
Segregation of the mentally ill...R U 4 Real??

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Some of you ATL'ers out there might have heard it this morning on the radio, but I wanted to see if there really are people out there who think like this.

Now, don't be afraid if you are....we are all friends here, and your opinions are your own and SHALL BE RESPECTED, but......

Would you (as a consumer) support legislation that proposed to segregate the mentally ill (in restaurants and other public eating venues, and the like) because of their (and I am quoting the guy on the radio) "loud, obnoxious, drooling behaviour"???

Apparently, there is a "coalition" (which claims 000's as members) in Michigan that is trying to lobby for this to pass in MI's state congress. The "guy" claims that it puts him off his food, and given the choice he would not choose to eat near "these people" - so, like smoking sections, there should be a "little place of their own" where they can eat how they eat, and we can eat how we eat.

Your thoughts.......??!!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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That's absolutly horrible. Being an avid republican I would imagine this coalition claims to have conservitive views, but they are a disgrace. I have a few friends who have siblings/children with moderate to severe mental handicaps, and in knowing them you relize they are people too and they have every right as any of us to live life as normally as possible. It's people with these closed minded views that have caused the majority of the problems we have here in the US.

^Go Big or Go Home^

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Hahahahahahahahahaha. That's funny, but it's fucking ridiculous. It's like segregating fat or ugly people, or people who sweat a lot. Sure, in a perfect world... but no one with an ounce of intelligence would ever try to justify something like that.

Now, a more thorny question concerns mildly mentally ill people and housing situations - like in my building, we have only 5 units but one of them is occupied by a paranoid schizophrenic. She's nice and generally harmless, except for moving her furniture around every night around midnight. This causes the guy who lives below her no end of grief. And she absolutely will not admit to doing it.

But there's no way her landlord can evict her, especially in Cambridge MA where they have insanely (no pun intended) pro-tenant laws. And it's more than just an annoyance - this guy paid a lot of money for his condo, and it reduces both the value of the unit (if prospective buyers are aware of her) as well as his overall quality of life. Tough situation....


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Well, you asked for my opinion so here it is...

I think anyone who wants to seperate the mentally ill folks from the rest of the population should be SHOT!

If for no other reason, just because there are more important things they could be worrying about.

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Nihil novi sub sole! History knows of such cases and history has justfully dealt with them. Let's start with Sparta - disabled children were cast down into a ravine from a rock as Sparta wanted to have the besr warriors. There were others thoughout the ages, but it would take too long to point them out. So lets move into the 20th century. The III Reich had a method of dealing with that. Though it was so preposerous to do it to it's own, that even Adolf Hitler had to keep it seecret. So disabled people were secretly killed in hospitals and pneumonia was given as the death cause. But lets come closer to our times Nicolae Caucescu in Romania had separate death clinics for the disabled, mentaly ill and AIDS victims where they were left to a gruesme death of starvation. The worst thing is that he did it to children.
The idea of segregation and separation of certain groups of people because they are different than us is not new. Disabled, Gypsies, gays, Jews, black and even white people (Zimbabwe now) have been separated. It is the trait of a small mind to see everything different than it as evil or of lesser value.
There are not many things in this world that will wan't me to be violent. If however anybody in my presence dicriminates against my less fortunate mentally challenged brothers I WILL FUCKING BEAT THE INDIVIDUAL TO A PULP POSSIBLY CAUSING PERMANENT DISSABILITY.
Just my oppinion. Sorry for shouting, but it's and emotional issue to me.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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The "guy" claims that it puts him off his food, and given the choice he would not choose to eat near "these people"

I would prefer to segregate this "guy" and eat with the others. People like him make my food unpalatable.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Very good remark. Lets have these people live in "enclaves" for the fine white healthy people. I preffer my diverse society where I can draw on a variety of cultures, backgrounds and ideas. I am a white, blond haired, blue eyed American. If I want to see someone similar I can look in the mirror. Last weekend I jumped with a hispanic guy and it was great. We have all kinds of people on our DZ. It is better this way. Diversity makes us rich!!

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Having started this thread....I would tend to agree with you jraf....this is a disgrace to the general population that his lobby group "claim" to be speaking on behalf of.

Scarier still - is that lobby groups like this are the ones that get bills passed...squeaky wheels get greased...if they make a big enough deal about it...something might 'actually' happen![:/]

I would appreciate any thoughts of our "northern" bretheren.....if there are any MI jumpers out there...please reply. Is this actually getting airtime up there?? Are people taking this crap seriously?

Personally, and I claim to be NO EXPERT (I have lived with a blind guy for a year and a half, volunteered with Disabled Skiing in New Zealand (serving ALL disabilities - physical and mental), and 2 members of my immediate family work directly with the handicapped)....so again, I am NO EXPERT...but this is a F*&^ing DISGRACE!!

Firstly, I would love to see this guy "walk a mile in their shoes"...I GUARANTEE he would see things differently.

Secondly, studies show that, autism for example, is actually the brain working at 2x the speed as a "normal" human being. One might interpret this as being hyper-intellectual - or smarter than the average bear!! 1% of the population have this affliction and most lead normal lives, under the supervision of a care worker. Who is to say that they don't think we have annoying habits?? They just don't communicate as well as we do - perhaps they communicate better!!! (something to think about!)

I know this is a thread that doesn't have a long life, but it shames me to think that the land of "opportunity and promise" allows individuals like this the time of day. Freedom of speech is something to not be taken lightly, but for christs sake....read a book - watch television - read the newspaper....OPEN THE MIND!!!

Pyke retreats from his box....

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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"I have a few friends who have siblings/children with moderate to severe mental handicaps"
Mentally handicapped people are currently being segregated. They are kept at secret locations referred to as "dropzones". They are being tossed from airplanes repeatedly. I am doing investigative work at my own expense. If you would like to support my efforts, send your dollars now.
Yeah, I'm being sarcastic. I am not spending any time taking this issue seriously because no one else will. Here or anywhere else. Don't worry about it.
Congress has bigger issues like funding cow flatulence research in Montana. (true unfortunately).

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I wouldn't worry about this becoming a reality. I bet these people, if they aren't just practical jokers, are just a couple of whack jobs.

I would like to believe that people who actually hold view like this, if not mentally ill themselves in some way, are part of a very tiny minority.


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Thats a total crock, way wrong, not to mention;

loud, obnoxious, drooling behaviour"???

the times we venture off on a night out on the town after jumping we fit into that category as well.:P

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"

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True, action groups get laws passed. Well we know that the disabled will not deffend themselves as they are impeeded by their dissabilities. It is our role to defend them. It is our role to counteract to the actions of the scum of our planet. I have my ideals and I will not let less fortunate peole get hurt. If we give in to action groups like you mentioned, we are no better than they. We need to prevent such things - humanity is all about is. It's a sad thing that a lot of "humans" are so only by name.
Truth is that these people are bullies. Bullies are brave only till they get hit back. These are not knights in shining armour fighting for a cause. It is easy to catch them with their pants down and disgrase them. I for one thing will not hesitate. Shame on them and all that think alikeB|

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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"loud, obnoxious, drooling behaviour"???

Are they talking about us skydivers? Whuffo's question our mental state all the time. I guess we would need our own section of the restaurant also.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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S&*t....can you all imagine a designated place in restaurants for skydivers!!!!:D HA!!!

Paper napkins, paper table cloths (not too fire friendly!!:o), plastic utensils, and above all else....a "DO NOT ENTER - SKYDIVERS AT PLAY" sign in the front of our section....with a disclaimer at the bottom...(entry into this area is done at one's own risk of any of the following: nakedness, bad language, alcohol abuse, recreational illegal narcotics, and, oh yeah, skydiving terminology that escapes the rest of the world!!)

Hell, they would have NO business - except us....AND we would all have police records by opening night!!!!!:D

Too Damn Funny!!!

I was just thinking about what someone said earlier....after many a beers at a boogie.....I resemble PRECISELY what this "guy" is trying to segregate....wonder what he would say when he saw me walking in!!! "um, mam...can I move to that other table...that gentleman is a skydiver...has WAY more fun in his life than I do....and I DO NOT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH "THOSE" PEOPLE!!!!!!

:D:D(pyke is struggling to maintain his professional demeanor whilst laughing hysterically to himself!!):D:D

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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>Would you (as a consumer) support legislation that proposed to
> segregate the mentally ill (in restaurants and other public eating
> venues, and the like) because of their (and I am quoting the guy
> on the radio) "loud, obnoxious, drooling behaviour"???

Of course! And it's about time. I'm sick of having to see annoying people when I eat. Hopefully they will give this legislation real teeth, and also exclude Arabs, kids and blacks from public restaraunts. We don't need terrorists and screaming kids in our restaraunts, and blacks - well, we know about _them._ I suppose we could allow Jews - they're pretty polite - as long as they wear some kind of sign so we don't accidentally end up talking to them.

[sarcasm off]

I suspect that this will turn out to be yet another tasteless radio joke. Such things are often done to advertise under the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" theory.

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yup, it appears it was all a farse after all. :$ Guess I need to stop thinking so much in the morning....proving to be bad for my health.

Ahh, how I miss my varsity days....I didn't have to think all day if I wanted - now I am expected to everyday by 8:30a!>:(

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Why don't we start by not calling people disabled? We all have individual abilities in every area - some stronger than others. I can't free-fly for shit (I'm working on it :P) - should I call myself disabled because of it? My memory sucks (and NO, I've never used illegal drugs) - how come I'm not considered mentally ill? There will always be degrees of ability, and human beings will always draw a line in the sand and say everyone past this point is considered different. It takes a real effort to change your inherent or learned prejudices. The future belongs to those that have the courage to do so.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Why don't we start by not calling people disabled? We all have individual abilities in every area - some stronger than others. I can't free-fly for shit (I'm working on it :P) - should I call myself disabled because of it?

I think the term is 'Vertically Challenged'

Hook high, flare on time

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the sanitary conditions were difficult for all romanians in that period, but stuff like "... had separate death clinics for the disabled, mentaly ill and AIDS victims where they were left to a gruesme death of starvation. " really makes me mad...
Yes, we had problems with AIDS victims because at that time we didn't discovered any medicine for it and the more "civilized" countries wouldn't sell them to us because we were communists.
You know why all over the international media suddelny after our revolution in 1989, appeared children with problems? Because Romania said NO to the international adoption and they wanted to force our hand.
Please be more infomed when you put a statement like this !


what would be a woman without her dreams....

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