
Sexual Preference Question....

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>Now it may be how smart and adaptable you are, and whether you
> can hold a good job that puts plenty of food on the family table,

If that were true, rural China would have a very low reproduction rate and the US would be exploding in population. In fact, the opposite is true (or at least was until the Chinese government started mandating one child per family.) In fact, in the US, most health problems are related to too much money/success - alcoholism, drug use, smoking, overeating, not enough exercise. Given that, we may be selecting for poverty.

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Either way, I was just illustrating that "survival of the fittest" is not nullified by technology. Whether poorer or richer people are more likely to reproduce is irrelevant to that point.

Culture changes evolutionary paths. When women are deciding between men as potential mates and fathers to their children, they aren't looking at the exact same things they were 1000 years ago, much less 5000 years ago.

The fact that my eyesight isn't that great is not a major hindrance to my reproducing. It might have been if I hadn't worn my glasses and had mistaken someone else for my wife, but that didn't happen. In a hunting culture, I would be at a serious disadvantage, and my worth as a potential husband would be much lower. My chances for procreation would have been smaller.

I agree that we are inadvertently selecting for many things we wouldn't intentionally choose. You listed many problems that can come with success. You're right. Natural selection is at work there too, weeding out those that can't resist the temptations or balance their lives. The poor have other problems, such as malnutrition and inferior health care. However you look at it, I think you'll agree with the general gist of my response to Scott, which was that humans are not exempt from natural selection.

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>The fact that my eyesight isn't that great is not a major hindrance to
> my reproducing. It might have been if I hadn't worn my glasses and
> had mistaken someone else for my wife, but that didn't happen.

In fact, one could argue that regularly mistaking someone else for your wife could greatly increase the number of your offspring . . . .

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In fact, one could argue that regularly mistaking someone else for your wife could greatly increase the number of your offspring . . . .

Good Morning Bill.

Uhh, that could also increase the odds of of an early demise...tee-hee...


A Hard On Doesn't Count As Personal Growth

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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hey, you guys are assuming that all mutations detrimental to reproduction arose some time in the past & are eliminated by evolution. Has it ever occurred to you that some mutations arise spontaneously? Like hemophilia??? I used to work as a molecular bioligist working on gene therapy vs. hemophilia. One thing we learned: unlike cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia, it is one genetic disease that occurs equally in all ethnic groups. In fact, in about half the people who have it, there is NO inheritance!! that means it's a genetic mutation that spontaneously generates.:o so fuckin' think about that! like evrything: you can push the odds, but shit happens. like cancer, which is also a spontaneous genetic mutation, and is also one of the biggest killers next to cardiovascular disease.

Speed Racer

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A man in a wheelchair in Detroit may become mayor. A man in Namibia in a wheelchair may become lunch. Technology does help in some cases.

I presume you just picked that name out of a hat. Namibia is quite an advanced country, contrary to "North of the equator" beliefs. Lions do not actually roam in the streets there, and a man in a wheelchair stands as good a chance of becoming president as anywhere else in the world.


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A man in a wheelchair in Detroit may become mayor. A man in Namibia in a wheelchair may become lunch. Technology does help in some cases.

I presume you just picked that name out of a hat. Namibia is quite an advanced country, contrary to "North of the equator" beliefs. Lions do not actually roam in the streets there, and a man in a wheelchair stands as good a chance of becoming president as anywhere else in the world.

Nope, didn't pick it out of a hat.
Just jumped with a regular from Swakopmund (sorry if misspelled). Simon is from Namibia and it was at the top of my memory. There are a number of trips that center around white-water rafting. The rivers have hippos in them who are very territorial. They sometimes flip rafts if they drift into their calm pools. Thus white-water rafting in Namibia is very dangerous. :o

Good to hear that the lion problem is being resolved though. ;) Maybe if the Canadians could keep the elk out of town, then they could be civilized too. :D

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Or trisomy-21. Yeah, we covered that.

Am I the only one or does anyone else not have a fucken clue what they are talking about?:P

I have never had the pleasure of meeting President Bill Von Novak. So I ask those that have. When he speaks, do you just nod agreeably hoping he doesn't catch on that you lost him at hello?;):P:D


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>Am I the only one or does anyone else not have a fucken clue what
> they are talking about?

Sorry, trisomy-21 is down's syndrome. It's a defect caused by 3 copies of the 21st chromosome instead of 2 due to an error in meiosis (creation of sex cell genetic material.) It's not considered an inherited disease because it's not really passed on from the parents usually, it's just an error in the process of genetic transcription.

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>Am I the only one or does anyone else not have a fucken clue what
> they are talking about?

Sorry, trisomy-21 is down's syndrome. It's a defect caused by 3 copies of the 21st chromosome instead of 2 due to an error in meiosis (creation of sex cell genetic material.) It's not considered an inherited disease because it's not really passed on from the parents usually, it's just an error in the process of genetic transcription.

Muenkel nodding agreeably.:S

Some advice for ya Mr. President: When you go to McDonald's, just use the numbers when ordering a value meal.:P


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Personally, I believe that if you are brought up in a hair salon by your mother, you may lean the other way if you're a boy. However, if you are brought up on a large farm by your parents, you will be a little more "adjusted".

I was brought up on a farm by my parents w/ cows, chickens, ducks, dogs, horses, garden, and my mother had a hair salon attached to the house and I used to fix tea for the ladies.

According to your calculation, I would be Bi. I'm not, I LOVE WOMEN !!!

Chicks Rock!
'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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