
Fair and Balanced

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> Let's see some examples of FoxNews bein unfair and unbalanced.

One example from FAIR:
During the White House transition in January, one story proved irresistible to many conservative pundits: Departing Clinton staffers had gone on a wild rampage and "trashed" or "vandalized" the White House, even looting Air Force One. . . .
An official government investigation, however, reveals one major problem with these stories: They apparently never happened. Leading the cry against the trashing of the White House was the Fox News Channel.

> Rush is entertaining on occasion - much like Al Franken to some people.

Yep. Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken, Michael Moore - all relatively smart people who use their intelligence to make large amounts of money by writing books (and producing programming) that people like to read. I find it funny that people get mad at Rush. It's like getting mad at Howard Stern for being rude. Rush, like most other extremist commentators, makes his money by _being_ extreme. It's not like he's a reputable news source that people listen to when they want unbiased commentary.

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Speaking of this thread.......I bought a "Chicago Tribune" in the airport today. It had a story about North Korea and some terrorism stuff I wanted to read. Man was I dissappointed. What a freakin Leftist Rag that newspaper is. They leaned so far to the left it kept falling off my tray on the plane. I'll never buy another.... [:/]

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I am really glad that I can get some of my news from CBC out of Vancouver BC.. a decidedly different view.....you get lots of hockey stories too;)

I also watch BBC or listen to it whenever I can.

We have lost a lot of any sympathy overseas that we may have had after Sept 11.....this will haunt us for a VERY long time in the eyes of the world.. but then again... with all the good ole UGLY AMERICAN attitude that has shown itself in spades recently....it will be hard to travel outside this country for a very long time.[:/]

We would be very well served to pay attention to what the world perceives of us.
Perception is reality in most peoples minds.


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What's funny about the statement you just said is, that is what the BBC, and CBC wants you to believe. 2 state run, state influenced foriegn media outlets.

I do not in anyway believe that foriegn media is an example of how the VAST majority of the civilized world thinks.

I know the media in the USA doesn't influence me, right or left. I am perfectly capable of seeing a situation from both sides, and determining my oppinions and views from my experience and good judgement.

So, in the near future we need to be afraid of going to Canada or England? I doubt it. Going to Jordan or Syria however, is probably not advised.

Rational people can draw rational conclusions. I doubt very much that the majority of the people in countries such as England, or Canada dislike us as much as the BBC or CBC want them too. If those two broadcast companies were infact able to brainwash all their citizens though and we became afraid to travel to those countries... what would happen to their economies?????

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Rush is not fat.

Liberals are not in power. Their frustration with that is all too obvious.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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that is what the BBC, and CBC wants you to believe. 2 state run, state influenced foriegn media outlets.

Yea... and the fatc that CTV, TVA, Global (all Canadain non-state owned media), Channel 4, ITV (non-state UK media) pretty much have similar views are also non-representative because they are foreign, right?


I do not in anyway believe that foriegn media is an example of how the VAST majority of the civilized world thinks.

Think again.


such as England, or Canada dislike us as much as the BBC or CBC want them too

The Media doesnt want us to dislike you (then again, maybe they have a personal vendetta against you... did you write letters to them?). And its not a case of disliking you, but really disliking the US policies and goverment. As Amazon said, any amount of good will that was generated by 9/11 is pretty much gone as a result of the US recent actions. If you guys dont realize that, you need to get some more global views of things. If you dont care, then stop trying to defend you stance.

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One example from FAIR:
During the White House transition in January, one story proved irresistible to many conservative pundits: Departing Clinton staffers had gone on a wild rampage and "trashed" or "vandalized" the White House, even looting Air Force One. . . .
An official government investigation, however, reveals one major problem with these stories: They apparently never happened. Leading the cry against the trashing of the White House was the Fox News Channel.

Fox reported that their earlier reporting was not correct.

Being in the minority is a new feeling for liberals.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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What's funny about the statement you just said is, that is what the BBC, and CBC wants you to believe. 2 state run, state influenced foriegn media outlets.

I'll disagree with the BBC being influenced by the UK government. Have you read about the Hutton inquiry and the way the BBC was attacking the government? That's not the thing to do.

Martin Bell wrote a piece in the Sunday Herald that's worth a read if you have time.



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any amount of good will that was generated by 9/11 is pretty much gone as a result of the US recent actions.

Can you explain some of these "recent actions"


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Can you explain some of these "recent actions"

Of course!

The US acted for its own interest that had little to do with fighting world terrorism and went to war on false pretenses. Pretty scary that you need a foreigner to explain it to you though....

Though many contries were not too keen on the Afgan invasion, they nonetheless agreed it was a justified course of action. The same cant be said about the IRAQ invasion and occupation.

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Disagreeing with the government doesn't mean that they are not influenced by them. As you know the the BBC has many reporters, and many stories, and not ALL of them have to support the Governments decisions. All I said was that the BBC was a government run media outlet which is true.

Example: Bill O'reilly pretty well known for being a conservative and a strong supporter of Bush has recently been criticizing Bush for the way he has not updated the public on the WMD situation. That wouldn't make Bill a Liberal would it? No, It just means in this instance he does not agree with Bush.


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Did England come to Iraq with us?
Was Spain on the US side?

I would beg to differ with your assessment, and I would say some contries like FRANCE, Germany, and China acted in their own interest not going to IRAQ. Don't be blind to both sides of the situation. You can not dissagree with the fact that those countries had pretty sweet business deals going with Iraq.


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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carefull storm...the last time I took a stand on the buisness deals that Iraq had with france, or Germany, or russia the flame throwers were loaded....
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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FRANCE, Germany, and China acted in their own interest not going to IRAQ.

Never dissagreed with you. But its one thing to not go to war because thats in your best interest, and going to war on false pretences. Maybe you dont agrre, and there lies the issue.


Did England come to Iraq with us?

And Blair will probably pay for this by lossing his political carreer.


Was Spain on the US side?

Yes they're goverment was. Not too sure they will survice the backlash either. The Spanish population was very ,much opposed to it.

Again, yes, some goverments were on with US side. But in the western hemisphere, most of the populations were very much opposed to this war, and the result will probably be that next elections, most of the govs that were pro-US will be replaced by ones that are less so. But it doemst look like the US gov cares about that anyways.

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You make the statement "False pretences" but what I think people in the USA forget, and people in the rest of the world don't realize or have not heard is the "Intelligence scandle" prior to 9/11.

Intelligence is not always what it seems. This has always been the case. Let me fill you in on a bit of what happened after 9/11.

People were going crazy looking for answers blaming both sides. There is still an ongoing investigation on whether the administration had knowledge about an attack or not. But, the Pres was being blamed for having information which may or may not have been credible that there were going to be attacks in the US. Now, Bush did not act on that intelligence, and 9/11 happened.
A couple years later some more intel comes is, credible or not who knows. Bush being scared that if he doesn't act, and something happens he is in deep shit. We knew from past evidence Iraq had some nasty stuff, and they were willing to use it, and new intel (good or bad) was showing this again.

It is a unique situation which I don't think the world can appreciate, however, put yourself in the administrations shoes and I would like to see what you would do. I tend to believe you would respond by saying "I wouldn't have gone to Iraq". Maybe that is true, but with the intel and info which our administration had I don't know that you could say that with certainty


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Did England come to Iraq with us?
Was Spain on the US side?

I would beg to differ with your assessment, and I would say some contries like FRANCE, Germany, and China acted in their own interest not going to IRAQ. Don't be blind to both sides of the situation. You can not dissagree with the fact that those countries had pretty sweet business deals going with Iraq.

Chris, I really think you should try and get information from more sources than just the American news, whether it is ABC, CBS, CNN or Fox. You will find that things are being reported much differently in many other countries.

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Interesting. Let's see some examples of FoxNews bein unfair and unbalanced. I'd love to hear about them. I've heard Sheppard Smith, Bill O'Reilly, and even Sean Hannity bash the Bush Administration, so PLEASE don't embarrass yourself by calling them administration mouthpieces.

I've yet to hear anyone call someone who disagrees with FoxNews anti-American - where exactly do you get that point of logic?

Not to mention that on O'Reilly, for one, he never totally bashes anyone. He'll argue his point, and when the conversation is over, he'll shrug, say "I disagree with you, but that's your opinion", and let it slide. Other programs are similar. The discussions may become heated, but it's always fair and balanced in the fact that everyone is allowed to state their opinion, whether someone else disagrees or not.

Blondes do have more fun!

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Disagreeing with the government doesn't mean that they are not influenced by them. As you know the the BBC has many reporters, and many stories, and not ALL of them have to support the Governments decisions. All I said was that the BBC was a government run media outlet which is true.

Sorry but there is no elected member of parliament responsible for running the BBC. It is not government run. It does derive it's funding from government in the form of taxation (the TV and radio license) that is then handed over to the director general. That is why there is no commercial advertising on the BBC but there is on the independant stations with no government funding.


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Sorry but there is no elected member of parliament responsible for running the BBC. It is not government run. It does derive it's funding from government in the form of taxation (the TV and radio license) that is then handed over to the director general. That is why there is no commercial advertising on the BBC but there is on the independant stations with no government funding.


....That we know of...

Do you really think that the government would reveal every little thing it does or is an influance with?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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carefull storm...the last time I took a stand on the buisness deals that Iraq had with france, or Germany, or russia the flame throwers were loaded....

I think when liberals ask us to look at both sides, they mean left and lefter. If you make a good case for the right they start name calling. If they were only as tolerant as they want everyone else to be....

never pull low......unless you are

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Not to mention that on O'Reilly, for one, he never totally bashes anyone. He'll argue his point, and when the conversation is over, he'll shrug, say "I disagree with you, but that's your opinion", and let it slide. Other programs are similar. The discussions may become heated, but it's always fair and balanced in the fact that everyone is allowed to state their opinion, whether someone else disagrees or not.

Bill O'Reilly always gives the other person the last word. I've never seen that done on CNN.

never pull low......unless you are

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Chris, I really think you should try and get information from more sources than just the American news, whether it is ABC, CBS, CNN or Fox. You will find that things are being reported much differently in many other countries.

I hear Al Jazeera (sp?) is fair and balanced.

never pull low......unless you are

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Chris, I really think you should try and get information from more sources than just the American news, whether it is ABC, CBS, CNN or Fox. You will find that things are being reported much differently in many other countries.

I hear Al Jazeera (sp?) is fair and balanced.

Le Monde diplomatique is doing a good job too, along with, Berliner Zeitung(they both look at both sides equally)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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