
Website Video Check

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Oh no! You are MY hero, Katie Bear. You rock sweetie and we're so happy to have you back on the boards. When you coming home? My post-losing-Holly resolution is to make sure all my DZ.com friends know how much they mean to me while we're all around to share the good feelings. You are high on my list of people to hug when I get a chance!



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kickass video clip. probably the best advertisement for a dropzone I've ever seen. makes me want to move there[;)!!!

i like the added touch of the old tv set graphic surrounding it. very nice. Do you do the actual web programming? What program do you use to build the site, just curious... The whole Elsinore site is awesome, incase I haven't told you. You're my hero too. Well, you can KatieBear, she's our whole country's hero for saving the world. I miss you guys!


xoxoxo <---hugs for holly!

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Not sure about shaking - doesn't do that for me but that's why we're in the testing phase.

Lew, we use Dreamweaver, Flash and Quicktime. So it's not like we're writing code from scratch. Be sure you guys check out the "Around the DZ" photos - new pix added weekly. I'll be putting up a bunch tonight after American Idol. (ducking) :$


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Hey Mandy-girl!

That was BAD-ASS!!! Omg, I miss you guys so much. Seeing everybody put a pain in my heart. :( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH... I miss you guys so much.


There was no lag on that at all! Worked great!

-look fred, she's gotten her boobies!

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Mine is jumping around as well It's kind of a bounce from the bottom of the frame.
I am on a VERY fast network feed so its not just a broadband issue.

But with the weather up here... I wanna come down there SO BAD........and the video gets the point across... sun.. fun... leaping.... wwaaaaa I am whining now...I know we will get some good weather in Puget Sound.... in a couple months....waaaaa
I will probably be stuck just doing incessant hop and pops all weekend, trying the new and used canopies I just bought, a Triathalon and a PISA SR-71 (nope aint even gonna tell you what size they are that is an evil plot to tell people how much you really weigh:)

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hey girl,
i knew you used flash. I wasn't sure if it was dreamweaver or something else. I've used dreamweaver a little, but not enough to be good at it. (and i know no one writes html anymore) I was just curious if you do the site building, if your partner does, if you both do it...

it rocks. the video didn't shake when i loaded it.

hope to see you soon!!!


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Hey Lew,

Yeah Christiaan does all the design and hard stuff. I resize and place photos, write and edit copy, design small icons - mostly maintenance stuff. He can do the job without me (but would hate it) but I cannot do it without him. And don't think for a second that I can do Flash - I know how to click the icon to turn it on. S'bout it.

As for the shaking for some of you - we think we need to get the video recompressed and then re-embed it. Least I think that's what Christiaan said! LOL I guess I'm more like the assistant to the genious!

Anyway, like I said before, the vid page is under construction. We'll let you know when we get it up for real. So to speak.



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It would be more convenient if you would put a link to it so people could righ-click and save as then watch it from the hard drive. Would allow slower connections to see the movie, even if the TV surround was lost.


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