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Polygamy, polyandry, and other group efforts are all ways to define family units. That's all. If polygamy is legalized, then the others should be too. As it is, there are no laws against living that way, only against calling it marriage.....it's their business

grrr forum hickuped and my post vanished into the ether..
I really like the way you think Wendy..

there are variations on the theme , but its primarily a family marriage, where each individual agrees (vows) to raise and care for all offspring irrgaurdless of who the mother/father really is...certainly there are issues to overcome, however with rational adults its a very supportive community environment..

there is a good discussion of how this could work in Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and some of the difficulties that can arise in Friday as well as several other accepted social norms that have no real basis beyond religious leftovers...

Science Fiction has always been a great medium to examine and challenge accepted social norms and concepts..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Can you explain the "tax break"? Last I checked, we were paying more for being married, not less.

In terms of taxes, if you both make decent money, you pay more. The wife and I are in that category now. If only one works, the other is a dependant, and therefore a tax "writeoff". You pay less taxes. Each child adds another dependant. It follows that if polygamy were legalized, each wife and child would be a dependant. If no limits were placed on it, you could keep deducting more and more dependants until you paid no taxes.

This does NOT mean that you can net more money than you gross. For one thing, they are deductions, not something the IRS actually pays for. For another, for most the deduction is far less than it actually costs to keep them healthy and happy.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Although, with the new "Child credit" it could get expensive for Uncle Sam. Since this is a $400 CREDIT (i think 400) NOT deduction. So, theoretically you could net more than you gross!!


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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In the scheme of things, $400 isn't much though it would seem to be to kids and college students.

I know that both my wife and I work. I make a lot, she makes little. Since we are married, she pays at the same tax rate I do. If we were single and living together, she'd pay almost nothing in taxes and get all those freebies that non-taxpayers get that I pay for. I believe that also included some of the $400 credits to people that don't pay any tax.

There is not a break for being married, just the opposite. I see T-leg's point, except it's a hypothethical and not in practice.

Instead of the credit, I'd rather have seen larger across the board cuts and a more streamlined government. Also, rules for the cuts to NOT allow the local and state governments to increase their taxes to offset my national cut. Also, equal tax rates for married people as the single types get.

Blue Skies

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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OK, what is the fed rate for a single person making over 100K? Now, let's say they get married, and the wife makes 40K. What is the rate for Household income of 140K?

Here it is!!!!
Single making 100K your taxes would be:
14625 + 30% (difference over 67,700)
14625 + (.3 x 32300)
=24.31% Tax

Married jointly filing. using example above. with 140K combined income.
tax is:
24,265 + 30% Diff over 112,850
24,265 + (.3 x 27,150)
24,265 + (8145)
= 23.25%

Percentage wise it seems to check out

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Polygamy comes from older subsistence cultures, where people depended on the crops they grew, or the herds they tended. With a life like that, one husband/provider for several wives and many children could make sense. Things like having a tent over your head and a meal in your belly are more important than the emotional concerns of sharing your husband with several other women. And that's still what a lot of polygamy in the third world is about.

In the U.S., there's the problem of underage girls being coerced into arranged polygamous "marriages". A lot of these girls are simply underage, period. They haven't even had an opportunity to date a boy (or discover sex with a boy) their own age. Instead they're bundled off into a "marriage" with some horny old bastard, where they're the youngest wife in the pecking order. The horny old bastard keeps fucking her and the other wives take out their resentments on her and give her all the shit work to do. And oh yeah, she not only has to fuck the old coot and have his babies, she's supposed to obey him too. Doesn't sound too cool to me. Sounds more like a ritualized system of child abuse.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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It's impractical. The current legal contract called marriage will have to be rebuilt almost completely to accomodate polygamy. For instance:

Man A is married to woman B, who is married to man C. What is the relationship between man A and man C? Now consider that B and C have a child. B and C get divorced. Is man A responsible for the child? does man C have to pay alimony? What if the chain is longer? What if we have man A - woman B - man C - woman D - man E, etc etc? What if man A and man C are brothers? What if man A is the father of man C?

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Polygamy comes from older subsistence cultures, where people depended on the crops they grew, or the herds they tended. With a life like that, one husband/provider for several wives and many children could make sense. Things like having a tent over your head and a meal in your belly are more important than the emotional concerns of sharing your husband with several other women. And that's still what a lot of polygamy in the third world is about.

In the U.S., there's the problem of underage girls being coerced into arranged polygamous "marriages". A lot of these girls are simply underage, period. They haven't even had an opportunity to date a boy (or discover sex with a boy) their own age. Instead they're bundled off into a "marriage" with some horny old bastard, where they're the youngest wife in the pecking order. The horny old bastard keeps fucking her and the other wives take out their resentments on her and give her all the shit work to do. And oh yeah, she not only has to fuck the old coot and have his babies, she's supposed to obey him too. Doesn't sound too cool to me. Sounds more like a ritualized system of child abuse.

I'm gonna stir this pot but good...

...sounds like Islam.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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How could any man deal with more than one woman and come out of it sane? :S I do believe that
sufficiently large doses of overly emotional, illogical reasoning can and will eventually damage the brain of a man. ;)
How could any man WANT this? This isnt to say its strange to want SEX with more than 1 woman but thats not what we are talking about.

A man would have to be insane to want this, and therefore as a non-sane type, shouldnt really be marrying even 1 woman let alone several.

He should also be sterilized so as to not pass on his obviously mutated or otherwise damaged DNA via the freak woman thats ok with all this:P

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I vote for making Clay marry all of his ex-girlfriends. This would make an example of him for the rest of us and the issue will be dropped forever:ph34r:

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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not really sure what you all are debating cuz I haven't read anything but the thread title but if Polygamy is to have more than one woman at your beck and call... hell, yeah! I am all for it! :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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That also means AT LEAST Twice the bitching and moaning, and twice the spending of your money.

Think about this:
Women who spend a great deal of time together tend to sync up their menstral cycles. Can you imagine having 5 or 6 women in the house with PMS all at the same time???

I think I would FUCKING kill myself!

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Ok long break my time zone is out of sync with you guys.

In essence it was the principle of commune type environment. More or less long term commitments, not "swinging" where the sole purpose appears to be sex (I am an outsider on this so that might be false).
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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