
How did you meet?

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We met at a volleyball game during our freshman orientation at college. I was lighting a cigarette and she told me that it was bad for me, turned around and lit one herself, so I called her a hypocrit.( and you guys were wondering how to impress the ladies, simple just call them names):P Everyone we went to school with new that we would wind up together but us,it took us five years to figure it out and almost seven years have passed and we will be wed this spring, I love my little hypocrit.

edit since I didn't read the first post well enough...

"bitsy pookums..." er WTF?:P

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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havent yet...well not recently at least. Still very close friends with the one i almost married though...

[flashback waves]
it just one of those days, walked into a freshman seminar i'd skipped the first semester (she had started the year late)and the sky changed colors. [/flashback waves]

i would love that feeling, that effect again, but i think life has jaded me to it

(skydiving gave it to me in a different way, the subtle shift of view)

still i am sometime amazed at the paths and possibilites life unveils. So i try to live with out expectation or intent, ride the wave and see what happens..

"keep going spiral out..." -tool
"you never know where your muse will appear" - Tori Amos.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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(skydiving gave it to me in a different way, the subtle shift of view)

If it hadn't been for skydiving, I don't think my eyes would have opened to see the realness (is that a word) of what Amy and I share. Before the Sky, I was someone that I did not like very much, now, I am not that much better, but I am getting there.;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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(skydiving gave it to me in a different way, the subtle shift of view)

If it hadn't been for skydiving, I don't think my eyes would have opened to see the realness (is that a word) of what Amy and I share. Before the Sky, I was someone that I did not like very much, now, I am not that much better, but I am getting there.;)

i have to agree, i even told anna (the friend i was speaking of) this weekend how i feel as if i've come out of a cave, never having seen the sun.

everything changed, i wore masks everywhere before, a means of protection, 'they cant hurt me if they dont know who i am'

but not any more :)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Right here.....actualy....

started talking for a bit online...then met at hinckley for the first time...but I was involved...met again at archway...but was involved...but there was some sort of wierd chemistry going on there...can't describe it...still can't describe it 6 months later...it is awesome to behold...I really am one of the luckiest guys alive.

this coming holiday will be one of the best days of my life. I will have the two #1 women in my life with me...and I also get to introduce one to the other for the first time...it will be great...however it goes...

here's a pic of both of my "girls" as my dad calls em....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....



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In a bar. We were both there to see the band. We had mutual friends in the band. That was the first time I saw him. I thought he was a jerk at first because I tried to talk to him and he just walked away. Then I found out he's 70% deaf and didn't me hear me in the first place. We met for real a few weeks later. After the band finished playing at the bar a few of us went back to the bass players house to hang out. We started talking there and the rest is history. We went on our first date that weekend, got engaged after 9 days, got married 7 months after that and we just celebrated our 12th anniversary on Sunday the 8th. We have one beautiful daughter that I'm sure you've all seen pictures of.

So you can really meet good men in bars.

see my two kids.



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Well, I was volunteering for Jump for the Cause when I met this cute California Girl who was just wound way too tight. I had just driven 30 hours, I was sick with a sinus infection, sleep deprived and just looking for Richard Seymour so I could check in a say I would start helping the next day after some sleep. What I got was his uptight lovely assistant Jen Parker all wacked out with a head full of "to dos" I am thinking "What is her damage?" she is thinking "I gotta work with this whiner for the next week". So much for good first impressions... Anyway, Jen and I are conspicuosly paired together by Richard for the next week on the many happenings of JFTC and at some point I must have looked at her a little to long and listened a little too much. We talk, we get to know each other, incredible chemistry developes, then it is time to drive back home... We say goodbye, exchange a hug, an uncomfortable silence pregnant with things unsaid and part...

I am thinking about the drive home when some cosmic force in the universe or maybe my internal skydiver voice tells me it would be cool to stay an extra week and jump in Elsinore and visit friends(since I didn't jump during the event at all). So I do this. I am checking my e-mail at Elsinore and there is a message from Jen. "Where are you... Are you on your way home???" it said. I replied with my intentions of jumping in Elsinore for a week. In that time, we have 3 dates, we connect more and more. By the time I drive back home, I have been blindsided by this incredible woman when I least expected it who I just can't seem to be with enough or speak to enough to be sated! We are simply drawn to each other by terrific gravity emailing and talking on a nightly basis. A month later we rendevous in Oklahoma for a few days when she is visiting family. All kinds of weird anxieties lead up to our meeting, but when we get together we both calmly and naturally settle in to what we are when we are together.

Next week she flying in to stay with me for four days for a little early Christmas and we are both counting the days. Thus begins the saga of Jon and Jen...


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Gregor Samsa is my role model.

Concerning your signature... Are you saying you want to wake up a dung beetle or you did unexpectedly and are dealing with the circumstances???

I've always wanted to be a lumberjack!


death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Concerning your signature... Are you saying you want to wake up a dung beetle or you did unexpectedly and are dealing with the circumstances???

Neither, really. I'm just being surreal. Though sometimes I do feel an itch that feels rather like an festering apple embedded in my back.

I feel more like Joseph K. these days, anyway.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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I heard all about him for years through one of his good friends that I was dating at the time. He'd always tell me that the two of us would totally love each other...he was right!

We finally met in Coolidge two winters ago. It was love at first sight, for sure. He's basically me in boy form. We did one jump together, but it took me over a year to get up the nerve to actually talk to him.

My friends would invite him over so we could talk, but I was way too shy. I'd usually just stand there blushing like mad, trying to think of anything to talk about.

I was like the kid on South Park who'd puke on his shoes when he'd walk by.

What it finally came down to was one friend telling another, telling another that.....etc that I liked him. By the time the message got to him it escalated from "Holly has a crush on Brad" to "Holly wants to get into Brad's pants". Gotta love my friends. :P

x's and o's,

Hol :)

When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

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