
Where is Sunnydee1?

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Where is sunnydee? anyone heard,,,usually when she posts,,the apple cart gets tipped over and its funny to watch the threads turn a dive in the oppisite direction.....wal;ly

probably organising more pics of herself to plaster around the universe;):P
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I remember her saying that she was going to be at Crosskeys until yesterday. We were suppose to do some jumps but the weather was crappy.

She's probably on her way to the next tour location. B|

Perhaps she will grace us with a post or two tonight. ;)

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HEY....................away a few days and all of a sudden everyone is picking on me :(....but I'm sure it is just because everyone misses me ;)

So tell me all of you weren't a big "gung-ho" when you first came into the sport? :o I am having a ton of fun and can't get enough. I am fortunate to have friends and family all over so I can travel but believe me - the tour is coming to an end. I'M ONE BROKE MO'FUNKY ~ but still smiling.

Heading to Chicago for Summerfest and then Richmond for Labor Day and I won't start any more countdowns :(

YA BIG BULLY'S..................Hugs to all! D

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bla bla bla.... who cares.....

Geez...I found Sunnydee's posts entertaining myself. Yes, she is a whirlwind, but she is also full of positive vibes.

geezzzzzzzz.... maybe I'm just pretending to be annoyed at Phree about his boogie filled summer.... maybe, just maybe thats why I try to make lame jokes at hime every time he posts about WFFC?... maybe, but maybe I'm wrong....:P

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