
How many Canadians out there?

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Why is it Hockey originated in Canada and Americans are better at it than Canadians. Funny concept.:P

I guess you didn't watch the last Olympics when both the Canadian mens and womens teams won the Gold medal?

Honestly I havent paid much attention to much of anything lately. Well good for the canadians but hey your in america now so you have to support us. grrrrr hehehe
- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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hey your in america now so you have to support us. grrrrr hehehe

It's funny, when I'm in America I find myself defending Canada and when I'm back home visiting friends and family I find myself defending the USA. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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One more Canadian added to the list, eh!

Jump at Grand Bend SPC, and plan to finish my AFF as soon as the weather gets above... 10 C, well, maybe 5, its not that cold.

“- - Sumo is the greatest of sports. It has power, grace, speed and cluture. And most importantly, two fat bastards smacking the shit out of each other. ”

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We jump at Vic Borghese's in Simcoe every weekend except for those when it snows, rains, is too windy, or the cloudbase is too low. The weather is often better than the forecast makes you think. The temperature is not a big problem (the key is to dress properly - in layers! - and to have a pair of good gloves). It's a great time! --Denis

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Where exactly is that?? Vic Borghese's in Simcoe ..ya theres a bit much snow to jump for me now but once it gets nice again ill check my options for sure..;) I haven't lived in ontario for quite some time in ottawa does the snow stay now till spring or does it clear up for a while??I've been spoiled in Calgary!!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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Pitt Meadows is open on weekends over the winter. We sometimes do weekday tandems if they call a few days in advance for reservations. Yesterday it was sunny and cool (above freezing) so I went for a long bike ride. Today it is cloudy, so I will rig. Normally we jump Cessnas during the winter.
Come April or May we will open 7 days per week. When it gets busy in the summer, we crank up the King Air.

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If you remember I was the guy who dropped by Pitt Meadows from Colorado back in early October, but I couldn't jump due to the poor weather that day (and I was doing real relative work on the nice day before that). Too bad though as I was really looking forward to jumping at sea level. I also ran into some of the other Pitt Meadows people at Eloy (including a fellow by the name of Brad Harris who lived in Washington State and is the brother of one of my fellow Colorado jumpers).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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wow and you already have shy a 150 jumps...wikked...I plan on getting pied this year 100 yup going hard. Since I hurt my back and almost had it taken away from me I want to jump even more! Hopfully jump with ya one day ;)
Hello All Canadians ... Isn't this week the Canadian invasion in Eloy..next year we should all go B|

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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I just looked at your photograph and I definitely remember seeing you in the summer. I was still on the newbie stage (even more than I am today that is), but I definitely remember your face. We should jump together in the summer, when I finally complete the progression.

Also, how is that Spectre working out for you? I've considered getting one but the Tri I found was much cheaper.

Cool! I'll most definately jump with you this summer. :)
I love my Spectre... I don't think I could have made a better choice for my 'pre-second' main. It's as docile as you want it to be, nice, slow oppenings and you can still pick up a little speed if need-be. I recommend it as a first to anyone.

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how many of you guys are out there jumping?B|

I was in Winnipeg in Feb. '98. My buddy was on the phone and asked if I had brought my rig. I was walking down Portage at the time. I told him that with the wind, I couldn't even stand up straight and walk, I sure wasn't planning on jumping. (Plus it was 25 degrees out.) :S

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Ya I know but there are people jumping hop and pops believe it or not and if I had my own gear I probably would too ;) Where do you mostly jump out here? I think when I get a chance I am going to visit some of the drop zones around here, even if its just to be around all the brothas and sistas. I miss all that along with the jumping ;) I wish it wasn't so freaken cold!!!>:(

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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Me too eh? Instructor/Coach at Mile High Parachuting in Arnprior, and Visit Gan quite a bit during the summer too.. oh and I like the Ranch, and heading down to Crosskeys this summer for a week!.. Can't stay away from turbines!! Maybe Burnaby sometime over the summer too!

it'd be cool to have a bunch of Canucks down at crosskeys for the July 4th Boogie... last year they jumped onto the beach (I hear, cuz I wasn't there), and hoping for the same this year..

fly fast, take chances!

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When it is warmer, make a trip down to Gananoque and make some leaps at Tom McCarthy's place. After you have talked to Tom and he walks away, say, "Who was that old guy?" .... just about the oldest joke on the dz. You can tell him who put you up to it. :)


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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