
A 3-Front War?

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Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld seems to think we can "decisively" win a war with both Iraq and North Korea. Throw in the current issue with Afghanistan, and we have a tidy 3-front war.


Does anyone else think that the defense budget and the Gulf War successes of high tech weaponry have gone to their heads a bit?

Even aside from the question of whether or not we can accomplish all that at once, it seems grossly arrogant to me to even contemplate it. Why are we searching out new battles to fight and new ways to basically have the whole world pissed off at the US?

It sounds like a few deep breaths, and somber trips to a VA hospital and Arlington National Cemetary might be in order. They really need to contemplate the repercussions of what they are considering.

Just my $.02, of course....

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It sounds like a few deep breaths, and somber trips to a VA hospital and Arlington National Cemetary might be in order. They really need to contemplate the repercussions of what they are considering.

Very sober thinking, Justin. I couldn't agree more.

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Don't worry, the war on terror is having an effect...

Iraq Quits Axis of Evil, Plans to Pursue Solo Career


In what is said to be a "mutually agreeable" arrangement, it was today announced that Iraq has left the Axis of Evil in favour of solo work.

"There have been good times and bad times," said Saddam Hussein, "and now we feel it is the time for us to leave. And of course, we wish the Axis every success in the future."

The announcement has sparked a furious row over the exact cause. "It doesn't suprise me at all; Iraq has been held back by dead weight for some time now." said a spokesman for Al-Qaeda. "I mean, how many other members of the Axis have almost got themselves invaded in the last 6 months?"

But the remaining members quickly hit back. "People overstate the role Iraq had in the Axis." said one roadie, who wishes to remain anonymous. "The creativity always came from North Korea and Iran. Iraq was really just the cute one that got all the girls, but never really did much."

Added North Korea's manager, "You should remember that we're the ones with the nuclear weapons programme here. I reckon that makes us pretty evil."

David Lee Roth has also been vocal on the matter. "When the frontman quits," he said, "everyone always assumes that he'll go on to great things, while the band will vanish without a trace. But look what happened when I left Van Halen. You want fries with that?"

Those of a more cynical nature have linked the departure to alleged arguments within the group. "There are rumours that North Korea and Iran have been jealous about the way Iraq has been getting all the weapons inspections lately," said the webmaster of dumbassconspiracytheories.com, "and that Iraq feels the others should be adopting a greater pro-evil stance. In any case, the CIA will probably kill anyone who discovers the truth."

Speculation has already begun over who, if anyone, will replace Iraq. At present, Libya is the favourite at 3-1, Syria is 4-1, Liberia 11-2 and Bill Gates an outsider at 50-1. It should be noted, however, that some Microsoft executives have been spotted placing quite large bets.



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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If we attack North Korea isn't there an issue with China getting involved? And aren't they a pretty dangerous country to mess with?

[sarcasm]Nah...China's easy, it's not like they have that many troops. [/sarcasm]

Interesting factoid I read the other day. The reproduction rate in China is such that if everyone in China lined up and started walking past you, the line would never end.

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Interesting factoid I read the other day. The reproduction rate in China is such that if everyone in China lined up and started walking past you, the line would never end.

Man, this is not a new factoid. Ripley's Believe it or Not put this same factoid in the newspaper back in the early 1950's. It's hard to believe people are still going around repeating it.

Actually it's probably not true anymore, since the reproductive rate has slowed down tremendously, thanks to government pressure on married couples to have only one child.
Speed Racer

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Just my thoughts but I think since China has Communistic views they might gather all their population and turn them into soldiers whether they like it or not. It would almost be a repeat of WWII. With the only exception that Hitler tried to take over the WHOLE WORLD rather than just defend a fellow friend like China would be doing. But if this did happen and we attacked N. Korea I think China would become very pissed off and may go on a Hitler rampage. They might see it as an opening and/or an advantage to attack all non-communist countries.
Safe Flying,
Richy D.

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Interesting factoid I read the other day. The reproduction rate in China is such that if everyone in China lined up and started walking past you, the line would never end.

Man, this is not a new factoid. Ripley's Believe it or Not put this same factoid in the newspaper back in the early 1950's. It's hard to believe people are still going around repeating it.

Actually it's probably not true anymore, since the reproductive rate has slowed down tremendously, thanks to government pressure on married couples to have only one child.

2002 figures:
China's population = 1,284,303,705
Birth rate = 15.85/1000 people

That comes out to 38 births per minute.

Average walking speed = 3.75 miles per hour
Assume 3 yards between each person = 2200 people passing you each hour = 37 people passing you each minute.

Seems pretty true to me.

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Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld seems to think we can "decisively" win a war with both Iraq and North Korea. Throw in the current issue with Afghanistan, and we have a tidy 3-front war.

My father sent me an email about this, asking whatever happened to old-fashioned Republican isolationism??
Speed Racer

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Unless there is 3 yards between people. Then the birth rate goes to zero.

Maybe for you. For some people, that doesn't present a hindrance. Either the well endowed, or those with really good aim. ;)

"really good aim" :D "...and here's the throw ... it's a little wide, but the receiver seemed to roll into it... "

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I'm afraid it's a two front war.

"We are capable of fighting two major regional conflicts", Rumsfeld told reporters at the Pentagon. "We're capable of winning decisively in one and swiftly defeating in the case of the other, and let there be no doubt about it."

Was he talking about war with Afghanistan and Iraq? A war against the people who perpetrated 9/11 and their leader? Nope, that's old news - the two conflicts he was referring to were North Korea and Iraq.

A while back I posted something about not forgetting the victims of 9/11, about pursuing Bin Laden and Al Quaeda until the threat was eliminated. Apparently Rumsfeld has already forgotten - going after the people responsible for 9/11 isn't a war, and now doesn't even qualify as a major regional conflict. One wonders what will happen if we attack Iraq and have as much success as we did with Al Quaeda (i.e. we don't get Hussein or even most of his government.) How long will it be before we need yet another war to distract us from our second failure?

I know Bin Laden's old news, but he nevertheless did mastermind the killing of 3000 Americans. I hope we consider the effort to get him at least a "regional conflict," and put that effort way above invading a country just because we don't want to try diplomacy first. I think we owe it to the families of the victims to do at least that.

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I agree completely, Bill. There are some greatly distorted priorities here. We should finish one thing (Al Quaeda) as completely as possible before abandoning it to pursue other actions. I have yet to see any really compelling reasons why we need to gear up and invade anyone else right now.

It does make you wonder about all the ulterior motives swirling around Washington, doesn't it? :S

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A while back I posted something about not forgetting the victims of 9/11, about pursuing Bin Laden and Al Quaeda until the threat was eliminated. Apparently Rumsfeld has already forgotten - going after the people responsible for 9/11 isn't a war, and now doesn't even qualify as a major regional conflict. One wonders what will happen if we attack Iraq and have as much success as we did with Al Quaeda (i.e. we don't get Hussein or even most of his government.) How long will it be before we need yet another war to distract us from our second failure?

I know Bin Laden's old news, but he nevertheless did mastermind the killing of 3000 Americans. I hope we consider the effort to get him at least a "regional conflict," and put that effort way above invading a country just because we don't want to try diplomacy first. I think we owe it to the families of the victims to do at least that.

I don't know who you think has forgotten because the pursuit of UBL has not slowed down in the least on the pointy end of the stick. The media has obviously forgotten about it to some extent so I guess it's also safe to assume that the average Joe on the street believes that as well. Let me assure you and everyone else out there who thinks we're forgetting anything that happened prior to 9/11 up to the present. We have never been busier and the pace isn't going to slow any time soon. If anything it's only going to get more hectic. It's a lot like the quite before the storm right now. If your going to excise a cancer you might as well get it all while your in there and that's what is ongoing. Don't become impatient because all of this hasn't wrapped up in the same amount of time a Survior series runs. It was stated up front that this was going to be a long term battle with no established "front lines". Rest assured there are a lot of people out there right now doing everything they can to stop UBL and those who support him in any way shape or form.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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