
Thank you God...... Have you thanked God lately?

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Thank you God for all my skydiving friends..... :)Thanks for all the soft landings, and for the people who tought me to skydive...
Thanks for watching over that old, tiny C-182 we use at our DZ...
Thanks for these amazing seven years in the sport.

Gracias Papá Dios por este maravilloso deporte.


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Sounds like a lot of speculation on both sides of fence here. saying 'I know' something is the first step to looking stupid. Me I won't rule it out, but wont rule it in either. I'm a fence straddler!

There is such a thing as private revelation. When a person experiences that, there is NO doubt in the existence of God. I am such a person...and I'll leave it at that.



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Just to be the voice of dissent, nope, I haven't thanked God lately. I don't think God exists.

[wears fireproof suit]


My father recently passed, i'm pissed, if he does exist, he is not a good god.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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My father recently passed

I'm sorry to hear that. My sympathies. :(


i'm pissed, if he does exist, he is not a good god.

I agree. If there were in fact an all-powerful being, then the only logical deduction is that he/she/it doesn't give a crap, because there is so much "undeserved" suffering in the world. Maybe I find that thought more revolting than believing that the suffering goes on because there is no God. [:/]

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You think you're happy now...just wait till you have that beautiful little miracle in your hands! :)

A new rig? :D


Just to be the voice of dissent, nope, I haven't thanked God lately. I don't think God exists.

[wears fireproof suit]

Justin I'm with ya on that one.

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jlmiracle, jfields,

I feel sorrow for you feeling the way you do. I remember when I felt the same way. It was such a lonely feeling.

I'm sorry about your father. [:/][:/]:(. I can only imagine. I think about my own father passing some day and it makes me cry just thinking about it. I am so very sorry for your loss. He must have been a great person for you to hurt so much.

We are all children of God.. You can cry to him any time you want. He is allways there for you.


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My father recently passed, i'm pissed, if he does exist, he is not a good god.


Do you want everyone to live forever?

Not forever but the suffering thing really pisses me off, especially when they are a good God fearing, churching going people.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Not forever but the suffering thing really pisses me off, especially when they are a good God fearing, churching going people.

He is in a better place my friend.. Follow his lead "good God fearing, churching going people" and you will see him again when your day comes...

My grandfather was one of my best friends in life. He died of lung cancer. My grandmother whom I loved very much wasn't far behind him. I am not sure if either of them were of faith or not? Saved?

I cry thinking about it. Had I been saved then I could have possibly saved them "shown them the way at least" if they weren't already. I hope they both went to heaven so I can see them again when I go.

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Not forever but the suffering thing really pisses me off, especially when they are a good God fearing, churching going people.


Good, then he is in a way better place than we are now and is not suffering anymore.


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I think, that if there is a god, he doens't see our suffering as a serious issue. Maybe to him/her it's not such a big deal. Good people go through terrible things. To me, the answer is to, rather than live your life for someone else (ie, god), live it for you. Just be a good guy for the sake of being a good guy. In the end it may suck, you may be lonely, you may be happy, you may have a wonderful family. But if you lived a good life, I don't see how a good god can turn you away at the gates should he exist. Just don't knock him now, and he shouldn't have anything against you. Take life for what it is, and live it well, according to your internal values. If I bust my ass and make something happen, I thank me. God isn't gonna walk a pretty girl into my apartment, I have to go out. I don't know, I'm likely rambling here, but it is kinda relevent, in my head.

If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?

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My grandfather was one of my best friends in life. He died of lung cancer. My grandmother whom I loved very much wasn't far behind him. I am not sure if either of them were of faith or not? Saved?

I cry thinking about it. Had I been saved then I could have possibly saved them "shown them the way at least" if they weren't already. I hope they both went to heaven so I can see them again when I go.

Good people getting denied entrance to heaven is crap, and if they do, then I'll gladly go spend the rest of eternity with them.

Rob, if it's there when you get there, they will be too.

If I ventured in the slipstream; Between the via-ducts of your dreams.......could you find me?

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I feel sorrow for you feeling the way you do. I remember when I felt the same way. It was such a lonely feeling.

Actually, I don't find it lonely at all. It actually comforts me.

I am the primary being in charge of my destiny. My life is based on my choices, the choices of others, and a whole lot of randomness. I control what of it I can (my actions), and don't worry about the rest. I'm not worried about whether a supreme being happens to like me or not, or whether I happen to be of the same denomination of that being, or whether I'm praying hard enough or not.

I do not need another person to interpret the alleged actions or directives of an intangible being for me. There are so many conflicting religions, and so much harm done in the name of religion, that I can't believe that any of them are "right" in an absolute sense. Certainly, they can't all be. Yet they all feel equally adamant in their correctness and faith.

I do not need an artificially-contrived diety to be at peace. I'm comfortable with both myself and my place in the world. I do good for its own sake. I find this to be completely satisfying and intellectually consistent with my beliefs.

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I don't see how a good god can turn you away at the gates should he exist.

Not well put. All you have to do is be saved. You can be a great person. If you don't do that one simple thing and get saved you will be turned away. Simple but true.


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I am the primary being in charge of my destiny. My life is based on my choices, the choices of others, and a whole lot of randomness.

Free will.. Yep.. You are right.. We are in control.. But we can also ask God for help. If you don't ask he will never give it to you. Sometimes he does andsometimes he doesn't.. But that is my take.

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