
Is it Friday yet?

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The weather here in NJ is going to SUCK really bad this weekend [:/] It's supposed to rain from Wednesday all the way until next Tuesday. Hopefully the weather people are wrong, and there'll be sunny skies, and plenty of jumping for all B|

I'm hoping those forecasts are wrong, I'm a few jumps away from my 'A' and this weather will really set me back, I HAVE 4 DAYS OFF BRO!!!, time to jump...TIME TO FLY!!!! I hope all this is just a bad dream [:/]
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Jerkface. I was fingering through the posts, saw your little whore there, and i was like "OH MY GOD I LOST TRACK OF TIME I NEED TO GET MY SHIT TOGETHER AND GET READY FOR ONE HELL OF A WEEKEND"
then i was like, oh, damn. i'd better get ready for bed so i can get to work at 6 am. >:(

anyways, thanx for the emotional rollercoaster :P


=========Shaun ==========

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Nope, it can't be Friday yet. Tonight I made a new frame for my new draggable motorcycle/carryon gear bag, and packed my main, and greased up my cables and squished my webbing.

I still have company coming tommorrow night, and laundry to do, and groceries to buy, and cash to get, all before Friday.

So since I"m not done, obviously it's not Friday.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Mandy, will you be there on Saturday? If so, and if I can make it, that will be the day......I'll finally meet you! After 2 years of missing each other at various dz's....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Packing tonight. Leaving for Lodi tomorrow morning. Won't get to Perris til Saturday evening. Man, this is the last time I split a skydiving trip.>:(

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Wow, Mandy....46% of the respondents to your poll think you suck....probably in a NICE way, tho...:)


Tonight I made a new frame for my new draggable motorcycle/carryon gear bag,

Any pics ? I've been working on a detachable framework to carry my gear bag and rig on mine, but nothing final yet. I was thinking of riding it to Rantoul, if i can get it figured out by then.


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no. deffinately not... shit no.. this week is dragging ass....

it could be worse, you could be in the middle of no where Louisiana and all your systems could finally be up and running smoothly so your not likely to get to play hop scotch with trees all day as the blackhawks run you all over hell and back like you did last weekend....

the "maytag man" portion of my job just started....i damn near guarantee it will all keep working all the way thru the weekend and i'll have no good reason for spending the weekend here instead of Perris..>:(
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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My mother grew up in Leesville. No military connection, either. I remember when I was very little walking downtown to the general store to get popsicles and playing in the sand box in my grandparent's back yard.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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For me it almost is. My Friday morning begins at 9:30pm tonight. They pay me a bunch of money to stay up all night and play with computers 4 nights a week. And as a bonus..... I get to talk to people from Europe and Asia whose first language is not english....:)

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its i nice little town, i could see why lots of people retire here, but its pretty much still middle of nowhere for things to do outside of work..

where do you jump? is there a DZ nearby? i didnt bring my rig (12hr/7day shifts wont give me time to play) but i'll be back here on and off for the rest of the year..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Hey Zen have you read the thread that Skymama is going to be at Kapowsin on the 21st of June.... and we need a DZ.Com jump or three.... BoobieCootie is in.... me I will be ready for it... ..... I want to get some of the Little airplane people from Snohomish I jump with to come down and jump out of the big airplanes.:)

Heck it could be a NW DZ.Com record


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if i'm in town i will definitely be in on it, FF, RW or Hybrid.. however i have a hard time planning that far out with the way work is now...i'll drop my boss a note and tell him i need to be in WA then, but thats no guarantee..i'm a slave to the whims of the man for the moment..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Sorry I didn't reply to this yesterday, my server went down.

I live in New Orleans and jump at Gold Coast Skydivers in Moss Point, MS which is only an hour and a half away. I noticed that you are a freeflyer and we have a nice size freefly community made up of some super great folks. You should have someone ship your rig to you and join us.

And as for Sleezeville - it was great when I was 5 years old, but I would go bonkers if I lived there, now. May the force be withyou.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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