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Weren't you the person trying to draw lines throughout history to predict the fall of the US due to its current policies? I'm doing the same thing. Why the change? Is it because it doesn't support your arguement?

Nope, like you did not see the similarity between your list of fallen nations and the US, I do not see the link between your argument and the current situation (Saddam and Hitler or other tirants). Hence we can just disagree, without you trying to scold me.

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OK so the really important thing here is, like it or not, there is a war right now and many many soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen are there. We all probably know at least one person who is there. So instead of bickering over what is right and what is wrong, why don't we all concentrate on sending good vibes and prayers to those who are there. Pray for their safe return and pray for a minimum of loss of life on both sides. Let's show our support and love for the troops even if we don't agree with the reason they are there. As for me, I have a 6 foot inflatable light up American Flag in my front yard that will stay there, lit up until this thing is over.

Just my 2 cents.


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The difference, though, is that the first historical discussion we had, hinged on interpretting current US policy. The point I raised about the LoN and the UN is historical fact, since they both are in the past. Resolution 1441 was passed over 10 years ago and the UN was unwilling to act upon it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Should have slotted him there and then. I know at least one sniper had the chance.

In hindsight, Skydive Monkey is right. Would've saved a lot of trouble later on.

Of course, we would have been acting unilaterally then, outside of what the UN had agreed upon.
Speed Racer

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1441 was passed 10 years ago? I thought it was passed last fall?

D'oh, you're right...:$ I'm now trying to rack my brain and remember the resolution number that I was originally thinking of...

I guess I'm allowed a mistake after quoting a lot of facts, huh?:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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The point I raised about the LoN and the UN is historical fact, since they both are in the past. Resolution 1441 was passed over 10 years ago and the UN was unwilling to act upon it.

I know you meant a different resolution number, so I wont get into that ;)

Whether or not the UN was willing to uphold those resolutions (including 1441 this past Fall), is up for debate as well. I think it is fair to say that it wasn't going fast enough for the US' liking, but the UN was certainly following those resolutions. Certainly far more than the LoN did to uphold theirs. Hence, IMHO it is still not a valid comparison.

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The point I raised about the LoN and the UN is historical fact, since they both are in the past. Resolution 1441 was passed over 10 years ago and the UN was unwilling to act upon it.

I know you meant a different resolution number, so I wont get into that ;)

Whether or not the UN was willing to uphold those resolutions (including 1441 this past Fall), is up for debate as well. I think it is fair to say that it wasn't going fast enough for the US' liking, but the UN was certainly following those resolutions. Certainly far more than the LoN did to uphold theirs. Hence, IMHO it is still not a valid comparison.

And then there's UN Resolutions 242 and 1402 to think about.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"Whether or not the UN was willing to uphold those resolutions (including 1441 this past Fall), is up for debate as well. "
IMHO what is 'up for debate' is the definition of the term 'serious consequences'.

Had there been a vote or a second resolution then the legality of our current situation might have been a little clearer. However France banjaxed this option, and left the coalition in a legal limbo.

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IMHO it is still not a valid comparison

Alright, well, if you don't see it, then you don't see it. Personally, I see it as proof of the cyclictic nature of history.

"Cyclictic"? Does that come from the same Texan dictionary as "nucular"?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And then there's UN Resolutions 242 and 1402 to think about.

Sort of proves the UN's ineffectiveness doesn't it. Although it does show our (the US's) defiance, although many would argue for the good of some people, especially after over 6,000,000 of them died due to the inadequaces of the LoN, the UN's predicessor.

Next question, how many of yall had to go look those up? ;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Cyclictic"? Does that come from the same Texan dictionary as "nucular"?

Its nUkler, get it right! :P

Give me a break here, I'm allowed a few mistakes in grammer and spelling (even if it is a made up word), I've pulled a lot of historical data out of my ass, that was factual.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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