
whats my name??

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ok so im really bored, and i thought id tell you how wonderfully fucked up my parents are

so when i was born my parents named me Allen after my dad, and his dad. but then they and everyone else decided i should go by the name Nick, so everything was fine and dandy till i was like 7 or 8. then they friggin tell me that my name isnt really Nick.

so im like wtf you assholes??? so since all my friends already knew me as nick it stayed that way until i 8th grade, then in high school everybody called me allen, but most of my closest friends know me as nick, everybody at the DZ knows me as allen (or more recently pussyboy, but we will NOT be disscussing that:P)
and every time i tell somebody that knows me as one name that other people call me another name they think i dont act like a "Nick" or an "allen" whatever the hell that supposed to mean.
why the hell did my parents decide to do that.:S:P

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i went threw some fkd up shit as a kid.. that ranks up there in the top 10... next to the extension cord ass whippins...

AH HA! That explains a lot;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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gee, and i thought i had it bad. :o

my name is lara...not laura. it came froma movie called dr. zhivago. it is pronounced Lah (as in fa la la la) Rah (as in rah rah rah, sis boom bah...which i never actually said in my years as a cheerleader, but it seems to be widely recognized...ok, shut up lara). anyway, it doesn't SEEM that difficult to me, but apparently some people's mouth were just not meant to say it right.

i get lair-ruh every now and then, i get laura a lot, sometimes i get people that won't even try because they know it is neither of those but they can't say the correct one, so they call me by a nickname. my foreign students mostly called me la la. i even have a few that are bound and determined to give it a shot every time they see me and the make some really funny noise that vaguely sounds like my name while they contort their mouth in some odd manner that you wouldn't think possible unless you witnessed it. :S

i have a hand full of friends that call me by my correct name. most of the people don't know to say lara instead of laura. and sometimes the ones that do say it right, try and correct the ones that say laura, and it becomes this bizarre game of phonetics...and really by that time i have usually walked away to get a chili dog or something. B|

it doesn't bother me much at all and i pretty much answer to anything...well, maybe not "pussyboy" *ahem*..but you know what i mean. ;)

wow...what a freakin' ramble fest. dude...and i was just going to say "i feel your pain." :P

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is pronounced Lah (as in fa la la la) Rah (as in rah rah rah, sis boom bah

Just tell them it's like Lara, the mother of Superman (I'm ducking and running away now). Anyone who hasn't heard of Dr. Zhivago probably is a serious fan of Superman.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Let's get back to pussyboy...whazup with that?????

i said i wasnt going to talk about it but wtf, its funny anyways:P
so a fellow jumper(who shall remain nameless, we'll just call her bettyann;)) and i were going to see that LAME ASS! xmen2 movie with 2 other whuffos the night it came out, she just happens to work like 5 minutes from where i live and she uses the pharmacy right next to the building she works in. on her way home she forgot to pickup her Rx, so she calls me like 10 mintues before the place closes and asks me since she lives like 40 mintues away from it can i pick up her Rx for her, so i say sure, of course THEN she informs me its birth control pills:D so wtf am i gonna do, say no?? she can kick my ass for gods sake!!B|:D
so when SOMEBODY (jimbo) heard about it he thought he should tell everybody at the DZ that im a pussyboy!:S:P
and now the head packer PJ gets chicks to come up to me and ask me if i could pick up tampons for them the next time i go to the store:|>:(:ph34r:

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and now the head packer PJ gets chicks to come up to me and ask me if i could pick up tampons for them the next time i go to the store

Hey, sounds like a good way to meet women, don't knock it;) When life gives you lemons make lemon aid:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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dude, you don't have it bad at all. My last name is
Dudek. Pronounced Dude-eck or Doo Deck.

In my lifetime I've been called:

Doo dah (camptown races...that was my first DZ nickname)
Doo-dis Doo-dat
Doo be do be do

... and the stangest of all, Douche or Douche-bag!

Yes, I've been in therapy a long time now...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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hey mutter says he wants the XMen all at once, all to himself.

I could deal with that. I'd make the Cyclops shine my shoes, turn Wolverine into my personal body guard, and I'm sure I could think of a few things to do with Storm, Jean Grey, and even Mystique. Yeah I'm dork, deal with it. :P

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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so when SOMEBODY (jimbo) heard about it he thought he should tell everybody at the DZ that im a pussyboy!

Let's give credit where credit is due. BA told more people you were a pussy than I did. ;) She's the true evil one here.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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I understand your pain. My name is Ginny, like Gin (the liquor) and knee. But i have gotten everything from Jenny to Jeanie to Guinea (like the guinea pig). And the thing that gets me the most is when im signing up for something, i will spell my name before saying it, not to confuse letters and they ALWAYS spell it wrong. My name always comes out as Jinny. I get so aggravated. So i usually leave stuff under my last name cuz its not as easy to confuse.

The words I have to say, May well be simple but they're true, Until you give your love, There's nothing more that we can do-David Bowie

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have a friend with the same exact name ginny! and she has the same problems. it always leaves me baffled. and i find myself doing the same correcting thing people do for my name. i'm like "IT'S GINNY PEOPLE! HOW FREAKIN HARD IS THIS!?" i can usually keep my mouth shut, but it's the people that hear her say her name, and then look at it written, and say something differently. leaves me with a big fat WTF!? written all over my face. :P

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At birth I was supposed to be Chelsea. Only at birth was my name changed to Amelia. So I get teased all the time.

It usually starts with the Amelia Bedelia thing.

And then it goes to Amelia Earhart.

And then when I tell them who I am named after (my great grand mother), they forget. so I usually get called any of the following:

Adrian (I have no idea why)
Amy (which I went by for 3 days back in grade school)
[insert any other A name here]
...and, for some other reason, Janae...

Good luck nick. Or allen. Or neither. Or nallen...:)

If I loved you anymore I would have a stroke

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yeah but your still in high school and you have 1000 jumps, you lucky beotch!
your parents couldve made you wear a dress untill you were 5 and they would still kick ass

lol, i guess you do have a point there :P:)
but as far as the dress goes, when i got my ear pierced, i did have to wear a dress to school for 2 days, and then when my dad realized i was going to keep on wearing it to piss him off, he let me wear normal clothes again.


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