
Blue Skies Craig. :(

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I found out a bit ago, but this was just sent out via SD Houston's e-mail list.

Blue skies bro.

***It is with great sadness, that we were informed that Craig Shelton passed
away this morning(tuesday the 10th of june). Craig was a employee of Skydive
Houston for years, alot of behind the scenes type work. We have no further
details but will announce details on his services as soon as we know them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Craig's family and with Cheryl and her

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I just got the email earlier myself. Still don't know what happened.

Craig has been around the DZ on and off for years. Working mainifest, fixing things, being ground crew. He had made a few skydives but never really had the bucks to make it a constant thing. Years ago when I was new and flying my 220, I'd get on the plane, and Craig would get in the truck to come pick me up. :)
He will be missed.

Blue Skies Craig.

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I remember meeting Craig on a Friday when I got off work early to go jump, He was a really nice guy.
Blues Skies, and my best wishes to his family.

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It is supposed to be. It's not something you regret . It's something to aspire to." Mitch Albom

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There seems to be a "Craig" at most dropzones......usually friendly but quiet, blending in, but doing a great deal of work that often goes un-noticed, but which contributes greatly to the smooth running of a DZ.
Craig was a fun and friendly asset to Skydive Houston and it will be difficult to find someone to fill his dusty, hard working shoes.........

Remember that behind the black clouds are blue skies and sunshine........

Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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