. We start talking, hanging-out with the video crew. It's difficult to get one-on-one, 'cause the guys are behaving like guys. No biggie - that's the way things are supposed to be. We do have a few good moments, where everyone stops talking and watches us, as they realize we've forgot they exist. I realize in these moments, she's my kind of person. It's not a romantic type thing - just a people type thing. I was at a point in my life where romance was not important. Knowing people and sharing with my friends was all I wanted/needed. I knew she would be a friend. I felt I knew she would be a friend a year ago, this just confirmed it. We spent time together over the next week, getting to know each other. We jumped together, packed together, partied together, and still did our own thing. It was still a friendship. One that felt years old. We would joke about "Convention Time" - how time can warp or stand still; that time spent there was multiplied for the rest of the world. We spent most of a day just telling our life stories, and many late nights explaining our beliefs and who we really are. Those hours gave me more than days and weeks and months spent with other people. An exceptional person. A passionate person. An adrenalin junkie. A brilliant teacher. A student of life. Spiritual in the same weird ways. Connected and understanding... Not to mention drop-dead sexy. I fought the urge to fall for her. Friendship, with someone like her, was much more important. Romance just didn't make sense. We parted, things unsaid, as we were both sure was best. I knew she had things to resolve back home, and I had too many things I wanted to see, too many places to go, and people to meet - to get involved with anyone. Countless e-mails and phone calls. It was supposed to get easier as time went by. I missed her more. I wanted just to see her, to slip into "Convention Time" and spend a few hours understanding. I dreamt of skydives with her. Eventually, I went to visit her. She had been having some bad days. I wanted to bring her some good days. Good days we had. We talked 'til the sun came up, and jumped out of airplanes. I won't say we picked up where we left off. We picked up in a different way. I had resolved we would be friends, and so did she. Somewhere, as she looked inside of me, and I was looking back at her, those barriers just melted away. It was pretty scary that someone could walk right through locked doors. When I realized I was falling in love with this woman - I was somewhat confused. I didn't want this to happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. I almost felt like I was crossing a line. Fortunately, she was crossing the line with me. Both scared, we pressed on. Eventually the fear went away. Paths and possibilities appeared before us. Hope and incomparable joy filled my life. I had been happy by myself. I was willing to accept what great things life had given me. Now, I have so much more. I hope each and every one of you can come to know such happiness.

i must admit, it's all true (except rantoul was in 2002) oh yeah, and he glazed over how he stalked me for a year;)

isn't he the best. :$

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i must admit, it's all true (except rantoul was in 2002) oh yeah, and he glazed over how he stalked me for a year;)

Huh... I wondered why he wanted me to install at webcam at SGC... he said it was to 'just test it out' and to 'keep it hidden so no one tries to steal it' - it all makes sense now!
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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my theory is that HH created this site for his own personal dating service.

wah wah wah wah .. if you build it they will come ..wah wah wah wah (name that movie!)

field of dreams... who wants to make a movie called ".com of dreams"

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my theory is that HH created this site for his own personal dating service.

wah wah wah wah .. if you build it they will come ..wah wah wah wah (name that movie!)

field of dreams... who wants to make a movie called ".com of dreams"

wouldnt that by X-rated?;)
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Through this ruddy website.
How bloody cliche!!
We grew up in same home town
Share mates, the usual


"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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I'm sure if you left right now you'd be here in time.Not sure how my SDU coach would feel about you holdin my hand at exit though.;):P

I'd wear my Whinnie the POOH suite,... he'd never ask :ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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