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Lucifer? Is that you? I THOUGHT I smelt something burning in here!

scuse the rant please. people start quoting chapter and verse like it was laws of physics it gives me the creeps and makes me break out in itchy spots. i think one of the things that bugs me the most about life on this planet is there are actually people out there with great power and responsibility whose decision making process includes consultation with and obedience to a nonexistent imaginary deity whose characteristics and desires are entirely open to personal interpretation based on unrecognizably distorted mistranslations of ancient texts written by ignorant primitives. in some circles this is not regarded as the most logical way to run an empire. in other circles its just fuckin' nuts.

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He has issues and I don't have a heart.

And Marines are better than soliders.

And Saddam has hidden his weapons of mass destruction so well than none can be found in Iraq.

And this war will make the Muslims love us and will prevent further terrorist attacks.

And our fine solidiers are protecting me while in Iraq.

And who can tell me why we are in Iraq. Because somehow I don't buy into the whole preventing terrorist attack/finding weapons of mass destruction/protecting me (from what) propaganda for the gullible.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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He does have a heart. It might not look like yours, and it might not react like yours (or even most people's), but the feelings are nevertheless very real.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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After reading your post, I edited my comments about his heart. What I said was unfair.

Truth is however, I don't really give a crap if his heart is like mine or anyone elses. At this point I'd settle for just a little respect. But, I suppose I should just resign myself to the fact that some people will be disrespectful most every time the topic of loss of life regarding US military personnel comes up, no matter how many times others complain about it. [:/]

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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The Marines have never made any unintentional fuck ups. They were all carefully planned to allow the other services to feel good about themselves. We Marines are concerned about the feelings and emotional well being of our little brothers and sisters in the other branches.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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fuck ups. They were all carefully planned to allow the other services to feel good about themselves.


Sometimes it's hard to see sarcasm and irony when it's done with a light touch; it's easy to confuse that with sincerity:). Thanks for the thicker brush; it's well-designed for thick-headed Monday morning folks like me.

Wendy w.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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And more Blah blah blah to you as well, the only thing you got right is that Marines are better than soldiers. The proof is obvious, look at who got the better dress uniform. Have you ever seen anyone look sharper than Marine in dress blues?

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Macarthur was a Sgt in the Marines, Patton made it to Gunny before going on to fame back in the Army.

Uh, this is a troll, right? MacArthur and Patton were both USMA grads, and became commissioned US Army officers. I don't recall reading anything about serving in the USMC in either of their biographies.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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>MacArthur and Patton were both USMA grads and became<........

Thats what they would like for you to believe, but don't believe everything you read. Even Montgomery was sent here by the Brits for training by the USMC. Sadly he never rose about Pvt though.
Genghis Khan was a great Marine back in his day and after he retired he became the HMFIC (head mutha fucker in charge) of recruit training for the USMC.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Somebody had to get the fight started. We Marines couldn't sit around all day waiting for the Air Farce to finally drop something on target, the swab jockeys left the beach as soon as they gave us the ride and the Navy wouldn't even let the Army on the ship in the first place....something about mating with the bilge rats......

So the Marines do the dirty work, secure the place and then when the rough part is over we let the rest of you boys come in and hang on to the territory while we go find another fight to win.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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And more Blah blah blah to you as well, the only thing you got right is that Marines are better than soldiers. The proof is obvious, look at who got the better dress uniform. Have you ever seen anyone look sharper than Marine in dress blues?

Well by all means: Kristen in her cute jeans looks much better than any Marine (that includes females).
Sorry, but I don't have the thingy for uniform. Besides I would hate to have to take orders from illeterate grunts.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Sometimes it's hard to see sarcasm and irony when it's done with a light touch; it's easy to confuse that with sincerity
or when its done in the form of what i thought was a particularly psycho-sounding rant, myself. although im not clear if you took exception to the first big one or the second little one. i have another even more evil rant about telemarketers and the joys of chainsaws but im not posting it for fear of legal repercussions.
your reaction tells me that last one was good enough to put in my book. cool.

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> The proof is obvious, look at who got the better dress uniform. Have
> you ever seen anyone look sharper than Marine in dress blues?

That's true. Except for Good Humor men, they look _really_ sharp. Of course, they're mostly former Marines, so that makes sense.

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A Marine is a higher life form that a soldier and we take offense at being demoted to "soldier" status.

Marines know a glory that no other simple soldier could ever understand; and know that God has a special place in Heaven just for them.

the only thing you got right is that Marines are better than soldiers. The proof is obvious, look at who got the better dress uniform.

whoa. ok. you claim to be a higher lifeform by virtue of membership in an organization....huh? um, you might be a bit fitter than the average human but so far as i know joining the military, any branch, doesnt modify your basic structure.

you think that by virtue solely of your membership in this organization you are entitled to a position of special honor next to the creator of the universe. huh. i suppose the word "humility" is unknown to you...?

and last but not least you think you can judge a man based on how cool his UNIFORM is?

....theres more than one person in here with issues. christ.

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