
GWB Staffers = Lack of imagination?

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If you have a problem, identify a potential solution. It looks like they are trying to do that.

Maybe they should change their strategy to identify a potential GOOD solution.

What exactly have they done to try to fix the situation other than ask for help from other countries, but when they say, ok, if you turn over the reigns to the UN, and we say no. Then when we get no help we say we're still not going to expand our efforts there.

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The problem is I don't see them identifying viable solutions...

The CENTCOM commander says the problems are lack of cooperation from the Iraqi people and insufficient intelligence... how do you address these problems? In the short term the answer is more resources, i.e. troops.

I do think they understand that, but they continue to sing the "our current troop strength is sufficient" song... but continue to ask for more international support (troops) for the operation.

And they can't figure out why other countries won't send them? Because a large part of the world says, "you didn't want our input before the war, now you want our troops? Screw you."

The US is unklikely to relenquish any authority to the UN, so it will be up to us, and that will ultimately mean more troops.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I don't think it was a matter of not thinking, just not thinking it all the way through. The war still would have (IMO, should have) still happened, only with more thought put into the planning for the aftermath.

Saddam needed to go, daddy Bush knew it, Clinton knew it (but didn't have the political cajones to do anything about it), and GWB knew it too.

In the end, I think the region will be better off for Saddam being ousted, but there is a LONG and rough road before we get there.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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Saddam needed to go, daddy Bush knew it, Clinton knew it (but didn't have the political cajones to do anything about it), and GWB knew it too.

But Clinton didn't need to do it to get re-elected. Amazes me as an outsider to see the right going on about Clinton - but he won both elections clearly - and was not appointed by the supreme court.

It's the year of the Pig.

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You are correct that Clinton won both elections... but in neither election did he gain a majority of the popular vote. Ross Perot was a spoiler in both elections. The majority of the voters in the country voted for someone other than Clinton.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>Fantastic. More people voted for him than any other candidate.
>Talk about pedantic semantics.

Uh, you do realize that that's how people win elections, right? If there are 3 people running, and 1 gets 40% of the vote, 1 gets 25% and 1 gets 15%, the guy who gets 40% wins. (In a popular election; with the electoral college it's the guy who gets the most electoral votes.)

It may be pedantic, but it's exactly how our system works.

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That's not a first in our history... so long as the electoral college exisits, it will happen again...


I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with the coup pulled off by the supreme court. Where is their role defined in the electoral process?

It is indeed the first time that the electoral college was directed how to vote by the judiciary.

But...this is way off topic, and old news.

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The US is unklikely to relenquish any authority to the UN, so it will be up to us, and that will ultimately mean more troops.


Hmmmm, more troops, I think I remember that refrain from about 37 years in Southeast Asia. GWB had no business barging into Iraq and now he's going to get his ass handed to him and he deserves it.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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think I remember that refrain from about 37 years in Southeast Asia.

Yeah, but back then we were trying to minimize civilian casualties, there weren't many "battles" more of a guerilla war, and were trying to liberate the people who were shooting at us.

It's obviously a completely different scenario.

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>>Seriously? Not possible? <<

I agree with you, Quade. This is a pet peeve of mine. Our entire nation suffers from a serious lack of imagination that leaves us open to all kinds of attacks. The individual citizens of our nation suffer from a lack of imagination that leaves them open to criminal attack all the time, and as a collective, we do the same thing.

It drives me nuts when people say that no one could have imagined that someone would fly a plane into the WTC. Hell, I could have imagined it. I think I even saw a movie trailer where it happened (different target - maybe White House?).

Every time I hear a crime victim's account, it seems to contain some variation of "I couldn't believe it was happening." Well, it was. And for those of you who don't think it can happen to you, I disagree with you.

Rant off.



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>I think I even saw a movie trailer where it happened (different target - maybe White House?).

It was the subject of a Tom Clancy book (flying a jet into the Capital Building) YEARS before it happened.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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>>Seriously? Not possible? <<

I agree with you, Quade. This is a pet peeve of mine. Our entire nation suffers from a serious lack of imagination that leaves us open to all kinds of attacks. The individual citizens of our nation suffer from a lack of imagination that leaves them open to criminal attack all the time, and as a collective, we do the same thing.

Thta't because the US K-12 educational system punishes kids with imagination.

Good job we are exporting it to the rest of the world.:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>I think I even saw a movie trailer where it happened (different target - maybe White House?).

It was the subject of a Tom Clancy book (flying a jet into the Capital Building) YEARS before it happened.

***In fact...It was actually attempted once before,
during the Nixon Administration...in '71 I think.

The plot was foiled by some airport cop...that just happened to be a great shot ! :D

True Story!

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>>It was the subject of a Tom Clancy book (flying a jet into the Capital Building) YEARS before it happened. <<

Thanks! Tom Clancy should be proud that I thought it was from a movie trailer. Pretty good writing, if it left that clear an image.


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>Seriously? Not possible? NOBODY talking with GWB thought there
>would be any resistance?

Geez, next thing you know, they'll be saying that a limited police action will probably be successful; there's no evidence that's failed in the past.

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