
Kids & DZ..Question for parents

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One of the JM's at our DZ brings his 5 year old son every once in a while.
The boy is everyones favorite. He's completely mad about skydiving, and even wants to do a tandem, but his father (a tandem-master:) won't allow him because he thinks it's inresponsible..

But if yo saw the fire in the eyes of the kid when he walks around the DZ, you would definately be tempted to take him up :)
So keep in mind....bringing kids to the DZ will slowly turn them into skydivers, even though they don't jump...

Also seen a 9 year old boy as a (payd) packer at a DZ once...as long as the kids are happy doing so...why not?

But if they just sit there and act bored, don't take them allong. Waiting all day while they're bored is the worst thing you can do to a kid..
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Is there some whuffo wifeo that will keep an eye on things on your dz, while you are jumping? Seriously, I have kept an eye out for kids that age while the folks are enjoying the day. Everybody on the same dz at the same time, but no sweat for the jumpers, and meals are watched out for, etc. Check it out, I'll bet you'll find a me on your dz, then you can have the best of both worlds. If there were ever need for emergency vehicles, I would take said kids out of the area til things are back to normal, no matter who the emt's had been called to help. Make sure that is part of the agreement.
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I take my kids to the DZ with me but i dont jump if theyre there just for the simple fact that I dont expect anyone to have to look after them!! Yeah Our DZ can get a little wild at times but for the most part its a a pretty good atmosphere!! Hell they see and here worse stuff when we have friends over at our house!;)

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My 11 year old daughter has been going to the DZ regularly since she was 4. She loves the DZ and is very good at helping with the younger kids when their parents are in the air. She explains DZ behavior to new kids on the block and I often see her running after kids that have gone too close to the landing area or the runway.

She was not with me the weekend I broke my femur but I truly wish she had been. I was in CA (Elsinore) and was she at home in Seattle. She was way more freaked out than I think she would have been if she had been there and not 1,500 miles away.

She witnessed a tandem fatality a few years ago and that was hard but we helped her through it by talking a lot about death and the sport. I think the hardest part of that experience for her was the presence of the news crews that were hanging around.


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No Whuffo wifeo. We're an extended family - maybe 100 people there. I do 1 to 10 dives a day, spot for other moms and dads when I'm on the ground - and the kids have spent every weekend on the DZ since birth - so they're not out of their comfort zone. My 9 year old can give all AFF briefings under my supervision - and has done so. She's skydived too - only a couple of tandems. You should see the look on sone testosterone dripping 25 year old man when she says
'When you go through the door, just relax and breathe. If you get into trouble - my dad will show you what to do.":D

The little one - 5 - can only correct students body positions on the trolly to the correct "boxman" and teach hand signals.


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'When you go through the door, just relax and breathe. If you get into trouble - my dad will show you what to do."

The little one - 5 - can only correct students body positions on the trolly to the correct "boxman" and teach hand signals.

Nice to see your kids enjoy the life style but to have a 9 year old brief someone on a jump?

Just like you said your kid has done 2 tandams. She is no instructor and should not be de briefing aff students either. She is a kid.

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I didn't take my kids to the DZ if I didn't have to. For me, going to the DZ was a break away from everything. I understand where airtwardo is coming from. You can't enjoy yourself when you are thinking about the kids in the back of your mind.
My vote is for you to get a nanny for the day. Maybe once in awhile take them out with you, on a day you know you'll only make one or two skydives so they can watch dad jump.
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Hey, I just want to say something about supervision and the extra-curricular activities that happen on some dz's. My bf grew up on the dropzone with both parents jumping. He has acknowledged that while his parents were in the air, he would seek out and participate in activities that 11 year old kids probably shouldn't be exposed to, just because he was bored and the activities were accessible.
So I just wanted to relay a personal experience for those debating. I think its great for kids to see the amazing fun and energy that happens while people are skydiving....personally if I had a pre-teen/ teen, I'd keep an eye on them and things that are happening behind the scenes.

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I have two children and they have both been at the DZ with me. They know the rules, and the boundries of where they are and are not allowed to go. I always remember they are my kids so I only jump if I know one of my friends has them and realizes the magnitude of hoiw fast kids can get into trouble.

Reagarding language etc. my daughter will laugh when she hears a bad word, she knows grownups talk that way sometimes.

My biggest problem with my daughter is that she remembers a story from my first AFF jump where i din't pull and my instructor had to do it, so she loves to tell people her Mommy forgets to pull.
"Cloudy Skies look different through skydivers eyes. Is that a hole in the clouds I see?" Let's get driving!

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Me and my husband bring our kids (6 and 8) to the dz about 95% of the time, due to lack of babysitters. The people at our dz are WONDERFUL with them.

As for the other activities that go on at night.....if they are still awake I know where they can go and where they can't. They're is this wonderful invention.....a TV/VCR with a playstation hook-up....wonderful thing come bed time!!!!!! Run an extension cord right to the tent. Kinda funny when we actually took them just camping at a place with no electric hook-up....they about died when they had to rough it...They said "No TV??"

And both of my kids were there when I was injured. Wasn't a gruesome landing or anything. I have to say that EVERYONE there was tremendous!!!! Just jumped right in and watched/calmed my kids while my hubby came to my side. In turn my kids were very calm. What a difference it made. Skydivers truly are GREAT people!!!

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I had a freefall collision a few years back ( I have a really cool scar on my nose). My kids were there (at the dz) when it happend.
After I landed another jumper saw my blood covered face and without (me) asking, found my kids, I'm a single parent, and explained to them what had happend.
This went a long way when I came up to them. Given my line of work, my kids are pretty educated when it comes to dangerous things and events.
I take my kids to the dz because i have to sometimes, plus they like it.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Got a personal question for ya...The wife and I disagree.

Do / would you take your kid / kids to the dz alone?

Not a comment about 'unsupervised' ankle biters, mine have been around avation all their lives and know the rules...

My concern is if they're at the DZ with only me, and I should get..."hurt" :o

What about them? :|

My honey seems to think it's no big deal, and since I've been jumping for 27 years..."WHAT COULD HAPPEN?" :S

Your thoughts?

So don't get hurt~ if something really bad happened to you it would be very hard on family for a long time regardless.
My real answer would have to be not every kid and not at every DZ. But this is your life and they should be involved in your life to.
I have taken my 9 year old and she likes it and wants to come back more often. I couldn't do that with my 7 year old its her just personality. They get the thumbs up from some of the staff for behavior. If its family style DZ and they can be trusted yes.

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I am a single mother of a five year old, she comes to our DZ every weekend, our kids (Tonto's, mine, Chris's and any others) have a wonderful time running around, playing. I would never consider leaving her at home... what and miss the opportunity of the sun and wind on their faces as opposed to growing up at the age of 11, make up, shopping malls...no thanks!! I'd rather take my chances at the DZ.:ph34r:

Yeah sure the guys get wild and out of hand, but most of the kids are in bed by the time the sun has sunk...exhausted from playing. I have quiet honestly never seen a bored kid at the DZ!

The older kids and other jumpers watch out for your kids while you are in the sky, we all help each other out! As Tonto said, we are an extended family, and I want my daughter part of what I love almost as much as her!;) If I were ever hurt, I know my daughter is in safe hands, were friends will explain to her in a non dramtic way what happened.

I have never seen our kids run onto the DZ, unlike some other adults I know! Anyway just my opinion! Blue skies :)

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