
You can Tell the Full Moon is almost upon us

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Wow are people irritated today. Every phone call is someone who is upset about really silly things. Someone in the office mentioned that the full moon is upon us and that made me wonder:

Does anyone else notice an increase in annoyed customers around a full moon?
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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I think your right. My mom always used to comment on the fact that "ohhhh, people are acting crazy, must be a full moon" and it used to irritate me, b/c I was conviced SHE was crazy..:D

That is until I got a bit older and began observing that things DO in fact seem to get crazier around a full moon! ;)

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I work in a call centre environment and most certainly I notice an increase in Whacked-Irate callers whenever a Full moon approaches.

I think the mood definately has an affect on the human behaviour. I mean if it's gravity affects our planets bodies of water, and our body's are over %75 water you can't really deny it.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Many things are associated with a full moon - if you look at a lunar calendar, you will see the next six days have what many people would consider a full moon (or mostly full) - that makes up close to a quarter of the total moon phase, which is why it's easy to associate things with a full moon.

Few things in life give you better odds. You might do better if you say everything good or bad happens while you sleep - that's about 1/3 of your life.

If you look at the moon right now (6:15 pm MST), you will see it very close to Saturn (just to the right of the moon). A nice view.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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