
Documents found in Iraq show that Saddam Hussein took steps to protect the reputation of a British legislator

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Russia has changed,i dont think US has..

well I've lived in Germany, Morroco, Bahamas, and a few others, all have a long way to go to come close to the USA. We have changed some good and some not so good. Sept 11, changed the rules. Agents of terror, your going to feel our pain.

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terror, your going to feel our pain.

but who should deside if its war or terror?And who should deside what kind of action and how it should be done?
I cant agree more about sept.11 it were Terror made by Bin Laden,why not just start to get him in first place...
And to get back to sub.weres the evidense that Irak suport Bin Laden?Yes i dont/didnt like Sadam,but US went in war at the wrong time and for the wrong course..I just hope its all over so our troops can get home,and the people of Irak can rebuild their cuntry..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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fox news is reporting it too.

edit to include link

That's not independent, it just quotes the Telegraph story. BTW, I do trust the Telegraph - just a tiny little bit more than I trust the National Enquirer.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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> It seems to me that you and your anti-US views are in the minority
>here and with US Americans overall.

I find it interesting that those for peace, and for not having american soldiers killed on foreign soil, are often called anti-US - while those who advocate actions that result in dead US soldiers claim to "support our troops." An Orwellian sort of arrangement.

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>Agents of terror, your going to feel our pain.

Yep. And 13 year old boys, and men who lose their families to american weapons. Such people often have a way of making us feel their pain. If you can live with a future of 9/11's and Iraq wars, each in retaliation for the other, then all is well. We will all learn to feel each other's pain, as will your children (and their children.)

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Yep. And 13 year old boys, and men who lose their families to american weapons. Such people often have a way of making us feel their pain. If you can live with a future of 9/11's and Iraq wars, each in retaliation for the other, then all is well. We will all learn to feel each other's pain, as will your children (and their children.)

and how many 13 year old boys will have a family becaue we went in to Iraq. How many lives were saved both Iraqi and other nations because Salmon pac is no longer in operation. Sadly some refuse to see how the world really is. Some groups will only back down when they know you are willing to fight for what you believe in. With mounting evidence that there is a 9-11 link and now evidence that the french were helping Iraq by passing info to them. I wonder how long you will still say we were wrong. I ask is the average Iraqi better off now without SH. I say hell yes, and it's funny most Iraqi's agree. The only people that disagree is the liberals, the nations that profited from the food for oil program, and other arab elements that want no part of peace.

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"What do you brits think?"

Well, its seems like everybody except the Brits are getting upset about this.
Okay, Bodypilot and I have differing opinions over this war and the whole Iraq debacle, however I do hate to see people getting flamed needlessly.
This story has made the news over here, it is being pushed by the Telegraph, Mr Galloway is reprted to be sueing them for libel.
George has a colourful past, with many question marks over reported misappropriated funds. He is reported as telling Tony Blair to "Fuck off you twat" which although an admirable sentiment, is not conducive to a long and prosperous political career.
More of the background here, http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/index.cfm?id=480792003
For the record and in Bodypilot's defence, The Telegraph is what I would classify as a reputable source to quote, albeit a slightly right of centre traditional broadsheet.

Of course, none of this has anything at all to do with the fact that we (Scotland) are going to the polls this week, and he has been a longtime critic of his own party leader, Tony Blair.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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and now evidence that the french were helping Iraq by passing info to them.

Damnit i guess there will be war here soon,could i and my kids move to US?I only ask becours i know US will win,and i dont want to stand on the loser side...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Yep. And 13 year old boys, and men who lose their families to american weapons. Such people often have a way of making us feel their pain. If you can live with a future of 9/11's and Iraq wars, each in retaliation for the other, then all is well. We will all learn to feel each other's pain, as will your children (and their children.)

We are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't. The question is which way leaves us more damned.

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They just don't get it, they were wrong.

Well, it has been quite some time now since the US invaded Iraq due to a clear and repsent danger, specially because of WMD and the Iraqi ability to bomb the USA with it.

So far they have not found WMD, they have not found missiles that could make it to the US.

I would be careful posting about right or wrong....

My favourite these days is: The Iraqis are free to form their own government, just not one the US disagrees with.

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Hey Bodypilot,

I'll give my limited opinion as a brit in the US. I read the brit news through the web and Goerge Galloway's opinions have long been known. He is sometimes referred to as the member for Baghdad and another member of the house jokingly recommended that he surrender Iraq to the Brit and US forces as SH wasn't to be found.

I still continue to be surprised that Journalists are allowed to crawl over a building that is rich in this type of intelligence and that they are allowed to remove it. As such I will continue to be suspicious of this story as well as the document that Links SH with Osama bin Laden.

George Galloways days are numbered but I find it a stretch to believe that an MP would sell out to another government (as is claimed). Cash for questions is one thing (also wrong) but treason is something else. I also believe that his high profile visits to Iraq drew the interest of the British Intelligence services who (I assume) found nothing untoward in their investigation.


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So as a brit do you think the avg iraqi is better off now and in the long run. Seems tha some of left dosn't think so

Well that's an interesting question. As a Brit in the US I get the US and UK version of events and I shy away from the US media in favor of the sources I grew up with. I prefer the style, language and honestly think there's less sensationalism.
It's hard to say as I wade through the varying reports.

I think that the next few years will tell if Iraq will even exist. Considering the way that Yugoslavia descended into civil war it's possible that Iraq could go the same way. The reports of Iraqi's wanting a state similar to Iran doesn't fit the western view of democracy so it will be interesting to see how the country develops. I've read warnings to Iran not to send in agents to influence such an event and Turkey could also throw the place for a loop.

What would be bad is if all that has happened is that one regime has been swapped for another to come in the near future.


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Really, who gives a shit. Leave it to the bill and lets Skydive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Hey Bodypilot,


I still continue to be surprised that Journalists are allowed to crawl over a building that is rich in this type of intelligence and that they are allowed to remove it. As such I will continue to be suspicious of this story as well as the document that Links SH with Osama bin Laden.

Yes i agree - here are the first lines of the article "Papers found Saturday by journalists working for the Sunday Telegraph reveal that an al Qaeda envoy met with officials in Baghdad in March 1998, the newspaper reported. "

Body pilot - can you tell me in what circumstances the US army would allow journalists from a British paper, to enter into the Bombed out Headquarters of the Iriaqi Intelligence service BEFORE their own intel guys had gone in and taken everything? Can you tell me why any army would allow journalists to take important intelligence documents away in the middle of a war? I dont know if SH was in league with OBL, personally i doubt it due to the differing ideologies tho i could see them uniting in the face o fthe invasion, but i have yet to see anything that proves it - you may remember i challenged you on your 'verified' sources before which IIRC were in the nature of "non iraqi arabs were in iraq!" At that time you didnt address my questions.
Anyway - it would need something a little more plausible in the context of how the information was sourced, because i simply cannot imagine that the US army is a) Completely inept so they didnt secure the Iraqi intelligence service building b) mildly inept that they did secure it - but couldnt FIND these documents themselves and had to get the reporters help - doesnt ring true to me - or c) didnt notice the journalists finding these documents (after their own people had missed them) and let them announce it publically.

If i were a cynic i might ask the probability of a journlist being handed information 'showing' this link and being told to broadcast it as if they had discovered it themselves.. any takers?

George Galloways days are numbered but I find it a stretch to believe that an MP would sell out to another government (as is claimed). Cash for questions is one thing (also wrong) but treason is something else. I also believe that his high profile visits to Iraq drew the interest of the British Intelligence services who (I assume) found nothing untoward in their investigation.


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